I am sure the CATHE workouts are good. In fact my wife did a boot camp cardio workout. I am not saying that CATHE workouts are bad.

What I am stating in a nutshell is that comparing STS to P90X is a silly comparison for several reasons, being STS is not even out. Two P90X is a 7 day a week workout versus 4 days (to my knowledge) of STS.

P90X will get you in phenomenal shape as long as you follow the program, and I and my wife, and friends are living proof of that.

Furthermore, P90X is a very extreme program, and some of the comments which I pointed out earlier, I think are of ignorance, and product pushing. Either that, or you are a very loyal group of fans of CATHE, and simply want them to compete against P90X.

Nothing wrong with being a fan of CATHE. After all I am a huge fan of P90X, and I am huge fan of Tony Horton.

I think Tony Horton, is a genuine person, who really wants to help people, and has changed my life for the better.

When I see people comparing their products to P90X, I think there will be more fans of P90X like me, who are going to be quick to say "Hold on a moment", because P90X works amazing well for the people willing to commit to the program, for 90 days.

P90X really does change peoples lives.

It isn't some joke, infomercial. It is real, and as long as you stick to it, will see nothing but results.

If you did the program for only a week, and then stopped, then you have no one to blame but yourself.

I challenge, anyone, to do it for 90 days. Give it an honest 90 days, and then tell me if you are not in the best shape of your life.

I know people who are in great shape, and do the program, and only get in better shape.

To all the ladies in here, who do CATHE, if it works, then by all means keep it up. However, maybe be a little bit more careful, in comparing anything to P90X.

It has a loyal fanbase, of people like me who are ripped, shredded, confident, and feeling great about who they are after 90 days.

I use to go to the gym 4-5 days a week, and never get the results. It was frustrating. I have a whole box of fitness videos, that are garbage.

So I will defend P90X, because I know it works, and I want people to see that, and not be confused about the product. I almost didn't get the product myself, because I wasn't sure. The more I watched the infomercial, the more I believed.

Then I did it, and now am living proof. I wish I took my before pictures, before I did the program. Now all I have is the results, but that is fine. Unfortunately, I can't enter the million dollar contest they got going on, unless I go eat a bunch of Krispie Creams and get fat, and lose all the weight again.:(
Just following the threads here. No offense to anyone. But reading the exchanges here I would say that any interest I have in P90X, it would be killed by the tone of your messages - they are so protective of P90X like a proud parent over his son and won't allow any other person to even comment on him whether positively or negatively. Looking at it objectively, the posters are just voicing their opinions and not even condemning P90X.
>I am laughing right now at all of you. How can I say that STS
>is inferior to P90X? That is a great question. I posted that
>specifically to show you, how silly your comments are.
>Everyone, on here, has been talking about STS, which is a
>workout that is not out, and is unproven in terms of the
>results you can expect. They are talking about how it is
>superior to P90X, or will be superior to it, without even
>trying it.
>For example, the one poster who said they would of waited for
>the STS instead of getting P90X. That to me is an ignorant
>comment, because you haven't even tried STS yet.
>Another person made the silly statement, that the word is out
>about STS. Actually no it isn't. I found this website when I
>typed in "calories burned for p90x plus" in Google. Since I
>just got the plus, I was just doing some fun research.
>I do not work for beach body. Why would beach body need to
>post on a forum? I found them through one of their
>commercials. They are on TV left and right.
>Also I am a guy. And for me, I don't want a women instructor.
>I want a man instructor, who is in great shape, because I
>myself want to be in great shape. I figure if the instructor
>is ripped, then as long I follow his program, I will get
>ripped as well.
>My wife likes the program, because she has seen some of the
>females that are on the program, who are in fantastic shape.
>Moreover, the before and afters, are amazing.
>But this is not all. I know P90X works, because I have done
>it, and followed it exactly. I am in phenomenal shape.
>People always tell me, that they cannot believe how ripped I
>am, or how chiseled my stomach is.
>And for me P90X did that.
>STS is a product that isn't even out. To compare them, now, is

P90X worked for you. That's great.

You may go now.
Seems we have a Tony Horton wannabe in our midst (this Krispie Creams comment is taken out directly from P90X...)
So, here are my (and only MY)thoughts:
For one, I did the whole P90X program from start to finish and even bought the P90X pull-up bar(does that make me a P90X graduate?... OMG!!! how arrogant of me!!!) and I must say I got better and faster results in my Upper Body with Cathe's Gym Style and Slow & Heavy, than with P90X (I used more or less the same weights...). Tony Horton definitely got on my nerves from week one, but I stuck to the program nevertheless, just out of curiosity and believing that I would get results. I dreaded his comments and his off-beat cueing (I wonder why he's got music on the DVDs... he never follows it. He is also advertising the music in P90X+... hmmmm... why????:D ). Tony's pointers during the exercises could easily be omitted... they don't offer anything.
Second, the leg workouts in P90X made me lose all muscle tone in my quads... ineffective and boring legwork.
Third, I would pick Bryan Kest's Power Yoga DVD over YogaX anyday... especially with Tony's screaming and shouting during Yoga :D :D :D
Fourth and final, what can I say about Kenpo X?... Just a fancy term for KickBoxing... boring, arrogant and out of sync!
Finally, here's my thoughts on comparing P90X and STS. You can't judge unless you try... Still, STS seems to have more thought and structure put into it (what with the 1 Rep max, reps vs 1RM percentage and periodization) whereas in P90X you do the same workouts/exercises every week for 3 months.
STS is not a 4-day per weeks program... not if you count the cardio you might insert in between.
In any case, and always IMHO, P90X is just a basic workout series you could do at any gym - but with a fancy packaging and a whole line of side-products, they urge you to buy after the end of each workout....:D :D :D . You might also say that the SNM people are doing the exact same thing... selling the product. But my intuition tells me that there is so much more thought and research put into STS altogether.

To be honest, most of the people who got ripped and shredded from P90X were those who followed the nutrition plan the closest. I'm all over the BeachBody message board and there are plenty of people on their 2nd, 3rd, and 4th rounds of the X who aren't "ripped and shredded" yet because their nutrition is still a bit off.
I'm not saying that P90X doesn't get results. It does. However, the best results from P90X are a function of the nutrition plan and the workouts. I'd even say that if you just stuck to the nutrition plan and followed another fitness program that emphasised weight lifting w/ a couple days of cardio you'd get similarly "ripped and shredded."
To call people silly, ignorant, and ridiculous because they aren't worshipping at the altar of Tony Horton (even after completing P90X) is rude, incendiary, and unnecessary. While STS has not yet come out, people can definitely make educated judgements about if it will be a good program for them because of the preliminary details that have been released and past experience w/ Cathe's workouts. Also to suggest that the reason why some of us aren't all gung ho about P90X is because it's too intense for us is INSULTING! Maybe it's not intense enough (in some aspects). Just because people don't want to be tied to the same workouts for 13 weeks doesn't mean that we don't want to work hard. I can bet most of the women here workout 6-7 days a week, just like P90X perscribes. However, some people like the freedom to vary their workouts more instead of doing the same cardio week in and week out and push-up after push-up after push-up. There's more than one way to skin a cat and you don't have to build up YOUR method by tearing down someone else's.
<....of people like me who are ripped, shredded, confident>
I'm too bust ROFLMAO to take this person seriously!
You are laughing that I am in great shape, and ripped?


I like how people on here assume so much. One ridiculous statement, and there are many on this topic, is that you stated that most people who get ripped on, follow the nutrition plan, and that is why most people get in great shape.

R U SERIOUS? Nutrition is important for any workout regimen to be successful.

Two you stated, that P90X doesn't work out your legs, and you lost tone. Take a look at any of the P90X GRADS, and look at their legs. Every single one of them, has ripped legs.

I know my legs, got more tone. I know that my wife's legs got more toned. In fact I can squat over 450 pounds with my legs, and I hardly ever do squats in a gym with that kind of weight outside of P90X routine. Once in a blue moon, I will go lift free weights, to see what I can do. I can curl 60's no probem, and that is largely because I use the black bands, day in and day out.

As for the person that said I am a Tony Horton Wannabee. I respect the man. He has done me good. I think everyone should have an individual that they have respect for. Especially when you are looking to achieve a goal. In this case my goal was getting in shape.

Another person, said that Tony Horton yelled in Yoga. He raised his voice on Yoga Belly X, one time, and it was to push an individual to work harder. (Are you emotionally sensitive or something???)

No one in here has made a valid argument.

It is virtually impossible, for any individual to follow a good diet, do P90X for 90 days, and not see phenomenal results. Life changing results.

I have eaten right before, and worked out at gyms, and had only mediocre results.

The program is not solely successful on nutrition, though that is important on any program. In fact after I did my first rotation of P90X, it was during the holiday season. I ate a lot of bad food.

Furthermore, some of you say that I am being intolerate of the CATHE programs. No I am not. I have stated many a time, that I don't think the programs are bad.

I just don't think they are the level of P90X.

I do understand that there are more ways to skin a cat. However, I also know that everyone I have seen, has had phenomenal results with P90X, and it has an established track record of excellence, while STS does not.

>Have you really tried most of Cathe's products? Why dont't you pick some of her workouts and do them individually for six days a week for 90 days like you would do with P90X which has a different workout for six days a week for 90 days and then come back to tell us if they are of sub standard level to P90X.

To me, even Turbulence Training programme is more interesting than P90X and people doing that also get ripped and yet they don't need to commit 6 days a week to get that ripped body.
It really feels like many people didn't understand what they were buying when they got the X. There is a reason the cardio component is what it is. The X is a *strength building* rotation. If you start piling on the cardio, you'll eat into your strength gains - so actually, it's NOT ok to sub typical Cathe cardio (you could probably sub something like one of the IMAX's for PlyoX, if you needed to mix things up a bit).

There is also no need for all of the tempo change work if you are lifting heavy enough. I'd be willing to bet that most folks who didn't find the X challenging were no where near going to FAILURE during the workouts, each and every day (that's the goal, regardless of what your chosen rep range was - FAILURE by the last 2 reps). If you did this, you'd have seen huge strength gains by the end of the 90 days. You couldn't NOT have. But, if instead, you stuck to your same weights and lifted the usual Cathe-esque 15 reps per set, each and every set, each and every workout, yeah, you aren't going to see much other than maintenance. That shouldn't be a big surprise to anyone, really.

I think the leg work comments get me most of all. Cripes, how many threads exist here asking how to get results in the LB? Women *think* they need much different training (often way too much, not enough rest, thinking that not being able to walk the next day was actually an indicator of progress), but if that were so... why all the "what will make my thighs/butt look better?" posts? In addition to Legs & Back, PlyoX is without a doubt a LB workout, as is YogaX (another one that people commonly sub out because they think they know better...).

I guess I'm asking in an extremely round about and long winded way :), how many people actually followed the program to a "T" (didn't sub extra cardio, did YogaX religiously every week, lifted to failure each and every workout, each and every week, etc.) and didn't see the results they were looking for? Boredom, not liking Tony - I get that. Completely. There are some instructors I can't stand either. :) I'm just talking about the raw effectiveness of the program, when it's truly followed to it's intention.

I don't know if we'll be able to compare the STS to the X. It's so fundamentally different, in that it's not a pure strength gain oriented rotation as the X is. I don't quite understand the theory behind the 3 mesocycles - it feels like it's trying to be everything (endurance, size, strength), rather than focusing on one goal at a time. But I did see gains in every phase of my X rotations, so perhaps a 4 week rotation for each goal is enough? Dunno. Time will tell. :)
Actually, most people on the BB forums have never heard of Cathe. There are a few of us who are very familiar with her, but we are in the huge minority. And I think the majority of us (PreX Cathe devotees - and I certainly count myself in that mix and still think she is great at what she does) would say that Cathe was instrumental in getting us in shape to tackle something like the X. I don't really think it's a "my camp vs. your camp" kinda thing. When actual results are involved, it's hard to argue based on religious grounds.

P90X Rocks! Rips! Shreds!

Enough already!

Anyone care to get ripped and shredded??? I'm selling my P90X.... 'Cause I won't be using it again!

I honestly, feel like I am talking to a wall, in this forum. For one I am not saying CATHE workouts, are bad. Two, I need something that is designed for a guy and a woman (I am married). Three, it has to work.

I explained, that I am familiar with the boot camp workouts, apparently you did not read my earlier post.

Furthermore, most CATHE workouts, are relatively short, by P90X standards. (I know there are some long CATHE workouts, however there are a lot of the 40 minute workouts and ones that are less than an hour)

The shortest P90X routine during the classic program, is 1 hour.

If we were to break down the Classic program, here it goes.

Day one- workout is 1 hour 15 minutes with Ab ripper X.
Day two - 1 hour
Day three- 1 hour 15 minutes
Day 4- 1 hour and half
Day 5 1 hour and 15 minute
Day 6 1 hour
Day 7 1 hour (X Stretch)

This program is specifically designed to target, every muscle group, and offers a perfect combination of cardio and muscle building workouts.

P90X is not only designed to build muscle, trim fat, but is also designed to improve your quality of life. Flexibility is addressed big time. I am more flexible now then I have ever been in my life.

You asked me if I have tried various CATHE workouts, over seven days and tried to get the same results. Why would I?

If P90X works, and I know it works, why would I try to reinvent the wheel. You are not talking to someone who is coming to you for advice. I have already gotten fantastic results.

I am assuming everyone in here who is debating this topic with me is in the best shape of their lives, correct? I mean you better be in the best shape of your life, because I sure hope I am not arguing with a bunch of people who are not in the best shape of their life, but hopelessly belieing in their product.

Just like everyone in here has their opinion that STS is the way to go, I am simply saying that I think P90X is a tall order for any company to compare its product to, since P90X has a great track record of results.
Cathe's workouts are short? Since when? Drill Max is 72 minutes. Gym Style Legs is 64 minutes. If anything her workouts are longer than the ones for P90X. The Bootcamps are just the tip of the iceberg w/ Cathe's library. Please know what you're talking about before you try to prove your point with misinformation. Plus, it's all about quality, not quantity. Hence why HIIT is so effective.
Once again, I'm not saying that P90X won't give you fantastic results. However, so will Cathe. In fact Cathe gave me such good results that some (notice I didn't say all) of the P90X workouts paled in comparison because I was already in great shape. Tony Horton didn't invent plyometrics or weight lifting. So if you've already been doing that type of workout, then P90X is just more of the same. It'll still get your heart rate up, make you break a sweat and feel the burn, but it won't be a whole new world you've never known before. However, if plyo, heavy weights, etc. are new to you or you haven't worked out in a while, then of course it's going you're going to consider it extreme. It's all relative. Like I said before, Yoga X was a helluva workout for me (more than plyo and Chest & Back combined) because I'd never done it before. It's that way for most people who do P90X cause most aren't yogis. However, people who are experienced with yoga absolutely LOVE Yoga X and find it to be a great way to exercise what their body already knows.
"I honestly, feel like I am talking to a wall, in this forum."

You know, when I start feeling like that, I usually just stop talking. Just a thought.
You are a really bad communicator, aren't you?

I didn't say CATHE programs were short. I said they were shorter, overall, when compared to P90X.

I just said that I know there are longer programs, in my previous comment, however, there are many 40 minute programs, and programs that are less than an hour.

While on P90X every program is basically an hour or more with the Ab routines (Except for Cardio X).

I even stated this was an overall assessment.
The reason you stop talking, is because you have nothing to add to this conversation. I am making valid points, and yet you post a comment, with no point.

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