me in to it...


its the deal of day..been waiting for it, is it a complicated program to use?..I've done p90x and chalean strength training!
Well, I'm about to talk myself into it...if I'm reading the page right you get the Deal of the Day PLUS the appreciation coupon?

That's plain ridiculous!

Plus...I gotta have me some firewalker bands for the new workouts....and some regular bands.....

I've been eyeing STS since forever but couldn't afford it when it first came out. Now I can.

I know the Turbo Tower has become scarce but I may just have to bite the bullet and find some way to work around it.

Let me know what you decide.....We have a few hours yet!
BUY IT. I am on my 4th time doing STS and I love it. You need to do your 1rms before you start but alot of people do a certain amount a day and make it into their w/o for the day. If you order now , you can do your 1rms while you are waiting to receive it. Everyday is a different w/o. The extended stretch is very relaxing. You can use strong bands in place of the tower. Let us know if you buy it.

you have a coupon..that is definitely need to get it!!!..i will have to study the 1 rep thing, not sure what that entails...
People on this forum are great enablers ;=)) I am about half way through STS for the 1st time. I love it! It is a great program. It is a nice reward when I went to help move a heavy door (that I have helped with before) and it felt much lighter. That was couple weeks ago, only about 4 weeks into STS.

How do you get the appreciation coupons?
Well...the coupon code for the DVD's only works if you're going to buy a bunch of additional DVD's and I'm not.

However....I am getting DH a step and extra set of risers (so much for free shipping :() and I need firewalker bands and regular bands so I can use the SAVE15 discount...and you can too!

Wish us luck! DH was given a book "Younger Next Year" by his doctor and he is really fired up to do strength training and serious cardio.

Lucky for him he has me! :p and my long-standing relationship with Cathe and all her amazing workouts!

So now I'm off to exercise my credit card, LOL.. :eek:

***Doh! only ordered one extra riser....I'm too excited about getting the program I didn't check the order before I clicked...well, already have a note in to customer service to get the second extra riser....word to the wise - check before you click, LOL! *******
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Just do it! It's an amazing addition to your workout collection. Even if you don't do the program immediately, you will not regret having it there for you in a few months' time. I bought mine a year before I even started using it. I've since used it twice and love it. It's probably one of the most comprehensive weight training programs around.

Just do it! It's an amazing addition to your workout collection. Even if you don't do the program immediately, you will not regret having it there for you in a few months' time. I bought mine a year before I even started using it. I've since used it twice and love it. It's probably one of the most comprehensive weight training programs around.

Ditto to this reply! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE STS. I've never been happier with my body. Enough said.

I'm with Natasha, hands down the best program ever. Easy to use after you get an idea of your one rep max. I wish I hadn't waited until January to get it. I'm on my second round and will continue through two more. There's so much variety, I've even forgotten some of the footage from the first round. I know I didn't miss any, it's just that packed with different moves. Each Meso is a different approach, so it's not like you're doing three + months of the same lifting. One thing that worried me is I didn't want to bulk up and quite the opposite has happened. My arms and legs have thinned out a bit and I can finally see lots of muscle. I love adding whatever cardio on the alternate days, so you never feel married to it. I wouldn't let this deal pass, it's worth it for the full price. :D
It is an amazing program! I always see results in my upper and lower body.


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