"Supersize Me"


Wow! Has anyone seen this documentary yet? Just came out on DVD/video this week and we watched it last night...it's really wild! This guy's in great shape to start out with, decides to see what will happen if he eats nothing but McDonald's for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a month straight, eating nothing else, and cutting his exercise to just what the "average American" gets, which isn't much. He gains 24 pounds and his total cholesterol goes up almost 100 points...AND...he's dangerously close to liver failure...guess it's not that much of a surprise that eating nothing but fast food could do some damage, but it's just amazing to see how much...even the team of docs he had were amazed! Anybody else seen it yet? :)

Hey TerriMia!!! Wow is right!! I took my 3 daughters (age 15,13 and 10) to see SuperSize Me this summer and we think it should be required viewing for students in High School (JMO):). I haven't set foot in a fast food restaurant since early 2000 and will never again, I didn't set out to do this just realised one day that it had been a couple of years and I certainly didn't miss it so why bother, as I say to my kids all of the time "Garbage in Garbage out!". I know that occasionally 'fast food happens' when my kids are out with friends but I am very comfortable with my personal choice.
This movie is the food for thought that chronically mindless consumers have needed for far too long. It sends a strong message and has initiated much debate which can only empower the wise consumer. Glad you enjoyed it.

Take Care

I saw it in the cinema and thought it was great. It makes you realise what you're putting into your body and the damage being done. But i'm saying this as i'm sitting here drinking a diet Vanilla Coke!


I've been lokoking forward to seeing it. I didn't know it was available for rental now. I think I'll pck it up this weekend. It sounds like it's really eye opening.

"If I had known I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself".

This always cracks me up.



p.s. Message on headstone reads: "I told you I was sick"


I took my kids when we were in Michigan and my junk food junkie middle child actually declined to eat Micky D's in the airport on the way home. We eat it no more than once a week. Or they do. There's no type of grease I find very appealing. What facinated me was how Morgan came to only feel good when he got his fix of McDonald's food. Also, and I won't spoil this, what happened the first time he got the offer to Supersize.

Madonna, you are so good natured and funny! I love you too!
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver

Laurie...my sentiments exactly! lol...I've been trying to eat cleaner (and to get hubby and my 14-year-old son to eat cleaner) for a long time, anyway...you're sooo right...the movie really does send out a pretty powerful message...I know I'll definitely think twice before "fast fooding" it!!!

Bobbi...that really WAS something, what happened the first time he got the offer to Supersize, LOL...and how about that "Big Mac enthusiast" guy?

I've got a junk food junkie middle schooler too (14-year-old boy)...only mine actually reheated some White Castles when we were through watching the movie! LOL

I have got to see this movie! I have wanted to, but just didnt' get around to it this summer. Thanks for sharing info about how great it is!


I read about this...I think in the Washington Post...awhile ago but have not seen the movie. It sure helped me make a few decisions even in just reading the article.

I'm gonna have to see the movie.

Uh, from what I read this guy ate something like 5,000 to 5,500 calories per day. If you do that and don't exercise you will get fat eating ANYWHERE and ANYTHING. I certainly will never condone eating fast-food all of the time because I myself rarely eat it. But I do think this movie was a little unfair to McDonald's. Check out their menu and tell me you don't have to really gorge to get 5,500 calories into your body per day off of their food.
I think this smacks of a sort of "reality tv" kind of sensationalism and also seems to try to blame corporations for the fact that some people cannot stop shoveling food into their mouths.
I bet I could exercise as I do right now, which is VERY intensely, and eat three average sized meals per day at McDonald's and not get fat. My blood work would look like hell, and I wouldn't feel that great I am sure, but I bet I wouldn't be fat.
The famous ex-football player Herschel Walker had a great physique and ate nothing but fast-food while playing at Georgia.
Again, I am not condoning eating junk food all the time but I do think this movie went about it the wrong way in trying to prove a point. Staying in shape is not just about what you eat but also about HOW MUCH you eat.....of ANY kind of food.
Go 24!

Hi Trevor :) Definitely "food for thought" (sorry, couldn't resist, ha!) I agree that eating 5,000 calories a day of ANYthing is gonna put the weight on, no doubt about it! The movie was a bit eye-opening for me in regard to the actual organ damage this guy was starting to suffer...couldn't believe the effect it all had on his liver! That said, though, the biggest thing I took away from this movie was "everything in moderation"...common sense, really, but so hard to apply sometimes! :)

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