STS Strength and STS Shock Cardio Rotation…(three month rotation)

Cathe Friedrich

Happy New Year Everyone! The following three month rotation is designed to get you into the best shape of your life. This rotation is safe, effective and based on scientific studies to bring you maximal results. If you prefer, you may opt to do a double cardio session on any given day, however, this is not necessary. This is something I suggest for days when you are feeling extra energetic or perhaps had a “cheat day” the day before, wink. I have also purposely included two shorter workouts (Heavy Bag Bonus Workout and Circuit Blast Cardio Only Premix) as “add on” workouts to increase the intensity certain days. Finally, I’d like to remind you that a sensible, nutritious, low fat and moderate carbohydrate diet is strongly advised to enhance and guarantee results. Happy New YOU!!!!

Week One:
Mon: STS Disc #1 (Chest, Shoulders, Biceps)
Tues: Shock Cardio….Hiit 40/20
Wed: STS Disc #2 (Back and Triceps)
Thurs: Shock Cardio….MMA Boxing (No Heavy Bag Bonus)
Fri: STS Disc #3 (Legs)
Sat: Shock Cardio…Step Moves plus Ab Circuits Yoga based Abs
Sun: Enjoy a scenic walk (or a complete day of rest) and also do my closing stretch from any of my Shock Cardio or STS workouts.

Week Two:
Mon: STS Disc #4 (Chest, Shoulders, Biceps)
Tues: Shock Cardio….Hiit 30/30 plus Ab Circuits Pilates based Abs
Wed: STS Disc #5 (Back and Triceps)
Thurs: Shock Cardio….Cardio Core Circuit
Fri: STS Disc #6 (Legs)
Sat: Shock Cardio… MMA Kickbox
Sun: Enjoy a scenic walk (or a complete day of rest) and also do my closing stretch from any of my Shock Cardio or STS workouts.

Week Three:
Mon: STS Disc #7 (Chest, Shoulders, Biceps)
Tues: Shock Cardio….Hiit Double Wave Pyramid
Wed: STS Disc #8 (Back and Triceps)
Thurs: Shock Cardio….MMA Boxing
Fri: STS Disc #9 (Legs)
Sat: Shock Cardio… MMA Fusion
Sun: Enjoy a scenic walk (or a complete day of rest) and also do my closing stretch from any of my Shock Cardio or STS workouts.

Week Four:
Mon: STS Disc #10 (Chest, Shoulders, Biceps)
Tues: Shock Cardio….Hiit 40/20 Plus Ab Circuits Stability Ball Abs
Wed: STS Disc #11 (Back and Triceps)
Thurs: Shock Cardio….Athletic Step Plus Ab Circuits Weights and Plates
Fri: STS Disc #12 (Legs)
Sat: Shock Cardio… Circuit Blast (Cardio Only Premix) Plus Heavy Bag Bonus Workout (Total time 42 min)
Sun: Enjoy a scenic walk (or a complete day of rest) and also do my closing stretch from any of my Shock Cardio or STS workouts.

Week One:
Mon: Shock Cardio….Hiit 30/30 Plus Med Ball Abs
Tues: STS Disc #13 (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)
Wed: Shock Cardio…Cardio Core Circuit (cardio only premix) Plus Ab Circuits No Equipment Abs
Thurs: STS Disc #14 (Legs Tri-Sets)
Fri: Shock Cardio…..Step Moves
Sat: STS Disc #15 (Back and Biceps)
Sun: Enjoy a scenic walk (or a complete day of rest) and also do my closing stretch from any of my Shock Cardio or STS workouts.

Week Two:
Mon: Shock Cardio…Hiit Double Wave Pyramid
Tues: STS Disc #16 (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)
Wed: Shock Cardio….Athletic Step Plus Ab Circuits Yoga Based Abs
Thurs: STS Disc #17 (Legs Tri-Sets)
Fri: Shock Cardio…MMA Boxing (Plus Heavy Bag Bonus)
Sat: STS Disc #18 (Back and Biceps)
Sun: Enjoy a scenic walk (or a complete day of rest) and also do my closing stretch from any of my Shock Cardio or STS workouts.

Week Three:
Mon: Shock Cardio….Hiit 40/20
Tues: STS Disc #19 (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)
Wed: Shock Cardio….MMA Fusion Plus Circuit Blast Cardio Only Premix
Thurs: STS Disc #20 (Legs Tri-Sets)
Fri: Shock Cardio….MMA Kickbox PLUS Heavy Bag Bonus
Sat: STS Disc #21 (Back and Biceps)
Sun: Enjoy a scenic walk (or a complete day of rest) and also do my closing stretch from any of my Shock Cardio or STS workouts.

Week Four:
Mon: Shock Cardio….Hiit 30/30 plus Ab Circuits Weights and Plates
Tues: STS Disc #22 (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)
Wed: Shock Cardio…MMA Boxing (No Heavy Bag Bonus)
Thurs: STS Disc #23 (Legs Tri-Sets)
Fri: Shock Cardio…Cardio Core Circuit
Sat: STS Disc #24 (Back and Biceps)
Sun: Enjoy a scenic walk (or a complete day of rest) and also do my closing stretch from any of my Shock Cardio or STS workouts.

Week One
Mon: STS Disc #25 (Chest, Back)
Tues: Shock Cardio….HiiT Double Wave Pyramid
Wed: STS Disc #26 (Plyo Legs or Squat Rack Routine)
Thurs: Shock Cardio….MMA Fusion
Fri: STS Disc #27 (Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps)
Sat: Shock Cardio ..Athletic Step plus Ab Circuits No Equipment Needed
Sun: Enjoy a scenic walk (or a complete day of rest) and also do my closing stretch from any of my Shock Cardio or STS workouts.

Week Two
Mon: STS Disc #28 (Chest, Back)
Tues: Shock Cardio….Hiit 30/30 Plus Heavy Bag Bonus Workout
Wed: STS Disc #29 (Plyo Legs or Squat Rack Routine)
Thurs: Shock Cardio….MMA Kickbox
Fri: STS Disc #30 (Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps)
Sat: Shock Cardio …Cardio Core Circuit
Sun: Enjoy a scenic walk (or a complete day of rest) and also do my closing stretch from any of my Shock Cardio or STS workouts.

Week Three
Mon: STS Disc #31 (Chest, Back)
Tues: Shock Cardio….Hiit 40/20…Plus Ab Circuits Pilates Based Abs
Wed: STS Disc #32 (Plyo Legs or Squat Rack Routine)
Thurs: Shock Cardio….MMA Fusion Plus Heavy Bag Bonus Workout
Fri: STS Disc #33 (Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps)
Sat: Shock Cardio ….Step Moves plus Circuit Blast Cardio Only Premix
Sun: Enjoy a scenic walk (or a complete day of rest) and also do my closing stretch from any of my Shock Cardio or STS workouts.

Week Four
Mon: STS Disc #34 (Chest, Back)
Tues: Shock Cardio….Athletic Step
Wed: STS Disc #35 (Plyo Legs or Squat Rack Routine)
Thurs: Shock Cardio….Cardio Core Circuit
Fri: STS Disc #36 (Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps)
Sat: Shock Cardio ….MMA Kickbox
Sun: Enjoy a scenic walk (or a complete day of rest) and also do my closing stretch from any of my Shock Cardio or STS workouts.

Hi All! Happy New Year! I have decided to make the first month of the three month STS/Shock Cardio rotation my official January 2010 rotation as well. However, rather than say "just follow the first month of the three month plan, I am posting it here separately to make it easier to find .....Happy New YOU!


Week One:
Mon: STS Disc #1 (Chest, Shoulders, Biceps)
Tues: Shock Cardio….Hiit 40/20
Wed: STS Disc #2 (Back and Triceps)
Thurs: Shock Cardio….MMA Boxing (No Heavy Bag Bonus)
Fri: STS Disc #3 (Legs)
Sat: Shock Cardio…Step Moves plus Ab Circuits Yoga based Abs
Sun: Enjoy a scenic walk (or a complete day of rest) and also do my closing stretch from any of my Shock Cardio or STS workouts.

Week Two:
Mon: STS Disc #4 (Chest, Shoulders, Biceps)
Tues: Shock Cardio….Hiit 30/30 plus Ab Circuits Pilates based Abs
Wed: STS Disc #5 (Back and Triceps)
Thurs: Shock Cardio….Cardio Core Circuit
Fri: STS Disc #6 (Legs)
Sat: Shock Cardio… MMA Kickbox
Sun: Enjoy a scenic walk (or a complete day of rest) and also do my closing stretch from any of my Shock Cardio or STS workouts.

Week Three:
Mon: STS Disc #7 (Chest, Shoulders, Biceps)
Tues: Shock Cardio….Hiit Double Wave Pyramid
Wed: STS Disc #8 (Back and Triceps)
Thurs: Shock Cardio….MMA Boxing
Fri: STS Disc #9 (Legs)
Sat: Shock Cardio… MMA Fusion
Sun: Enjoy a scenic walk (or a complete day of rest) and also do my closing stretch from any of my Shock Cardio or STS workouts.

Week Four:
Mon: STS Disc #10 (Chest, Shoulders, Biceps)
Tues: Shock Cardio….Hiit 40/20 Plus Ab Circuits Stability Ball Abs
Wed: STS Disc #11 (Back and Triceps)
Thurs: Shock Cardio….Athletic Step Plus Ab Circuits Weights and Plates
Fri: STS Disc #12 (Legs)
Sat: Shock Cardio… Circuit Blast (Cardio Only Premix) Plus Heavy Bag Bonus Workout (Total time 42 min)
Sun: Enjoy a scenic walk (or a complete day of rest) and also do my closing stretch from any of my Shock Cardio or STS workouts.

One question....
For the 3 month rotation is it necessary to take a rest week between Meso cycles?

I can't wait to dig in! :D
Thanks so much Cathe, I will luv doing this 3 month rotation. I had one question though on Meso one Week one when it calls for Step Moves, until I get that step workout down what would be a good substitute for that day. I have all of your workouts. Thanks again. Happy New Year to you and your family. Lori
What a treat to come home to tonight! Happy New Year Cathe. This roatation is perfect. It will help me fight the Minnesota Winter blues and help me stay healthy and strong till the Spring thaw.;)
You're the Best!!!

Thanks so much for posting this rotation. I just got STS strength and Shock cardio. I can't wait to get started!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D

Maybe I can get the numbers on my ticker to move!
it looks good, but....

what about a rotation for those who do not have the STS Strength DVD's? In my case i do not have these DVDs but i do have the STS S-cardio and other weight lifting dvd from Cathe...
Thank you :)
arwen97 I dont have STS/SC either. I decided to do Jan 09 rotation. If you have GS, 4DS, and PUB/PLB you could probably rotate your SC collection nicely with those muscle DVD's. Good luck.'

BUMPING this question for Cathe


One question....
For the 3 month rotation is it necessary to take a rest week between Meso cycles?

I can't wait to dig in! :D

BUMPING - I was also wondering about rest week in between. If so than this would be a 3 1/2 month rotation?


Hey Cathe,

Thanks so much for this rotation. I've been anxious to see the whole STS package put together!


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