STS NEW YEARS CHALLENGERS. week of March 27th!

Good Afternoon ladies! Yesterday was a rest day for me. Today was cardio (~55min) and stretching (Stability Ball Stretch). I'm pretty excited about a rest week, my muscles need it. I was getting to the point where they were tight every day, so it felt good to get stretched out today, looking forward to more this week. We're going over to my in-laws tonight for dinner. My MIL felt so bad about NOT having Thanksgiving at her house last year that she insisted on having it the first chance she could get us all together, lol! So it's today :rolleyes:. Just when you thought all the holiday eating was over! Just for the record: I will try, but I will not be held responsible for what goes in my mouth today :eek:

LaDonna - That's cool, ya'll live on a farm. What kinda animals ya got? Hope everyone enjoyed the cake! (notice that's all we seem to care about here, lol).

Sherry - Since you're waiting a week, we'll be starting Meso 3 together :D ;)
That play sounds wonderful! I was a drama geek all growing up, so I love it!

Autumn - How'd your foam date go? ;) I still need to get one, especially for while doing STS. I'm sure Meso 3 will have me just as tight as M2, I'm already scheduling myself some extra stretching sessions. When are you guys arriving at Disney?

Kristin - I actually really ended up liking the plyo legs my first time around, although I was really scared of the impact on my knees at first. I just recently started feeling them react adversely to higher impact workouts, so I've backed off a bit on going high impact all the time like I used to. But surprisingly, I didn't have any issues. Now that it's been a while, I find myself thinking the same thing again. I haven't had any issues w/my knees lately, but just being cautious I guess. I have to remind myself of what you said, and what I know, "I'll get through it" (I used to love plyo, but the first sign of trouble, after hearing other people complain about knees, I channeled my inner scaredy cat :eek: )

Wendy - How'd the "rest" go? Are you feeling any better?

Hope everyone is having a good weekend! (it's so cold here today! like 30* :mad: , ugh)
Good Evening!

I did an endurance leg/cardio combo today that went like this::

Squeeze Stronger: Warm up, waist 1 & 2, Legs (about half a dozen different lower body exercises one after the other that layered on a HUGE burn!!!:eek:)
Squeeze: Windshield wiper buns and thighs, Flat Abs
Lower Body Blast: Table top position (glute/ham work) w/2# ankle weights, Single leg conditioning drills.
CTX K/B: Cardio only.

It was a long one (90+ mins) but a goodie for sure! I can still "feel" it in my lower body a few hours later! :D

Tomorrow is either cardio or STS D13. Not sure yet!

PS...Kiki-no such thing as a rest for this wacko! :p LOL My symptoms were all a raging case of PMS so they all disappeared when I got TTOM late friday night. That being said, I saw no reason to rest this weekend. Lucky me!;)

Hi all!

Very sunny day and a little less wind than yesterday, so went for a 2 mile interval run. Kind of a mess here today. DH hurt his ankle playing soccer and lounged on the sofa for the day. DD took a hard header at soccer game last night and had headaches off and on all day. We'll see how she is in the a.m. If it's still there, then a trip to the doctor.

Kiki - Thanksgiving in March sounds like fun. Whenever you can get the whole family together is a time to celebrate. As long as you didn't indulge too much . . .

Wendy - Glad you figured it out and you are back to your rigorous, sadistic workout self! Still think you mishmoshes are great, but more work than I'd put into them.

So, now heading to bed. Hope you all had a good day.

Been up since 5 even though I don't have to be. :rolleyes: Hoping to catch a nap a little later. DS has bronchitis so he needs to stay home from school today and I can't get a sitter til the afternoon so I'll be going into work late today. Hopefully this means I can do both weights AND cardio this long as I don't get lazy. :eek:

I'm sore. Feelin' it from my waist to my knees. Took some advil and hoping it helps. I also think I am either catching a cold or suffering from allergies. BLECH. DO NOT LIKE!:mad:

Sherry:: I think your DH is milkin' the ankle thing. :p Hope DD doesn't need to go to the doc! Gotta be careful with head injuries though! Yeah, my mish moshes keep me from getting bored but I can see where lotsa' folks wouldn't want to invest the time it takes to create/do them. I haven't used the WOB much for that reason. Easier for me to just pop various DVDs in and out of the player then to sit here and create something ahead of time. I only have a small handful of downloads anyway. I want a few more but I could definitely see myself using them more for travel then for use with the WOB. :confused: This will be ashame too cause the WOB is an awesome thing! TRULY!:)

Y'day workout Disc 14 (LOOOOOVED it!!), Lauren Brook's The Finisher, pull-up challenge, and some abs. Today sometime I will be doing some cardio.

I have sad news on Roxy's kittens... they are all 4 gone. :( We discovered they were missing y'day morning. DH & I looked all over the yard for signs of them... but nothing. Poor Roxy walked all over meowing and looking. We didn't see any tracks in the snow other than Roxy's, so maybe it was an owl or some other flying critter? :confused: I was worried about them on Saturday and we tried moving them out of the cold and snow, but as expected Roxy moved them back to the hole in the yard. I feel awful!! If I had gotten her spayed, this never would have happened. DD told me not to feel awful... this is just part of nature... the owls need food & then she talked about the food chain. Anyhoo, no more kitties and Roxy has a date with the vet.

Wendy ~ Did you get cardio & weights in this a.m.? How's your li'l guy doing?

Sherry ~ How's your DD and DH today?

Kiki ~ Yummmmmm Thanksgiving foods. How was your dinner? I have a love/hate relationship with the foam. :p I wanna break-up everytime the foam and my IT bands meet. ;)

My break is over from homeschooling... BB with my workout update later...
Good Afternoon.

Well I didn't get in my full work out this morning b/c ofcourse on the day that I have the time I end up back in bed not feeling well. :rolleyes: After a nap I felt good enough to work out but I knew weights and cardio wasn't going to happen. I opted for cardio only and did Step Moves plus Med Ball Ab Circuits with an 8# ball. I am so sore from the waist work y'day that it hurts to breathe. IDK how I got through my work out this morning!:eek:

Autumn:: :( So sorry 'bout the kitties. Don't blame yourself. If you want to get her spayed, great but in the meantime don't beat yourself up cause you didn't do it sooner. You are under no obligation. She was a stray before you started caring for her. You've done more then enough already. :) My son seems ok. Hacking up a storm but no worse for the wear. ;) Just needs to be home 24 hours on AB's before he can go back to school for precautionary reasons. Nope, didn't get in everything I wanted to this morning as you can see above. Booh.

Hello Ladies!

Today was Disc 22. Tomorrow is MMA Kickboxing.

Autumn - I'm sorry to hear about your kittens. That's so sad.

Kikster - We don't have any animals. We just have crops. We mostly plant corn and soybeans. This year we planted winter wheat. It is coming out of dormancy. So pretty!

Sherry - My mom had her 79th birthday. Back in the day, I had "older" parents. It's funny, because my husband and I were the same age when our daughter was born as my parents were when I was born. People don't think anything of it anymore. Anyway, we had a really nice supper and played a party game called Imagine If.

Have a great day everyone!

Today's workout Cardio Core Circuit (cardio only premix) Plus Ab Circuits No Equipment Abs. :) Tomorrow is Disc 15 plus some more abs... b/c my abs need some serious work. :confused: Oh, and tomorrow is my massage day... ahhhhhhhhh (no date with my foam roller :)).

LaDonna ~ Have fun kickboxing tomorrow!!!! I like MMA Boxing and kickboxing... fusion and I are really not friends. :p

Wendy ~ I hope your son feels better!!! I hate my kids being sick... and I'm a nurse which makes it so much worse in some ways. :eek: I really like the Squeeze abs workouts... sounds like I need to do it again and get these abs back in shape.

Have a great evening ladies!!
Hey everyone. Sorry I have been MIA so much. I am having a problem with my laptop charger. I have not worked out in three days . The weekend went by so fast and then yesterday, feeling stressed I was bickering with DH all night, I was wiped. Sometimes we get into this bickering modes and it is awful because it just is so exhausting. I am hoping today is better. I think the TOTM is coming. I hope it does so I can stop feeling so freaking blah, and then I could chalk up my feelings to the hormones, lol.

Tonight will be disc 31, chest and back. I will have to read over the last few days to catch up on personals.

GM ladies.

Today was Disc 13 (2nd week). :)

Sides still feel like they are splitting from Squeeze Stronger but not quite as bad as y'day. ;)

LaDonna:: Enjoy MMA Kickbox today. Will you use weighted gloves?

Autumn:: You can get your abs back in shape in a flash...if you train them more frequently! ;):p My son is still hacking but back to school he went after being given his medicine. He never ran a fever so I wasn't keeping him home another day.

Kristin:: After the bout of PMS I just dealt with last week I feel your pain! My symptoms were physical but what your going through is just as bad. (((hugs)))
Good Morning, ladies!

Didn't check in yesterday, there just wasn't enough time in the day! I didn't do too bad on Sunday. I ate one reasonably sized plate, containing small portions of everything. But my greatest feat was that I only had 1 dinner roll with the main course, and 2 cookies for dessert (among which was also the availability of many pies and ice cream). HUGE accomplishment for me, because I am a carb QUEEN. But I didn't even feel deprived, I was actually quite content. Plus I'd nibbled throughout the day (before going) on small items that weren't so calorie dense (to keep the metabolism up), so I think it all panned out ok. Yesterday was 4DS Kickbox (cardio premix) and stretching. Today will be more of the same, some sort of cardio (probably elliptical), some ab work, and stretching (probably Resistance Band segment from SM). Today is also Sears day, TAKE 3 :rolleyes: !! Seriously, I'm so over it. He's supposed to come between 1-5pm, so we'll see.

Wendy: Glad you're back up and running, seems like it's just been that time for all of us. I still have some physical symptoms lingering, but I'm just so happy my belly has finally deflated! :p

Kristin: I hope you and hubby kissed and made up! I hate those times :(. Hope you're strong enough for disc 31 ;) (I'm always super weak during my TOM), maybe cardio would make you feel better than weights right now? :confused:

LaDonna: oooohh wheat! Do you sell it? That's a pretty cool crop, we've never had luck growing any (although I only want a small crop for my own personal use, lol. I LOVE to bake, and have to buy my wheat berries from a local co-op). We don't have much land, so we only have a small garden, and a tiny flock of hens (for eggs). But DS really wants a goat :rolleyes:

Autumn: Sorry about the kitties! :( Our dog had puppies late last year, and a few of them were stillborn (she older and was in labor for too long, so the last few didn't make it). We felt bad too, because we thought that she might die (being older) and because of the dead puppies, but DS was the same as your DD. Reminding us that death is a part of life, and that at least the other 4 did survive (we ended up keeping 1, friends have the other 3), and so did our old girl. Hope Roxy's not too sad :(

Sherry: Did your fam recover from the Sunday adventures? I know the head injuries can be no joke, so I pray that all was well w/ur DD

Hope everyone has a good day!
Kiki:: Good job with your big weekend meal. Feels great when you can stay in control like that and not feel deprived, doesn't it? :) Good luck with the Sears guy! :rolleyes:
Hi all. So no workout yesterday :eek::mad::eek:. I finally got my TOTM, which made me happy because I now know I must be hormonal, lol. I had my tee ball managers' meeting last night (didn't get home until after nine, hence the reason no workout). I walked in the room, and I was in a sea of men, all looking at me like I was a wacko. I felt like Richard Pryor in that movie where he and Gene Wilder are put in the jail cell, and everyone is looking at him, and he is trying to act cool saying, WE bad, We bad, lol.

TOday is definitely, without a doubt, D31, lol and some cardio too!

Today was Disc 23. Whew! I'm glad tri-sets are over. Tomorrow is Circuit Blast. One of my favorites.

Kikster - Yep, we sell the wheat to Cargill and then they sell it to the various food manufactures.

We just finished homeschooling for the day and now it's off to choir practice. My daughter is in a community church choir. Not only do they practice singing on Wednesdays but they also will do a craft project or have a storyteller or have a game/activity.

Have a great afternoon/evening everyone!

Good evening ladies!! I'm still recovering from post-massage sluggishness :p Y'day was Disc 15 & TBM (The Bar Method) lower body and abs. I was going to do some cardio... nope too tired today... hopefully some stretching but I'm not holding my breath, lol. I guess all those toxins released with the deep tissue massage wipe me out... I am always a slug the day of and day following my massage.

LaDonna ~ I have yet to try Circuit Blast... I just took the wrapper off yesterday. :eek: That sounds like something my kids would enjoy! How many kids do you have?

Kiki ~ Can you message me some of your self-control with food? ;) I am positive that is my entire problem. I've been much better with my eating and the scale is moving and my measurements are down just a bit. :D So, how did Sears take 3 go?

Wendy ~ I'm glad your DS is not running a fever and is back in school (is that ok to say about school?... I would have thought that cruel when I was in school lol ;)... ok except K-3 and college when I completely enjoyed education).

Kristin ~ How are you? Yeah hormones aren't a joke. My friend and I were discussing how our crazy hormones make us feel.

I gotta run... the kids decided now would be a good time to play the drums... when the baby is sleeping... :rolleyes::eek:
Hi all! Sorry for not being up on teh forum more these last few days, it has been quite hectic. I did work out las night, finally!!! I did D31, Chest and Back. Five more discs and I am done with STS. I think for April/May I will be doing 4DS and circuits and get HR and STS total body. Then after the RT in July I will go back to STS.

Autumn- feeling better. I always get emotionally nutso right before TTOTM. It stinks. Now I feel back to normal, lol. A massage sounds so good, lol.

Kiki- has the Sears saga finally come to an end?

Okay, I will bbl, plyo legs tonight!

Good Morning.

Y'day was a rest day. Today was Disc 14 round 2. Holy cow. :eek: I was soooo not in the mood for it this morning and very close to changing my schedule around but I decided to go for it at the last minute and now I'm glad it's over with! :p

Kristin:: Sometimes it can be hard to keep up with everything. Ya just gotta let somethings go for a bit once in a while. It's okay. We understand. :) Glad ya finally knocked out D31! Almost done with STS...fantasic! What are your results like?

Autumn:: LOL yeah DS is still in the liking school phase so it's okay to say that. ;) You enjoyed college huh? I didn't. I only enjoyed the partying. :p Didn't make it very far that way. :eek:

LaDonna:: Hope Circuit Blast treats you well today! :)
Good Morning Everyone! The Sears Trilogy has ended! :eek: :D :cool: (shame I had to go through all that for a stove that's only 6 months old!)

Yesterday was LIC, Cardio Blast Timesaver (I think it's called that, the 48 minute one ;) ) I always forget about that "extra" step segment that is included on that one, that you don't see when you do the program regularly (w/o premix). It's cool, since it's unexpected. Today will most likely be a short run on the elliptical, some abs and stretching. My lower back has been bugging me this past couple of days, and I'm wondering if core work and stretching will help it or aggravate it? Hmmm. Guess we'll see.

LaDonna - That's so cool about your wheat. I love baking with freshly ground wheat. Do you ever bake w/yours? I know you don't like to cook, lol, but just wondering...(I prefer baking over cooking myself)

Autumn - I think I can officially say, you're making us all jealous w/all that massage talk! :mad: Man, what I wouldn't give for one of those. I am a muscularly tense person by nature, and I'm trying my best to work w/it, especially as I get older. Hence all the extra stretching that I've added to my schedule (just started this year), and all my "talk" of getting the foam roller :p. As for the portion control w/food, I always know that's my enemy because I eat quite clean, just too much of good thing sometimes, lol.

Kristin: Woohoo! on almost being done w/STS! I'm planning the same type of rotation after finishing. My body seems to love the circuit work after Meso 3. I've often pondered doing STS backwards, since this is how I used to lift w/best results (moving from heavy to lighter weights/low to high reps to first build size, then "cut" for definition) but haven't figured out quite how I'd do it yet. You know, because STS is just so genius in how you gradually up the weights and gain strength that I don't know if I'd wanna mess with that. The only thing I can think of is to do 1,2,3,2,1. I keep saying I'm going to try it one day, but it's such a long commitment, that Idk if I could stick it out. Although, it's typically how I end up structuring all of my rotations anyway, just w/different programs... :confused: oh well, rambling again (notice that always happens when I'm talking to you, lol, you just get me to "thinkin out loud" :p) Anyways, I think you'll like STS TB and High Reps. Have you bought them yet? Which RT are you going to?

Wendy - Good job plowing Disc 14 today. Aren't you glad it's not hanging over your head anymore? (those days are always the worst, but they feel so good when they're over!)

Sherry - How ya been? Still traveling? Hope you were able to get your hike in...

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