Helloooo everyone...this is your resident Amazon checking into Hobbiton (to quote the kikster:p)

So sorry MIA yesterday...but I was absolutely wiped out...I think from TTOM, lack of sleep because DH gone (yes, I am sure we are all tired of hearing of that), and because I have been working out 6 days perweek for a few months and I am just beat. So I decided to take it easy yesterday and only workout 5 days this week.

I did 4DS Bootcamp and Kickbox Cardio today...maybe abs tonite.

DH supposed to be home today...but now he is stuck in Chicago O'Hare because of t-storms...will it never end?:(

ricklyk1: I love your "crazy talk" post..I am now adding "crazy talk" to my cache of sayings! I was laughing....My girls of course wanted to know what was so funny. I don't know what we are going to do though with people on this forum biting the STS dust left and right (ie...Autumn) I am not a yoga I can't help you in that dept. but I hope you can find sthg you like. Funny we did the same workout today...!!! did you notice (4DIS KB)

Kiki: thanks for TTOM wishes...mostly I just wish it would go away now and I would not have it anymore. Nice to know that someone else is not up to speed on those days...I feel like such a wimp but that is just the way it is... in contrast to being shorter....I have lost almost 20 # now (I think I would like to lose 10 was only going to be 6...) Anyway, I was talking to a friend last nite and told her I had lost 20# and she just looks me over and said "what...20 pounds?" In other words...I can, in my vast stratosphere, hide my flab and fat for a certain amount of time... but summer shows the truth...but then when I do one can tell. :mad::confused:

Oh well, I like the look of Stana Katic on Castle (fav tv series) and she is also 5'9" and weighs 126. However, when I was in superfit shape before my 3rd child I was 138 (FIRMie) and I look at pics of me and am really thin...was a size 6..I think that is small enough for me.. I can't imagine being 126...I think I would look emaciated...even though Stana looks great. That being said...I have 10# to go...woo hoo!

Fit mommy: always love to read your are so faithful to this forum and working out...such an encouragement. I bet you are looking fwd to your weekend!!
So listen to this one ladies!!!! You'd better hold on to something or you might fall of your chairs when you read this.......


Hello??? Are you all still upright and conscious after that crazy announcement I just made!?!? :p

Kiki:: Ok, I am going to pyramid down from 24-1 and that's that! No more analyzing it! :p Thanks for your input. :)

Autumn:: The tornados of late have been insane, sad and scarey but you know there has been all kinds of insane weather/natural disasters going on lately all over the world. It's crazy!!! I am beginning to think perhaps the end of the world IS coming...just not in the fashion that is being suggested by that guy who claims it was going to end last weekend. :eek: LOL at the high fives comment. Doesn't Cathe say that after one of the STS u/b work outs?? :D
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Tracy:: What a nice post. Thank you. :) Sorry but the TTOM talk isn't over yet cause just as you and KiKi are recovering from it, I am about to start it! It's due this weekend! Just my luck! :rolleyes::mad: Love both of those 4DS work outs and the double header you did is a doozie! I don't do that one often! :p Great work. YES YOU WILL DO ABS! You don't have a choice now cause you mentioned it in the presence of the AB NAZI! ;):p:D
Oh yeah...someone asked me how tall my DH was.... well he is the same as me...5'9" So we stand toe to toe...sometimes we can have a Keith Urban/ Nicole Kidman thang going but... I mostly wear my flats... This way I can look him straight in the eye... oh ...whatever:p:rolleyes:

Fit mommy: so sorry about TTOM and the weekend. drag city. I was so worried I would have mine when DH came home after 2 I am thankful it's basically over. I think you are frightening me with your ab nazi stuff...;) I am going to have to toughen up..because I think I am traumatized now.
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Fit mommy: That is a huge thing that you are taking 3 days off...whoa!!! Good for you.. I think we all should do that once in a while...(but not too often).

I really have got to get off this compt. and shower...TMI---I am sure...but I am ..... stinky!!!! whew. I am by myself and I am embarassed by me :eek:
So STS peeps, I have a question!!!

I presently print out blank work out cards and hand write the weights I use on them for every work out I do. Now if I went in and input all of that info into the M1 and M2 work outs and reprinted the cards would that info print out for me or no??

TIA! :)
Wendy ~ I know, this WEATHER!!! Tornadoes on the ground here in MO already today!! **shakes head** My cousin lives in TX and sent me a pic of the hail from last night... it was HUGE!!!! :eek: DH & I have been talking about relocating and thinking about TX but no basements in TX... underground shelter is a necessity with our new supercharged severe storms. :confused: Yeah, I was thinking about the judgement day stuff too... and I know what you mean. Maybe this is all working towards his updated date of October 21st ;) ENJOY your 3 days rest!!!! Yes, yes Cathe does say something about that in one of her videos.

Tracy ~ I am thinking 126 @ 5'9" would be very thin... or maybe I'm making my 5'6" (with really good posture) self feel better. ;) Awesome work on the weight loss!!!! Isn't it amazing how unique we each are? I mean 126 on two people the same height can just look so different, but I guess that's due to body composition. I have long, lanky limbs (monkey arms I call them) & all my extra weigth is hidden in my midsection. As you said, you can't hide it (at least it is more difficult) in summer. BTW, do you think we need to start an ab nazi support group? :p And did you see her post about squats and "lashings with a resistance band"? :eek::eek: JK Wendy!!! I love your humor (you are joking, right? :p;)).
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Holy cow I was just reading Tracy and Autumn's posts about being 5'9" and 126#. I am not even 5' 4" and with the weight I just recently lost I weigh about 125.5#. My initial goal was 125# but I am going to keep going and see what happens. I'll bet though that I won't be able to go absolutely any lower then 120# (if that!) w/o it starting to take a toll on my face and having me look too thin and unhealthy! I can't even imagine being 5" taller and weighing 126#! I'd surely look like death warmed over! :eek: It is sooo true though-it depends on how you are made up. Some bodies just aren't meant to be so thin I guess!

Oh and thanks for the well wishes for my 3 days of rest. I HOPE I SURVIVE!:eek: Thankfully I'll be busy so it probably won't bother me TOO much except I WILL feel a bit of guilt the next morning after our big dinners and drinks o' plenty that we will consume every night while we are away!:eek: On the other hand, WTH, ya only live once right!? I'll get over it and work it off when I get home!!!!! :p :D that a pic of you in your avitar? Very pretty!
OMG!!! Ladies, ya'll have been so talkative today, I kept looking on my phone, and then finally had to just sit down at the PC, lol. I've definitely been having some "Katie" moments w/the giggling at the phone thing :p . I don't even know where to start!!

Wendy: You reminded me of my DH when you said, "no more analyzing it!" :p He's always getting on me. "you think too much!" :rolleyes: LOL...So I was dying on that one. I'm definitely a much better planner than I am a do-er, lol. Luckily, I'm always surrounded by people who are like, "just tell me what to do" :confused: . Your 3 days off sounds AWESOME!! Hey, ya gotta do what ya gotta do. I'm hoping to join you when I get to PHX :p . We LOVE Phx, used to live there, and have tons of family, so I doubt much time will be available for working out, though I try to kid myself, and "schedule" it in anyway, ya know how that one goes :rolleyes: . Just thinking of Phx conjures up memories of when I worked (2 jobs AND went to school full time!) and we ate out EVERYDAY! I gained my first 20lbs in Phx, and been trying to catch up ever since! (hopefully it won't get that bad :eek: , I mean I do have Disney like 3 weeks later :eek: )
~~~on another note: you seriously print out BLANK workout cards EVERY week for like the last 44 weeks and FILL THEM OUT?! What kinda insanity?! :confused: :p ummmmm.....YES, please do input the info so that your cards can adjust. You only need to input them one time, and enter them as your 1RM, using whatever the last weight/reps were for that particular w/o so that it just auto adjusts everything else, if that makes sense. If not, check out what I said here, and then let me know if it still doesn't make sense (that does tend to happen to me on occasion, lol :eek:. Long winded without a purpose :rolleyes: - go figure)

Autumn - Is that you? Awww, so pretty, now I'm really prepared to be awed by your beauty in person :eek: . I can just see it now, you all tall (to me anyway :p ) and graceful bounding up and over your step w/the ease and grace of a ballerina. And then there's me...the hobbit, bumpin and clunkin my way around, trying not to break something :rolleyes: *SIGH* Just pretend that we never met during those times. Trust me, it will be so much easier on you than trying to be an encouraging friend :confused: on to this telling our weight business. I can see now that Tracy and Autumn are obviously those ladies that us shorties look at sideways, when they say "I need to lose weight" :rolleyes: Yeah....right, lol. It's so funny, because I always have these tall friends that wanna go on diets w/me, and "oh let's workout together, blah, blah" and then come to find out, they weigh like the same that I do! But they're like 6 or more inches taller! But, yes, I've also come to the realization that they are not insulting me (my first reaction), it's just our body comp. I was @ 125 before losing those last 6.5 lbs, and we ALL know how short I am. So, idk, I guess to each his own, huh? Are we ever really satisfied, lol? Besides, I'm kinda like Wendy, I set 115 as my max as far as how low I'd wanna go before turning into a different person (although I think my DH's #'s might differ from mine a bit. :eek: I think where I am right now is as low as he'd like me to go because things start "disappearing" right around this weight :eek: , lol)
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OH MY GOODNESS! you all are a kick in the pants...where do I begin to reply???

Autumn: girl, you are gorgeous. I agree with you that the 126# on a 5'9-er would be very thin. I just couldn't do it. Ab nazi support group sounds good.

kiki: I think it's a woman thing to analyze things to death, look at it sideways, upside down and inside out. My husband just looks at sthg and then puts it in one of those little boxes he has in his brain and doesn't think about it again.

I think you are right about body comp. I am long and lanky with very little muscle composition, whereas my husband carries more weight but he is muscle... Muscle weighs more than no muscle ... I am always wishing for more muscle and it is sooo difficult. My DS is built just like me...he has started lifting weights too..but I just laugh at him (to his face) when he flexes his virtually non-existent muscles compared to his dad. He just don't have the body composition!

Fit mommy: I did the same thing with the workout cards every workout. Then after every workout I would input the weight that I used. This was time consuming, but I was willing to do it. Until I saw that the program was not changing the weight I put in on my new printouts for the next workout. It was frustrating for I just said forget it last week and am keeping the weight amount in my head to the best of my ability. Maybe yours will work...I hope so.

My DH is home! I am happy!:)
Tracy, read that thread I gave Wendy. The main thing to remember is change your 1RM, not your workout card. I have NEVER updated my workout card, but my weights stay on point, and I always know what weight to use because of each weeks card ;)

Oh, and you better not be reading this! (at least not right now :p ) Your hubby's home!!! Yay!
Good Morning Ladies.

So I was lazy this moring. I didn't sleep in but I farted around on the pc for too long this morning and ended up with just enough time to do D24 back work and that's it. I wanted to do a little cardio and abs ofcourse but nope, no time. :rolleyes: D24 was the important thing to get done though to stay on track with my STS schedule. Now tmrw I will do D23 Legs before I leave for the weekend M2 will be DONE!!!:D

I have bicep DOMS as expected and lots of it! YEOWZAS! ;)

Kiki:: Okay I read that thread and tried it out this morning and it worked! Thank you! I did Disc 1. I guess I have to update every single Disc in order for it to come out right? OY! This could take a while! :p

Autumn/Tracy:: LMAO at the ab nazi support group talk. :p

Tracy:: Glad DH is finally home. Hope you 2 have had some time to alone time to reunite!;);)

Okay, I guess that catches me up for now but I'll be back!;):cool:
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Bonjour to all!!

I did Low Max and STS pilates abs this morning, continuing my active recovery week. I sure hope I am not losing any of my muscle gains...I didn't have much to begin with!

Fit mommy: so much for farting:eek: (ewww, hate that word.) If anyone burps or passes gas at my dinner table, they are cleaning the kitchen by themselves!

Was so glad to see my hubby, he was so tan! (went to Israel with his brother)

have a great day!
Tracy:: Nice work out! Nah, you won't lose any of your gains in a week. Cathe wouldn't have us taking recovery weeks if that were going to happen. You'll be fine! I hate farting too but I wasn't LITERALLY farting. Just a figure of speech! ;)
Today was Push/Pull. I'll probably tackle abs and cardio (probably a HIIT) later tonight. I got some more running around to do before Phx (hair, pedi, wax :p ), so it all depends on how much time I have left at the end of the night. We leave Sat. night, but will be @ Six Flags all day tomorrow for their annual Homeschool Day. So I gotta pretty much be all packed and ready to go by tonight.

I wanna plan some w/o's for "just in case" I'm able to break away and get any workouts in while we're gone, although I got a feeling it just may end up being a quick run on the elliptical, if anything. Our hotel has a "fitness center" (not sure if it has free weights, I don't see pics of the actual fitness room), you ladies got any ideas? I'll have my iPhone, so I suppose I could "bring" Cathe w/me to w/o via download. I do have Travel Fit on there already, but in case I'll have access to weights/machines, I wonder if I should bring something more?

Wendy: I wouldn't even mess w/inputting Discs 1-12. Start where you are, working backwards and input what you've done lately. It will adjust it for all the other Meso's where you do the same exercise. By the time you do a couple of them, you'll notice that they're already in there for the other ones. The only exercises you would need to punch in from M1 are the ones that weren't included in M2, does that make sense. Plus whatever you're putting in for M2 will cover many of M3's workouts. You can always take a peek at the w/o cards for upcoming w/o's and make sure you covered everything.

ETA: after some searching, I did find a pic of the "fitness center" in our hotel. Can anyone think of any goodies that will utilize this equipment, and be a good vacation w/o (meaning not like crazy long, lol!)???
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Kiki:: You are a doll. So very helpful indeed! Thank you! :) As for your vacation work outs, you can do a cardio/weight circuit using the DB's and the cardio equipment if you wanted. Just intersperse your basic upper/lower body weight training exercises between cardio spurts. I always take dvds with me (or now my cathe downloads via my itouch) and exercise in my hotel room. When I ran I would use the fitness room TM's or hit the road if there was an acceptable and safe area to run outside but now that I am not running I always keep it in the hotel room. I will bring a band for travel fit and/or weighted gloves for kickboxing but that's about the only equipment I ever carry most of the time these days. On occassion I will bring a pair of light DB's but only if we are driving somewhere. Many years ago we were going down the shore for our vacas and one time I brought along the high step topper, some risers I think and a 15-20 pound kettlebell! I musta' been outta my head! No way would I do that now! :eek: I am sure you whatever you do will be fine. My work outs on vacation rarely last much more then 30 minutes when I do them. Anything is better then nothing and NOTHING is exactly what I will be doing while away this weekend so if you happen to feel like you aren't doing enough just think of me and you will feel better!:p
Rofl at the kettlebell and mini step topper!! I'm gettin a pedi and anymore laughing at this point could be dangerous lol, according to the sharp objects being held at my feet now :eek: . I should've known better than to read these forums here :p
Rofl at the kettlebell and mini step topper!! I'm gettin a pedi and anymore laughing at this point could be dangerous lol, according to the sharp objects being held at my feet now :eek: . I should've known better than to read these forums here :p

Bwah! Sorry about that! :p IKWYM as I just got my mani/pedi last night as a matter of fact!
Kiki: Looks like a great fitness center! It looks like you could even do an STS in there...from my limited experience...very few people use the fitness centers in would probably have it to yourself. Speaking of travel...I would love to to get Travel Fit...It is one of about the last 4 Cathe dvds that I really want and don't have. I have chosen NOT to get the old ones...just because I am shallow and have a difficult time getting over the hair-do and outfit trauma of the whole situation:eek:
I finally got myself a pedi last week!! It felt so good!!

fit mommy: I honestly didn't think you were passing gas!!:eek::p:D

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