Suggestions? - Muscle Endurance

Another lone vote for Power Hour!

I really love Power Hour and would love to see another version. However, the circuit does sound intriguing. And, since I'm in the minority I suspect it will be circuit style. Both sound great. I like the 60 minute time frame. Sometimes the 70-75 minute workout is hard to fit in in the morning.
The circuit idea sounds awesome! I'm not big on muscle endurance workouts most of the time, but this one intrigues me. Of course, I will buy all of the new tapes anyway ;-)!!!
I agree with many other posts in that I don’t like 4-limb compound exercises. I would rather do balance-type or directional change moves.

I love the circuit version – I think I would like to try three 10-minute total body circuits.

My suggestions would be to include speed-skating type moves (pushing off from side-to-side), pinwheel lunges. Desie
I would love another Power Hour, but think I vote for the Circuit concept too just to have a different approach to choose from. But I'd love it if you choreographed the weight work to go with the music as well as you did w/Power Hour in the Circuit workout. And I missed the specific weight suggestions on the breaks in PH. My brain never remembers the weights barbell weights I use from one workout to another, but when you tell me what you use, I can always gauge what I can handle from that. -- Renee
I would like a combo of both. 6 cycles, but one body part each. I like to completely fatigue one muscle group before moving onto the next, and I love the sequence you have used in the past of: Legs, Chest, Back, Delts, Bis, Tris. This is wonderful. But I like the idea of doing all step ups for a given amount of time, then all lateral raises for a given amount, but as a rule, I can't focus on form as well when doing compound movements, so I personally would like to keep each exercise seperate. Thanks!
I agree with the majority... the circuit style sounds like a great workout to add to my collection. As much as I love Power hour, it is nice to have variety too. Also:

1. keep it within an hour

2. Chapter it well. (This can not be said enough!)

Thanks for asking! :)

IF you choose to do a Power Hour-type workout, the one thing I would ask for is more sets of new exercises. Perhaps one additional set for the shoulders, for instance, of an exercise not already featured before in the workout.

If you choose to do a circuit-style workout, it sounds like you have some pretty good ideas, and I have nothing to request.
You make it, I'll buy it. Whatever it is, I know it will take my muscles to new heights of shakiness and my mind to new heights of endorphin flooding! Thank you, Cathe!

I really love the circuit-style idea. This would be a completely different style of workout to choose from. Those compound exercises are killing me already!
I vote for the 60 minute circuit style work out. I am very excited about this one because it is so different from any of your other videos.

Love it, love it, love it.:7 :7 :7

Hi Cathe!
I would vote for the circuit style just for something different. I would not object to another Power Hour type format if you go that way- it is a great workout!
Peace, Ann
I am another who has never felt comfortable doing circuit workouts involving compound moves. My coordination isn't there, I guess. Therefore, I would opt for something in the manner of Power Hour.
I am so delighted that you are in the planning stages of new workouts!
Bobbi Chick's Rule!
Yep, love the circuit idea. One caveat, however: I know I need 'em, but my form sometimes suffers badly (and sometimes my knees protest rather loudly) on 4 limbed exercises that involve lunges. I still like to do them but do them better at a slower speed.

Just a suggestion...take it or leave it, right?

Thanks! All the new workouts sound great!
I like both options presented. Power Hour is so awesome, I really feel it in my body each time I do it!

I will vote for the circuit format, though, because it looks like the weight work will be challenging enough.

I would like to request that you annouce what weights you are using in each citcuit. In some videos you do this and in some I have to guess. I know we have to use what works for us, but it really helps me as a guge and keeps me from "slacking"....
I like both options presented. Power Hour is so awesome, I really feel it in my body each time I do it!

I will vote for the circuit format, though, because it looks like the weight work will be challenging enough.

I would like to request that you annouce what weights you are using in each citcuit. In some videos you do this and in some I have to guess. I know we have to use what works for us, but it really helps me as a gauge and keeps me from "slacking"....
I like both options presented. Power Hour is so awesome, I really feel it in my body each time I do it!

I will vote for the circuit format, though, because it looks like the weight work will be challenging enough.

I would like to request that you annouce what weights you are using in each citcuit. In some videos you do this and in some I have to guess. I know we have to use what works for us, but it really helps me as a gauge and keeps me from "slacking"....
I like both options presented. Power Hour is so awesome, I really feel it in my body each time I do it!

I will vote for the circuit format, though, because it looks like the weight work will be challenging enough.

I would like to request that you annouce what weights you are using in each citcuit. In some videos you do this and in some I have to guess. I know we have to use what works for us, but it really helps me as a gauge and keeps me from "slacking"....

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