Hiho. Work was relatively calm. I was able to walk to the copy place and the post office. Both places are so close and the traffic in that area is so congested. So I got outside for an hour at least, though it was chilly it could be worse.
Marie, poor B. My heart aches for him! I hope as I type this that he is waaaay better!
With your shift differential pay, you don't need to work during the week. So awesome.
In college I was a unit secretary for NUSU/Neuro; it paid well. Do you guys use those acronyms?

(Neurosurgery and neurology for you laypeople

What on earth are skull crushers?
Carolyn, beef stroganoff is fatty because I'd use sirloin steak tips, but you can use low fat sour cream

in place of full fat. Oh so delicious though. With mushrooms. I haven't made that in years.
Oh no on Zulily! Doesn't it figure??! Maddening! That site is time-consuming so I stopped the emails.