Hello again!
Answer of the day - I am close to being able to charge membership. If/when I get my squat rack, THEN I can charge! However, I don't think I have a place to put it. I did some reorganizing a couple wks ago an cleared up some floor space. However, now my DB's are lined up on my 1 free wall, so I will have to move them when the wall squats come up. I think I remember seeing them in the You Tube clips. DH seems to think I have more than enough stuff, but you can never have enough toys!
I have a pull up bar, its sitting on the floor, DH hasn't put it up yet. I suppose I could do it, but I can't find the drill. And he gets a panicky look when I ask where the drill is. I think I'm going to go with the band pull down method as well. I have a spot I can hang the band over. Plus, last try I can't DO a pull up, anyway. Although, I do know the effort counts for something. My problem is I can't figure out the "how" of the pullup. I know the motion is supposed to come from my back, but I can't seem to get the motion out of my arms and into my back. My body seems to have confusion. I know what I want it to do, but can't get the motion down. Maybe the band pull downs will help, and I'll work up to it.
Now I am getting a bit sore, the DOMS are kicking in. Especially in my rib cage. I think thats the yoga abs talking to me. I think DOMS should stand for Dang Ow Moving Sucks. I suppose since I am at work I should be working. Gotta motor!