Make sure you are getting essential fatty acids. Flax seed oil (swallowing it, not topically) has done wonders for my skin. I really think cystic acne is related to something internal, so external products don't help all that much. They are reactionary and who wants to deal with those painful cycsts after they have already shown up?
Watch your eating. Even breakfast cereal makes me break out because it is so processed, it makes your blood sugar shoot up, not good for your system, causes inflammation. EVEN HEALTHY BREAKFAST CEREAL LIK RAISIN BRAN AND KASHI CRUNCH. The only thing breakfast "cereal" wise that doesn't is oatmeal and fruit (no syrup, no sugar). Or eggs for breakfast, that type of thing. Make sure you are eating low glycemic. Almonds.
You also might check out "The Perricone Prescription" book by Dr. Perricone. It is about dealing with acne. It is amazing what changes in diet do. I am sure you are eating healthfully, but there may be little changes you can make that might make a big difference.
Lots of water too.