Suggestions? - Muscle Endurance

I'll be the first to vote for another Power Hour rather than circuit. (Ducking behind my moniter, here :)) I don't like doing compound exercises because my form suffers. I much prefer working one body part at a time.
Cathe, all for the circuit work here! And 60 minutes is perfect. I can't WAIT! ;-)
I like the idea of the Circuit style workout. Mainly because it would be different from all of your other weight workouts, thus providing the opportunity to make weight workouts more varied. While I'll get anything you release, I'd like to see something different from Power Hour.

Just my .02 :)
I want both!!! I love Power Hour and Circuit Max. The circuit style that you are considering sounds interesting though - so I guess I would choose that one (if I can only have one!)
The circuit stylewould add a nice variety to muscle endurance days. I really like the muscle endurance workouts (PH and MIS) and would like another type of one to mix things up,

Take time to enjoy those who matter most to you & do all things in moderation :)
I vote for the "Circuit style" in a 60 minute format with lots of compound exercises. Great!

Blessings from Our Home to Yours, Runathon
I love the idea of a circuit, and would love to see the total length of all the circuits to be 45 minutes, with abs and stretch at the end, for a total of 60 minutes.

Caroline :)
I echo a few posters who are a bit concerned about compound exercises. I also feel that form can suffer, especially if done quickly, and can lead to injuries. Knowing you however, I'm sure you'll be taking this into consideration! Perhaps if you do include compound exercises, maybe you could throw in some modifications for those who's joints may not be able to 'put it all together'.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-16-02 AT 11:07AM (Est)[/font][p]OH MY, this one is going to hurt. This endurance wimp is scared!
Cathe, maybe you and your crew should wear leather for this one!?!?!?
LOVE it either way!

I'm a huge fan of Power another one would be beautiful. But I also think the circuit style workout would be fantastic. Either way, I'll be adding this one to my collection. Please though, no longer than an hour!!!

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