Good Morning Everyone! The Sears Trilogy has ended!
(shame I had to go through all that for a stove that's only 6 months old!)
Yesterday was LIC, Cardio Blast Timesaver (I think it's called that, the 48 minute one
) I always forget about that "extra" step segment that is included on that one, that you don't see when you do the program regularly (w/o premix). It's cool, since it's unexpected. Today will most likely be a short run on the elliptical, some abs and stretching. My lower back has been bugging me this past couple of days, and I'm wondering if core work and stretching will help it or aggravate it? Hmmm. Guess we'll see.
LaDonna - That's so cool about your wheat. I love baking with freshly ground wheat. Do you ever bake w/yours? I know you don't like to cook, lol, but just wondering...(I prefer baking over cooking myself)
Autumn - I think I can officially say, you're making us all jealous w/all that massage talk!
Man, what I wouldn't give for one of those. I am a muscularly tense person by nature, and I'm trying my best to work w/it, especially as I get older. Hence all the extra stretching that I've added to my schedule (just started this year), and all my "talk" of getting the foam roller
. As for the portion control w/food, I always know that's my enemy because I eat quite clean, just too much of good thing sometimes, lol.
Kristin: Woohoo! on almost being done w/STS! I'm planning the same type of rotation after finishing. My body seems to love the circuit work after Meso 3. I've often pondered doing STS backwards, since this is how I used to lift w/best results (moving from heavy to lighter weights/low to high reps to first build size, then "cut" for definition) but haven't figured out quite how I'd do it yet. You know, because STS is just so genius in how you gradually up the weights and gain strength that I don't know if I'd wanna mess with that. The only thing I can think of is to do 1,2,3,2,1. I keep saying I'm going to try it one day, but it's such a long commitment, that Idk if I could stick it out. Although, it's typically how I end up structuring all of my rotations anyway, just w/different programs...
oh well, rambling again (notice that always happens when I'm talking to you, lol, you just get me to "thinkin out loud"
) Anyways, I think you'll like STS TB and High Reps. Have you bought them yet? Which RT are you going to?
Wendy - Good job plowing Disc 14 today. Aren't you glad it's not hanging over your head anymore? (those days are always the worst, but they feel so good when they're over!)
Sherry - How ya been? Still traveling? Hope you were able to get your hike in...