Swine Flu affecting your area?


I was just wondering what areas have been affected by swine flu. Fort Worth ISD (Texas) just announced schools will be closed until at least May 8. That is 140 campuses(80,000 students). They have one confirmed case and 3 possible cases. What are the families who both parents work going to do? The school district does not want the children to go to day cares, not that the day cares could handle that many students any way. Is there anything going on like this in your area?

I live in Southern California, theyre looking at 4 possible cases right now, some schools are closed, but I havent heard anything else today since Obama's speech.
I live in the greater San Francisco bay area. A high school in town (I live in the Santa Cruz mountains) has closed with a confirmed case. Our principal & teachers had a meeting this afternoon about a closure -- they feel it's coming, it's just a matter of when (of course we have just started state testing!!).

Closest we have here is 4 confirmed in Chicago area. I am 2 hours south.

How realistic is it for parents to keep kids out of day care. At my work we get 13 hours sick time a quarter. You get written up for more. If school is closed until the 8th, most people have no choice but to find day care.
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I work in a hospital microbiology lab in north central PA. Yesterday the phone wouldn't stop ringing with questions regarding testing for the virus. We've ordered more flu test kits (although this is only a screen and the state lab will have to confirm any positives we get.) No positives yet, but I'm sure it's just a matter of time. We've been wearing masks and gloves to handle the specimens and doing the test in a biological cabinet.

Wash your hands!!!!
One confirmed case in Michigan. No schools closed, but the Health Department has a plan that will quickly be put in place to close if needed.

All of our students (as of yesterday) are required to wash hands upon entering the classrooms and upon re-entry (after recess or music class, etc.) and after bathroom use.

As a teacher I am not sure how I am going to monitor this, but the kids understand the seriousness (without being dramatic or an alarmist, of course) of the situation. Hand sanitizer is also a recommended form of sanitization, which the kids prefer, since it is faster.
Scary stuff!

In our little state of Delaware there are 10 "probable" cases just waiting to be confirmed at the University of Delaware which is only 10 minutes from my house!!!

My 3-year old woke up Wednesday at 2:30 am with fever, vomiting and coughing. Needless to say I was on the phone to his doctor in the morning but it took me an hour to get through (they are getting swamped with calls). She said if he wasn't better by today, to bring him in but luckily my little guy is back to normal already. Thank goodness!
In our little state of Delaware there are 10 "probable" cases just waiting to be confirmed at the University of Delaware which is only 10 minutes from my house!!!

My 3-year old woke up Wednesday at 2:30 am with fever, vomiting and coughing. Needless to say I was on the phone to his doctor in the morning but it took me an hour to get through (they are getting swamped with calls). She said if he wasn't better by today, to bring him in but luckily my little guy is back to normal already. Thank goodness!

I'm glad that your little one is feeling better!

I live in Delaware County, PA and there are 2 probable cases here. We are fastidious hand washers in this house, but I'm a college student in Philadelphia and my daughter is exposed to lots of kids in middle school. They had vaccines in the 70s, and I'm not sure how things are going with vaccines now, but as soon as they are available, my husband will be first in line as he's active duty military.
They have a couple probably cases here in Chicagoland, and actually closed one of the Chicago Pub Schools yesterday. They never, ever close CPS, so that is out of the ordinary. We don't live in the city, and most of the cases have been in the city, the north and northwest suburbs. We're south. We did get a ltr home from school yesterday encouraging hand washing, covering your mouth when you sneeze/cough, etc. DUH!

I live near Cleveland, Ohio, and we have only one confirmed case, a little boy who went to Mexico to visit relatives. There were about a dozen cases that they just announced were NOT swine flu. I have only seen one catholic school close for a possible case.
I live in upstate NY and nothing here that I know about. However, I have 2 very close friends who went to Mexico on vacation a couple of weeks ago--before all this happened--and they should be back soon. They opted to stay there. No welcome back kisses or handshakes or even visits for at least 2 weeks after their return.
I've been panicking....running circles around my house and screaming. I'll be at Madison Square Garden on Saturday.....in a big ol' hazmat suit. I might run around and scream too.
LOL Beavs!

We have an unconfirmed sickie in Park City, UT. They closed all the schools in the area.
We in Southern UT aren't panicking yet!:rolleyes:
Let me preface this by saying that naturally I don't like to see anyone suffer, mentally or physically, and certainly something like this is unsettling. I wish everyone well.

I do find it all terribly fascinating though. The shift in the viral DNA, the way it spreads, the protocols created to limit the damage...it's interesting.

Of course, I don't work in a job that deals with large numbers of people or a micro lab, so it's easy for me to sit back and watch with curiosity.

is in Houston on business for the last 24 hours and will be flying home tonight!

One confirmed case here in MI but no school closings yet. This is my son's last year at the school he has attended for 8 years and there is so much going on and planned - concerts, track meets, graduation . .
I've been panicking....running circles around my house and screaming. I'll be at Madison Square Garden on Saturday.....in a big ol' hazmat suit. I might run around and scream too.

ROTFLMAO!! Boy, that's going to be one good workout in the hazmat suit :D

We have one confirmed case in Arizona as of yesterday. A 8-year-old boy who has since recovered. They closed the school the boy attended. 20 suspected samples have been sent to the CDC.
None in Rhode Island that I know of yet, but I just got back from vacation late last night. Have been keeping up with the news, but they haven't mentioned little 'ole R.I.!

Stay safe - wash your hands frequently, if you think you or someone in your household is sick, STAY HOME and call your doctor! Carry an extra large can of Lysol everywhere you go! (especially work if you have people in your office like mine who are rude and don't cover their mouths when they cough, or wash their hands, and chew on papers then try to hand them to you! Yuck!)

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