Suggestions? - Cardio and Weights

If the cardio is going to be higher impact please don't have the weight cycles with legs. On the other hand, if the cardio will be low impact, then working the legs would be OK. Either way, it doesn't really matter. I'll want it anyway. I've already called by husband at work this morning and told him what he can get as my Christmas present!!!!!
Anywhere from 50-60 minutes would be great. I vote for all upper body because your step is quite challenging already. Thanks!
I would like the weight cycles to be upper body only, so each exerciser can lift to his/her max. I really like the leg workout in your CTX Power Circuit and if you can incorporate something similar in this workout that would be great!
I would like to have leg exercises included here so that this video can acconplish being cardio and total body workout on one day. ( similar to what Circuit Max's goals are)

Take time to enjoy those who matter most to you & do all things in moderation :)
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-16-02 AT 10:47AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Cathe!

Here are my thoughts:

1. All moderate to heavy upper body weights.

2. Make the step choerography interesting and complex. I can not stress this enough!

3. 60 minute workout would be fantastic with the ab work.

4. Have someone show low impact modifications for those mornings when you just don't have the energy to go all out!

5. Make sure the DVD chapters are good. I would like to see a different chapter for each cardio segment as well as weight segment. That way if I wanted to have just a shorter cardio day I could just program in just the cardio segments, likewise if I wanted to do just a quick upper body weight day I could program in just the weight portions. Please make the chaptering very broken down. That would be so cool!

Thanks so much! I'm really excited for these!

I think including leg exercises needs to depend on how 'powerful' the step segments are going to be. If they are relatively low impact, then add the legs, if full of power 15's, etc., then perhaps just do upper body.

Cathe I would like to see hi/lo thrown in there (high intensity I prefer) and have a background exerciser show low impact. I also want to see some leg exercises. I hope it is not all step since I prefer variety (hi/lo is my forté), you can also add some high intensity kickboxing moves. I know that whatever you decide to put out, it will be AWESOME.
I'm very excited about all new videos - I'm so much looking forward to them!

For Cardio and Weights I would prefer the weights section to be all upper body. My routine is to do a lot of stepping supplemented by 2 times upper body strength training per week and only one session per week of leg strength training - and I have started to find out that a lot of people have the same habit.

Looking forward to pre-ordering the videos!
My vote is for upper body only....making it an upper body/cardio tape so that we could do a lower body tape the next day. I LOVE this idea!

I'd also prefer it to be closer to 50 than 60 minutes...60 minutes is the absolute max that I can manage these days, and tend to reach for the 45-50 minute tapes more often.


Lucy K
I like the way you have it set up w/all or mostly upper body work for weights. If you do add a few sets of leg exercises, maybe just save them for the last few circuits, so our legs won't get too exhausted early in the workout. Sounds like a grewat workout -- Looking forward to it! -- Renee
I think my vote concerning whether to include leg exercises would depend on the intensity of the exercise (and of the step portion!) I like the weight combos done in Circuit Max but they may have been too much if ALL the cardio portions were step!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-16-02 AT 06:22PM (Est)[/font][p]I would love to only have upperbody work on this tape, because you can rotate it with some of Cathe's leg workouts, but I know a lot of people don't like upperbody when doing circuits, but I figure, if it's Cathe's upperbody work, it will keep the heart rate up. I am all for a 5 min. warm up (like 10-10-10 or Power Circuit) and then 45 min. of intense circuits. A 7 min. ab section and a 3 min. stretch. Woo Hoo! Thanks for asking.
I vote for upper body and lowerbody.

I like the idea of this being a sort of bodymax lite as someone said. I enjoy that tape a lot but seldomly have 90 minutes to do the whole tape through.
Love it as described (I am a diehard stepper). Sounds like a slightly easier Circuit Max (one less circuit)but with somewhat heavier weights.
I would love to have weight cycles with both legs and upper body. Also would like the workout a full 60 minutes. I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I vote for all upper body and at least 60 minutes! Love those long workouts!

As always, thanks for asking for our suggestions and input!
RE: Cardio and Weights - a modest proposal

I'd like to pitch in here and say that I really like Annette's idea too - and also, go for the full 60 minutes!!! The more the better, I always say. ;-)

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