STS STS 3.5 Mo.-Is Anyone Else Doing This?

Upper body high reps and xtrain all out low yesterday. Today supercuts and bonus barre from xtrain. Have a great Friday! How are you guys doing?
I just finished the first 2 weeks of the 5.5 month rotation, so I am moving on to discs 4, 5 & 6 next week. I printed out my workout cards and wow! That is a bigger jump in poundage than I expected on some of the exercises. I am little scared. I did workouts 1, 2 & 3 twice and they did not get easier the second time! But that is the point of the program, to challenge us and make us stronger. So I'm going to go for it! Loving this program!
So I have to be honest...I am loving STS. However I am struggling with self-control in the eating area. Any ideas for staying on track? I tend to eat when I'm bored or stressed. I saw someone post that whey protein has helped with cravings. I have been tempted to try them. I have used them in the past. I feel like I need to keep things simple such as eating roughly the same breakfast and lunch in order to put those meals on auto pilot so to speak. I usually start my day with whole grain oatmeal and fruit. Not sure what to do for lunch.
Sorry to ramble on, it has just been on my mind. I love how STS is making me feel. I want to make sure I get the maximum results from it by being more disciplined with my eating habits. Thanks for any thought!!
My goal is to build muscle and lose fat during STS. So, food-wise, I am keeping track of my calories, eating more protein and including whey protein after strength workouts. I do the same thing--I eat the same breakfast and lunch (and snacks) every day. It takes "choice" out of the picture and also keeps my calories where they should be. I have a whey protein shake on strength days, Vans waffles with some peanut butter for breakfast, lunch is an egg salad sandwich (high fiber/low calorie bread and light mayo), snacks are greek yogurt, fruit and if I'm still hungry a protein bar and dinner is veggies and protein--some kind of lean meat. I also have some kind of calorie controlled sweet treat in the evening so I feel satisfied. I've lost 3 pounds in the first two weeks of STS.
Same here - I eat the same thing for breakfast and lunch every day. I know the calories and I don't have to think. I'm tracking with mfp. I don't like the way any of the protein drinks taste so I do egg whites or chicken after a workout. I need to clean up my eating more though. I'm 2-3 pounds from my goal weight and I've gotten a little lax on the weekends. I know this is when I need to buckle down to push through and reach my goal.
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Today I started week 2 for the second time. I swear it was harder for me than the first time around. Maybe it was because it has been four days since my last workout. At any rate, I am really trying to be more disciplined with my diet. I have been doing Weight Watchers and it has been really slow going. I get discouraged after so long and sabotage myself.
I do struggle with migraines and have been really fatigued lately. I have decided that it is a distinct possibility that the medication I take to prevent migraines may be contributing to the fatigue and trouble with weight, not to mention it doesn't seem to be working anymore. So today I went to the doctor and am in the process of changing meds. I am really hoping I start to feel better, have more energy, and start to see the results in my body that I am working for. Looking forward to possibly having more energy and feeling better is giving me the motivation to do better with my diet. I work night shift so I know that isn't helping things, but going to day shift is not a possibility at this time. Hopefully these changes will help. If you made it this far, thanks for "listening"!
What are you guys up to this week?
I'm in week 3 (or first week of doing workouts 4, 5 & 6). Did workout #6 Legs this morning for the first time. Holy crap! I could barely squat what the workout card told me to (I say that but I did do every rep). It would have been much more comfortable had the weight been on a barbell, but 90 pounds (total) in dumbbells was ripping my shoulders out! And then calf raises afterward? I let the dumbbells drop to the floor afterward! When I repeat it I think I will just do 80 pounds (two 40 pound dumbbells). I am seriously afraid for workouts 9 and 12!!!!! The rest of the workout, even though I am do not as heavy as I do on squats and deadlifts was still brutal. My glutes, quads and calves are still singing!

Rachel--I hope you are feeling better soon and that changing your meds works. I think working weird hours can really affect energy. I know when I work overtime I am always exhausted and my diet goes down the tubes.
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Oh my gosh Jen! I didn't do the 1RM for all of the exercises and I don't have dumb bells that weight. I think I would have died doing that leg workout! I have been contemplating getting the next size up and I guess I'm going to now. You have motivated me to do it. :)
I'm with Jen - I'm only on week 3 but sometimes my arms and shoulders are giving out during legs! Working erratic hours will totally screw your energy up - even the sleep you get sometimes wont be enough. I hope they get your meds straightened out also - that's the last thing you need. Too tired always leads me to drink too much diet soda and I bloat like crazy. Then I come done from the caffeine and its worse. I hope you can get meds and a routine that is consistent so it's a little easier on you. Hang in there, the fact you are working out and doing ww is a huge accomplishment. BE PROUD - night shift makes it tough and it's amazing your sticking to it :)

Jen - you are kicking butt! And to finish the reps - I'm completely impressed.

Now if your both going that heavy I guess I'll go shopping for 30 and 40's. I've been using 25 (2 wghts so 50)for legs but I know I can go heaver for squats and dead lifts. DOMS here I come lol
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Fej326: I don't do anything near what Jen does! I just got back into working out so I'm giving myself a break. She (and now you) have encouraged me to push myself more. The heaviest weight I have is 15lb. I'm for sure getting 20s now.

I just finished week 2 legs and I was thinking of Jen the whole time. I upped my weight in all that I could. Squats and dead lifts I was already using 15s so I couldn't up it today. Next time!!

Thanks for all the encouragement! It has been great!
Well, I admit, I never would have lifted that heavy of dumbbells if not for the 1RM. I thought I could with a barbell and squat rack, but I honestly was pretty dubious when I dialed my Select Techs to 45 today. But, like I said, I think next week I'll dial them back to 40. I still have two more lower body workouts in meso 1 and 50 pounds is my heaviest dumbbell!

And yes! Get the heavier ones! I was so glad I had my Select Techs during Xtrain--I lifted heavier than I ever have before. But it appear STS will be pushing me even harder! inspire me! Going to buy heavier weights this weekend. The heaviest dumbbell I have is 30lbs. going to get 35 and 40's.

I am on week 3 of meso 1. This is my first time doing STS and I am loving it. Love reading the posts in this thread and checking in to see how you all are doing. Did legs tonight and I always do the bonus sections afterwards. When I finished my legs felt like Jello.

Jengollf I meant to get back to you about using the rack from my sons weight bench. Wow what a difference using this instead of the bands. Making a huge difference for me.
Labnick, I got Seletech Dumb Bells from Bowflex, also available at Amazon. The heaviest single dumb bell is 52 lbs. They are adjustable, from as low as 5 lbs.

I am about to begin Meso 2 on Sunday. So I invested today in doing the 1RM's for the next 2-3 weeks, and I feel confident that I'll now be lifting the proper weights.

For Meso 1, I made the mistake OF NOT doing my 1rm's ahead of time, and I had to constantly pause the video to get the right weight.

Needless to say, I am STRONGER after 1 month of Meso 1. This program is ABSOLUTELY AWESOME and you guys are very inspiring.

For cardio, I am doing 2 days of Insanity, 1 day free choice. On weight training days I have been doing "From Couch to 5K" on the treadmill. I should take pictures, to see progress. Wonderful Program! inspire me! Going to buy heavier weights this weekend. The heaviest dumbbell I have is 30lbs. going to get 35 and 40's.

I am on week 3 of meso 1. This is my first time doing STS and I am loving it. Love reading the posts in this thread and checking in to see how you all are doing. Did legs tonight and I always do the bonus sections afterwards. When I finished my legs felt like Jello.

Jengollf I meant to get back to you about using the rack from my sons weight bench. Wow what a difference using this instead of the bands. Making a huge difference for me.
Ok this week 4 for me. I've went up a couple of pounds in weights already - so excited!! How are all of you guys doing? I'm curious of meso 2 will be. For my recovery week I'm going to try some DVD I have that I haven't tried yet. I'm trying to incorporate some step videos. I've never been a big step fan but I finally tried one and I love it. I'm terrible but who cares??? My heart rate stays up and I'm doing it!! Stay strong ladies :)
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Starting week 4 and loving it. Been sick the past couple of days with a nasty sore throat and cold but feeling better today. Was able to bump out Pyramid Hiit at lunch and plan to do disc 10 of STS when I get home from work. Nothing like diving right back in! Was not able to get heavier weights as I had hoped to this weekend. Thinking after being sick the weights I have will be fine. I'll pick them up during my recovery week.

Have a great night!
Fej327: which step video did you do? I got one of the basic step videos in an attempt to learn the steps. I still struggled. I am SO uncoordinated. I do like the more athletic ones. They are easier for me to do. Maybe someday I will try again. Never know when the mood will strike.
My first step was athletic training and then athletic step. Took 5/6 times to learn that one. I like the low impact aspect because I do tabacize, to the max and sometimes crossfire/cardio leg blast each week. So I like doing low impact like afterburn or a step workout (intensity step+low impact) on the other days. I still don't always go the right way or face correctly but it's a nice change up and if I'm moving I'm good. What do you like for cardio?

Labnick feel better :)
Sad to say I haven't done any in a few weeks as I have been atruging with fatigue. I'm hoping with my med change things will get better. :) The workouts you mentioned are ones I hope to try so I'm glad to hear you are enjoying them!!
Rlw- hang in there I know it's tough but your working out and that's amazing. Your accomplishing sts even with your fatigue to pat yourself on the back. I hope your meds get straightened out the your working out gives you more energy. I never liked cardio but I make myself do it. I always start by telling myself ill do 15 minutes and if I want to stop I will. Then I think we'll 15 more and I'm at 30, then at 30 most of my cardio is only 40 min so I just finish. I think your doing great!
fej327: Thanks so much for the encouraging words! You have given me an idea. I think I will start to try doing at least 15 minutes on the days I should do cardio and start there. That way I can build up. I have such an all or nothing attitude. I need to get over that. I know I will not get any in this week as I have so much going on, but next week I will. I will let you know how it goes! Thanks again!
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