Tracy: Funny you say that, because typically I am the only person in any fitness center (hotels), lol. And I ALWAYS use them. Crazy, huh? DH plans what hotel he books, based on it's fitness center (to the point of calling them and asking specifically what's in it :eek: ) , because he knows that it will be the first question I ask him :p , "does it have a w/o room?" I grew up in the Midwest, and have never been a big swimmer (unlike DH and DS who both grew up here in VA with one of the best beaches -VA Beach - they're like fish), so as soon as they run off in search of the hotel pool, it's just known that Mommy's heading for the fitness center. It's actually been a saving grace for me as far as my vaca eating habits ;) , and gives me a little "me-time" to boot. The only time I don't work out on vacation is when we head to a beach, then I just take that opportunity to show off the latest "swim" suit, while I read books under the umbrella :p
Thanks to Kiki I've gone through and gotten almost all of my 1RM's calculated except for a few "new" exercises in M3 that I haven't done yet but I will calculate when I get there I guess. No biggie. Should make the pyramid down flow much quicker! YAY! Thanks again!:)

Tracy:: LOL ofcourse you didn't but I must warn you that some real stinkers sneak outta me now and again (but NOT at the dinner table!)!:eek: Ever hear the term "silent but deadly"? Yup that can me! :eek: TMI? Sorry! LOL
kiki: I bet you have quite a show to give, considering your workout schedule!! That is always the fun part of working out.
NOw.... if I can wax reminiscent... when i was at the fitness level to which I aspire now...I was at the community pool with my two kids, then about 7 and 9, I had some other mom just look me up and down and say: "woman, you are blessed to have such a body" At the time, I didn't really think I looked so great, I am so critical of me, but I also should have said..."the only way I am so blessed is that I can work my butt off so darn hard to be fit..there is no luck about it!":)

Really I am so thankful to be able to exercise...I so enjoy it.

fit mommy: now for feminine sensibilities are being assaulted :D When I was growing up, this is simply something that was not allowed...then I met and married my DH and boy was I in for a RUDE awakening:eek::p Oh well, I love him ...gas and all. BTW I am not totally innocent concerning this subject, but that is all I will say for now.:p
Thank you for the kind words ladies!!! :D:eek: You are good for my ego.:D I should note make-up, lighting, angels, and black & white photography are my friends. Kiki, you will be meeting me IRL without my photo friends. :eek:;) Oh, and I'm not graceful so we will be bumping and clunking together during step. :D

So, I didn't workout Tuesday or Wednesday b/c I was watching the weather. We got to spend some time in the basement Wednesday. DH captured on video a funnel cloud over our house. He called me out & said "is that what I think it is????" :eek::eek::eek: I confirmed and said I was going to the basement. Later, he called me outside to ask if I could hear the sirens in town (5 miles away)??? :eek::confused::rolleyes: Yes, I could and why weren't we in the basement since that means a tornado or funnel cloud has been spotted in the area??? What is it with him??? :confused::confused::confused: Doesn't he watch the news? Y'day I was able to workout & continued my plan of cardio and did TJ. I'm going to have to try some other cardio though... love TJ but I'm a variety junkie or have some kind of exercise ADD. :confused:;)

Tracy ~ I had that same exeperience with flatus and eructation... my DH is not shy. ;) Then I became a nurse and had to start asking people about it as part of my assessement. :eek:

Wendy ~ ROFL @ the kbell & mini-step topper!!! That is AWESOME!!!

Well, I have to go... DD is tired of me on here. If I don't make it back... have a great holiday weekend!!!!!
Just a quick check-in to say that I did a quick cardio this AM, and hope to squeeze in 1 more tonight (this will be my last w/o before the trip!) Today was CCC express circuit.

Wow, Wendy, you knocked those 1RM's out didn't ya? Just think of the ease you'll have in M3 - just print and go ;) . The exercises are pretty straightforward in M3, (aka same ones over and over, lol) so you'll be good to go. Have a great time this weekend! I'll think of you when I'm skipping w/o's :p

Autumn (aka Mrs Missouri ;) ) : I'm sure w/o make-up, you'll probably make me just as sick, because I'll be like :rolleyes: "gosh she even looks great make-up-less and sweaty", lol. I can ASSURE you, that I don't :eek:

Tracy & Autumn: I'm the same as ya'll w/the bodily functions, lol. My mother was ridiculous about allowing "that kind of behavior" (from young ladies :rolleyes: ). She raised 4 girls and 2 boys, and to this day all the men in the family (including son-in-laws, like my DH) have conversations whenever they get together, pondering when exactly we handle our business, lol. It never fails, we'll be at a family function, and one of the guys will inevitable say, "have you heard her fart yet?" :eek: "I know she's gotta poop sometime" :confused: .....And we are all so disgusted, like "What the?!? ya'll really need to get a life!" :mad: It only makes it worse, because they're just waiting for it :rolleyes:

Yeah, TMI from a woman who was raised to be "lady-like" , my mom would cringe at what I just typed....
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Holy Crap. I miss one day and i'm completely out of the loop! :) I'm loving all the chatter on here though.

Yesterday was my rest day. I've decided for the month of June (but starting this week) to change my rest day from Fridays to Thursdays. No reason, just for fun. :) Today I did Ellen Barrett's Slow-robics w/o + Core Max workout 1 + 20 minutes of yoga. Despite all the workouts I barely broke a sweat. Nonetheless, I really enjoyed today's workout mania. I'm back at STS tomorrow. I've got to finish a few 1RM today in preparation for Meso 2. I'm getting excited!!! :eek:

Autumn: Don't sell yourself short. You're absolutely beautiful! :) I'm so sorry to hear about all the bad weather. We've had some crazy weather here in Ky too. I'm very glad ya'll are alright though. My DH sounds like yours. When the tornado sirens are going off why do men think that's the signal to stand outside, in the rain, and stare up at the sky. Geez! :) Here is a link to the Rodney Yee 3 w/o yoga DVD. I'm going to order it today so i'll let you know what I think when I get a chance to try it out in a few weeks.

Kiki: Have a FANTASTIC trip to Phoenix!! Don't spend too much time in the hotel gym. ;) Okay, I have to admit i'm glad i'm not the only hobit in Hobbiton. :p I'm BARELY 5'1". When I started this fitness journey last August, I weighed about 135. At my height and weight I was considered overweight. :confused: I'm now down to about 122(ish). I don't really know my weight because my scale isn't accurate but i'm down a size in clothes. Yay! Even at 122 i've still got a ways to go - well, i'm hoping 115. :) Sometimes I hate being short. Sigh.

Tracy: Hello up there! :p I love the phrase crazy talk! I've got it on a post-it at work. When an attorney submits a stupid brief to the court I put the post-it on the brief's cover. Just for giggles. :) I'm glad your husband is back safe and sound. Now you can start getting proper sleep at night. Speaking of sleep, are you gearing up for Meso 2. I can hear Cathe now - areee you readyyy?

Wendy: I hope you're enjoying your 3 days off!!! You deserve a nice long break. BTW, do I smell something funny? ;) :p I just got a pedi too. We should change our name to the "Cathletes with Fabulous Toes" group. :p

Sorry to"post and run". I'm baby-sitting my 10 month old nephew today. He's such a doll, I just love spending time with him. He's naping at the moment but I know that isn't going to last long. I gotta jump in the shower and grab a quick bite to eat before he wakes up. Have a fantastic memorial day weekend everyone!!!!
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Hello my fellow Cathletes...just reading all the posts from Autumn, Kiki, ricklyk1 and enjoying every bit of it.

kiki: so nice to know someone else was raised like that! My DH calls it repressed :rolleyes: He is simply incredulous about the whole thing. I hope you all have a terrific time in PHX is your DS (just one son right??) going with?

autumn: my sister is a nurse and could always deal with "earthy" bodily functions matter-of-factly. I guess there is a good reason why I am not a nurse...I am just too squeamish!

ricklyk1: yeah, one day off and you miss all the crazy talk concerning flatulence! Your "Holy Crap" phrase was quite appro-pos!:eek::D
I am gearing up for Meso 2...I was just looking at my biceps today and I swear they have lost some of their oomph!! I didn't have much to begin with:(. So I am looking forward to being pumped up again. But I do think it has been good to take a week off. AND BTW are there no tall people on this challenge sight?? It's awfully lonely up here. It is never fun to have people look up your nose all the time... I have to always keep my nose

Oh yes, I actually did workout today....did 4 1/4 miles on the TM and burned about 625 cals. Tomorrow is my last recovery workout day, then Sunday off and then back to the weights.

Have a good weekend.
Hahahaha! Tracy I didn't even think about the implications of my "holy crap" comment. You're right fit right into the conversation! :p Get ready for a pump in Meso 2. I just finished Disc 13 (chest, shoulders, and triceps) and holy moley it was awesome! I definitely enjoyed it much more than Meso 1. I'm praying I have DOMS tomorrow. :eek: You're gonna love it i'm sure!

Kiki and Wendy: I hope you gals are enjoying your trips!!

LaDonna and Autumn: Are you enjoying this beautiful (I hope) weekend??

Today I did Disc 13 + Cardio & Weights: Step only premix and abs. It was a nice long workout today but I enjoyed every minute of it! My active recovery week was amazing but i'm excited to be back in the game. ;)

ricklyk1: good to hear that the Meso 2 is wonderful! I am looking fwd to lifting weights again. I think maybe I will copy you and do the cardio only of Cardio and weights....I haven't done this workout for a long while. But that will be on Monday... Great going on your workout today!!!

We are not doing anything earth-moving this weekend...just a nice weekend. This afternoon we go to my sister's in the central valley for my nephew's 8th grade grad party. She is having a catered taco I am preparing myself to not over-eat (I can pack away the food, let me tell you) and just do taco salad.
We might go to friends on Monday, but I don't know...tomorrow of course is church...

Today I did CCC...this is my second time is a tough workout, but I really do like it. I do have to modify a few things...

Have a great weekend all!
I'm starting my STS program Monday. I'm trying to lose weight for my daughter's wedding in November. I don't usually post on message boards but I think I might need the support.
Hi Janell! Welcome to the check-in!! This is a fantastic group of gals that will definitely help you stay on track. We come from all different backgrounds, places, fitness levels, and ages but that's what makes the group so great! :)

You're going to love STS. It's such an awesome program. I just started Meso 2 yesterday and I have wonderful DOMS today. Have you started your 1 rep max testing?

Congrats on your daughter's wedding. That's very exciting!! With STS and a good cardio program you're going to look fabulous!! :)

I'm starting my STS program Monday. I'm trying to lose weight for my daughter's wedding in November. I don't usually post on message boards but I think I might need the support.

Hey Janell!!!

This is the only message board I am a member of too! But it has been great for me to have somewhere to check in everyday and talk about the workout and how things are going. Also there are some very experienced STS gals on here (not me) who have been there, done that.

I just got off my active recovery week and tomorrow I start Disk 13. I lost 4# my first month and have 10 (or so) to go.

Good luck! and blessings to you! (By the way...there doesn't seem to be as much activity on this board on the weekends!:))

p.s. The Workout Manager also on has helped me to track my weight and workout, see how many calories I've can even track your eating. It takes some investigation on how to use it, though. You can also download the STS 3 or 6 month schedule to the calendar to help keep you on track.
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Hey ladies! Checking in from vacation, how good am I?! :D. Since it's from my phone, & we're in route to our next shenanigan, figured I could do a quickie ;) . As you ladies know how my phone check ins go, there may be typos, & I may not make a lick of sense, but oh well :p

Welcome Janell! :) :D You'll love this group, I love the girls in it (so much that I'm doing this on vaca! ) and how we keep each other accountable.

My check in is to say that I did get in a w/o today. I did GS Back, Shoulders & bi. Once I got dressed, out and about visiting some family, I just had to come back and report to my girls. Ladies, I've received SO many compliments on my weight loss/ body composition changes that I had to let my STS peeps know, KEEP AT IT. Go hard, the results are more than worth it!

And to top it all off, my DH just keeps just looking over @ me with *that* look :eek: , lol, and sayin "your hard work is REALLY paying off ;) " :p
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