STS male outfits disappointed!


I just have to vent about this and some of you will disagree and no doubt shout me down, however, those spunky guys in STS are not wearing the same colored outfits as Cathe and girls and in my opinion it looks ...... well.... not good;( ;( AND.... then those spunky fellas are wearing those baggy, saggy shorts! YUK!!x(

I have read and read all about how SNM are producing these amazing dvds. And we, the consumer will be paying a hefty dollar too. Quite frankly I feel let down.

Personally, I am known to not buy DVDs because an instructors "form" isn't as good as Cathes, or the music is terrible, or I need far too much equipment, or the background crew have terrible form or are wearing awful clothes.

Now, I know how much most of you guys love to admire what Cathe and crew are wearing or how their hair looks etc... So, well I just wanted to vent my disappointment. I'm disappointed, I think those guys look very unprofessional and its a real shame.

>I just have to vent about this and some of you will disagree
>...I'm >disappointed, I think those guys look very unprofessional and
>its a real shame.

I'm not particularly happy about the men's clothes being so different in color from Cathe & the ladies, because coordinated outfits for me sort of "balances" the workout, and lets me concentrate more on the overall group, rather than honing in on one exerciser who "stands out", if that makes any sense. I am, however, not a big fan of men in spandex, either! I just REALLY want to see the muscles being worked, particularly in everyone's upper body, so that I can concentrate on that muscle in my own body.... the visualization really helps!

Probably the most distracting thing is the Cathe, as the instructor isn't the female who is in the non-red outfit - just a little off-balance for my eye.

However, with that visual glitch said & done, I still think that the STS program will be well worth the money. I'd rather see uncoordinating or unbalanced color-schemes in the outfits than hear annoying instructor banter, or NOT get proper instruction. :p

I am so visually oriented that I waited until seeing the set today on the blog to finish making up my mind whether or nor to pre-order. Despite the mild disappointment in the clothing choices, I'm still pre-ordering with much excitement. I still love and enjoy the Cathe Classics Vol. 1, despite the horrific outfits & sets, so I'm sure the visuals of STS will soon be forgotten in my enjoyment of this new series.

I guess the bottom line is that you can't please all of the people all of the time, and Cathe & her workouts please me MOST of the time (99.999999%)! I'm sure STS will be no different. :7
Um hello? I am hoping my DH will use these. If you put the guys in some wierd matching Cathe outfit, he would look at it and say no way. The guys are wearing what I would expect a guy to wear to work out. geez.
TImely post, I was just showing my husband the blog pics and one of his responses was...."thank god she didnt make the guys wear dopey clothes".
I viewed the blog before coming to the forums, and I must say I did not notice what they guys were wearing....I was focused on the exercises....guess that means the clothes don't bother me
I think it would've looked REALLY cheesy if the guys wore matching outfits. I like what they're wearing.
Most of the time I don't even notice what Cathe is wearing, what the music is or what the set is like. I'm just concentrating on the workout.
I'm not....

All the outfits look fine to me. But I love the top Cathe is wearing! That said, I enjoyed viewing the rehearsal photos too and seeing what everyone was wearing in those. The capris pants Cathe wears during the rehearsal pics look wonderful. I'd love to find a some of those. They all look good, no matter what they are wearing.

RE: I'm not....

I would be disappointed if the guys WERE wearing matching outfits or tighter fitting shorts. That would not be a good look, in my humble opinion.
Hi Andrea:) I think they would have looked to 'cutsey-woo-matchy-matchy' if their outfits were all coordinated. I agree that if men are going to be doing STS, they don't want to be looking at 'packaged' men in bicycle/gym shorts and red/black lycra, doesn't feel authentic. It's certainly not what I see at the gym where guys are lifting HEAVY. Honestly, I would get sick of looking at it too. I suspect that once we get the workouts we'll be too preoccupied with squeezing out that last rep to care what they are wearing:)

Take Care
Another one for looking at the workouts I will pop over to the blog and see what this is all about.

"Double Knot your laces and let's move on"
-Cathe Friedrich
I am back! The mens tops match Cathe's shoes Grey & black. Awesome Choices. I wouldn't want those manly men to look cheesy. Just my $.02


"Double Knot your laces and let's move on"
-Cathe Friedrich
Personally I think the "lack" of "matching outfits" gives the entire thing a MUCH MORE gym feeling! I LOVE IT!!!! Not all of us WANT to feel like we're part of Cathes "crew" when we workout.... The outfits have no bearing on the workouts IMO - I want a FABULOUS program that is timeless...."Uniforms" are not required in my book.............. The effectivesness of training has very little to do with colors, styles, coordination.... Sorry if OP needs/wants all that- I think its a silly topic.
At first I thought today was April 1st after reading this post. If the guys were dressed in matching outfits, I think I would be laughing too hard to get a good workout. It would remind me of the times I needed my son's to get dressed up and they were thinking do I have to!

I think the choice of clothing fits the "sport". If it were a spinning class tight clothes would work, but not for weight training. At the gym I go to all the men dress similar to how the guys are dressed in STS. It's all about comfort and that will show in the STS DVD's.

I'm with Traci on this one. I think everyone looks wonderful! I actally had to go back and look to see what everyone was wearing to see what everyone was talking about.

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