Swine Flu affecting your area?

Posted earlier that we had some "probable" cases here in Delaware. They have now been confirmed. One of the infected people is a friend of my 21 y/o son. His blood work was back today - confirmed it was the Swine Flu. He is very, very ill.
My sister works in a doctor's office and was talking about people calling and asking about a swine flu vaccine, some of the same people who declined the vaccine for the common flu which kills 30,000+ people per season I was reading. I dont get the "logic" there.

I think the media should tone down the hype a bit personally. Here where I live the big news of "2 probable cases" turned out to be totally negative but the news reported that as "2 negative cases but dozens more possible". Report something worthwhile!
overblown and overhyped (I hope!)

I'm a nurse practitioner in a western Iowa town, we have a large Hispanic population who frequently will go home to Mexico for a few weeks and return. So we're definitely on the lookout here but (knock on wood) nothing so far and hope it stays that way. It's also interesting to watch the hog markets...the cost for a feeder pig (baby) and for a market weight hog (big!!!) is now the same as the market has tanked as people (at least in the markets) have equated swine flu with dangerous food supply...which of course is not true, at least unless you ask Paris Hilton who supposedly said she wasn't worried about the swine flu because she doesn't eat pork!
Bottom line, we have the flu every year, new strains come around frequently from which people only have part immunity, so prevention is no different for this one...WASH WASH WASH!!!! I was watching the news and they had a report on the cleaning the schools were doing...not really disinfecting things IMO anyway!
if you're sick stay home :D
take care
I know the little girl in the picture!

I am laughing about the picture. I got that one in an email but then I just found out its a picture of my sister in law as a child. ( she is grown with children now) We were at a party together for her son and my sisters son today and we all figured out how much it had spread. her brother posted it on facebook and the rest is history.
And her parents were there too and confirmed it and were shocked that its spread around so quick....probably quicker then the actual flu. Although I think she has a few words for her brother now!
Well, I for one, ordered the "Moons Over My Hammy" at Denny's the other day, without the "hammy" of course.

yeah, i live in new braunfels and all the schools in NB and schertz are closed. i think it is stupid. like these kids are gonna stay home and away from each other. RIGHT! they're all just gonna go to the mall or here in NB, schlitterbahn. i think it is gettin' too much publicity. and gettin' way blown up. but, that is just my opnion. but, what are the parents who work supposed to do?
ROFLOL!!!! where did you find that picture? that is tooooo funny. and i have just the 2 yr old grandson who would do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TOO FUNNY!
Our area is returing to school tomorrow after spring break. Our school district sent out a robo call tonight stating that all children who traveled to any areas affected by flu, to report to the nurse's office after arriving to school in the morning. My dh said, "duh, what's that going to do, after they all just rode the bus to school together?". I had to chuckle, cause I didn't even think of it. The other issue is, all the reports are saying it can take up to seven days to show any signs of illness, so the random checking of every child may not even show potential illness.

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