STS first time!

Jean--- You are going to LOVE LIS. I did the November Rotation twice. I loved it that much. I actually had amazing results with it. Let us know how you like them when you start doing each individual DVD. I absolutley Loved it so much, I already pre- ordered the new DVD's. They are to be like AT and AB. So Excited!!!!!:eek::eek::eek:
Good Morining! I did my cardio this morning, but it was at a much lower intensisty. I am having horrible menstral cramps. I guess, it is better than no exercise at all.

Now I am at work. Busy, Busy today!!!!

Hope everybody has a lovely day.

Thinking about what workout to do this evening...... :)
Hi Everyone!

I did Disc 12 this morning and now I am finished with Meso 1! I found this last week tough because of the increased weights, but I feel like I got some great workouts in. I am excited to start Meso 2, because it seems like people like that one even more. But it sounds like some of you ladies were very sore in Meso 2 so I am not sure what to expect.

For my rest week I am excited to get back to my LIS workouts. I was trying to stick with the shock cardio dvds during Meso 1.

Welcome Zumbadancer, you are on the same STS schedule as me and Betty.

Messy snowy roads here today, but my kids still had school, with no delays. They were very disappointed. I think they would enjoy Letterboxing when the spring gets here, they did geocaching with girl scouts and enjoyed that.

Have a great day!
Hey girls! Just a quick check in before I get in the shower. I've got a chiropracter appointment this morning since my neck has been feeling a little wonky this week and I've been getting headaches. I just finished disc 24! I'm done with Meso 2! I've been loving weightlifting so much lately that I feel like I'm going to really miss them next week! I usually prefer cardio over weights but since I started STS that seems to have reversed!:eek:
Has anyone else been using weightlifting gloves? I haven't been and I've developed some callouses on my hands.:eek: In a way I'm kind of kicking myself that I didn't just get some gloves (my hands are kind of bothering me right now) but on the other hand it makes me feel kind of bada$$.:p Hee!
I'll be back later to write more!
Hello everyone! Welcome zumbadancer! :D

We are definitely bada##es with our callouses, or maybe you folks are...I won't call myself a bada## until I can do 5 unassisted pullups...:eek: Got a ways to go for that... :eek:

Yesterday was Disc 18 Back and Biceps, then 3 miles on the treadmill. I'm fighting with the workout manager because the rotation scheduler put it on the calender for today, but I did it a day early, now cannot move it, I guess because it's a new month...grump grump grump...:eek:

Today will either be Athletic Training or Yoga Max, then this afternoon will be Yardwork Max... :D

It's 75F and sunny today, wheee! :eek:
I am soooo jealous of you guys and your 75 degree weather!! I can't complain too much though since our winter here in Wisconsin has been pretty darn mild.:)
Zippity are you doing pull ups? I don't have a tower yet so I've been subbing with the tubing over the door. I really really want to get a tower soon though so I can try to do it. I have this goal for myself that I want to do at least one real pull up before I turn 40 in October. I will be so proud of myself if I can do that!!
I noticed today that the callouses on my left hand are worse than my right. I think it's because my left arm is so much weaker I tend to grip the weights tighter just to get the exercise to go! I'm so ridiculously right hand dominant. I would be totally screwed for work if anything ever happened to my right hand! I wouldn't be able to write squat on my charts! I've got yoga gloves with little grippy dots...I was thinking I could use those to help with the callouses but I've been too lazy to put them on! They worked somewhat for kettlebells when I did that, although real weightlifting gloves would be better I'm sure.
Congrats on finishing Meso 1 Maryk!
Welcome Zumbadancer!
So I went home for lunch today, and I had a present!!!! The Fedex man brought me my High step that I ordered. I was so excited... I ripped the box open and put in my exercise room. I'm so excited!!!!:eek: I bought the high step and 2 additional risers so I could use it as my chair (it is the perfect height), so I dont have to bring a kitchen chair in every time I do an STS DVD.

OMG!!! can't wait to use it.

Now, I have all of the equipment used in the Cathe DVD's. I am so pumped!!!! Can't wait to get home and bust a move!!!!! HAHAHAHA:D

Colleen---I feel ya---I'm am also right hand dominant. I am slowly building up strength in my left. STS is working for that. Also, watch for the tower. Thats where I got mine. :D
Wow Carolyn, you guys seriously got that much snow?? We totally got missed on that end! Lots of rain though. This morning I had to be careful taking Dylan out to the bus since there was a thin layer of ice on the deck. I'm so paranoid about slipping and falling on ice...there was a guy in our town several years back who wound up paralyzed from falling on ice so I always think about that when I'm walking on a slippery surface!:(

Congrats on the new High Step Missy! I just got mine a month or so ago too! I love having a higher step to do leg presses and step ups with. My step reebok bench only goes 10 inches at it's highest. It seems my quest for fitness equipment is never totally satisified though!:p

I was going to take a rest day tomorrow but I'm starting to think I might sneak a little cardio in...maybe a quick 30 minute dvd or something. Hmmm...
OMG!!! I would die if it snowed that much here. I live in GA now, but I am orginally from Florida. True southern girl here. I get cranky when its in the 40's. When its in the 30's I FREAK!!!! I hate the cold weather....well, except for in December!!!! I do like a cold christmas!!!!!!!

I love my high step!!! Now I dont have to use my big Cathe Step when only a small one is needed. Tomorrow is Disc#9. Looking forward to it!!! :D

Only one more week of Meso 1----looking forward to Meso 2----It is nice to be behind so I can here all the in and outs of whats to come!!!!

Tonight was just some light cardio---due to cramps. Hopefully tomorrow I will feel better!!!!

Chat with you later!!!!!!!!!!!:)
Zippity---Thats about what my temp is today! Where about do you live? I live in Thomasville, GA. :)

I live just outside Huntsville, Alabama. :) Except for the six-hour car ride, we are practically neighbors. :D I love south Georgia; it very much has it's own charming culture, and the people are so friendly.

Have you had any severe weather the last few days? North Alabama might be in for some strong storms today, so I'll have to get my workout done extra early (yet here I am sitting at the computer...). :eek: They've already started dismissing the schools early...
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Zippity I do the same thing in the morning! I sit on the computer at least 1/2 hour drinking my coffee before I can even attempt to work out. I'm so dang groggy when I wake up. Then sometimes I just keep sitting there...knowing I need to get going if I'm going to get anything in!:eek: It's so easy for me to lose time browing the forums and internet!

No work out for me today. I was thinking about getting a little cardio in this morning but I wound up sleeping in. My menstrual monster is in full force today!:( Afterburn is on tap for tomorrow and I can't wait! I'm such an exercise nerd.:eek:

Carolyn I'm sorry I gave you more to worry about!! I'm the exact same way...I literally see danger around every corner. My mom was like that too... she raised us all to be super paranoid about stuff. I try to teach my kids a healthy balance between being careful while not being frozen with's a tough thing to find that balance sometimes!

Have a great Friday everybody!
Good Afternoon!!! Been very busy at work today!!! No time to post.....

Betty---Congrats!!!! Have fun on your off week!!!! I got my High step on

Zippity----They are predicting nasty weather here tomorrow. They are forcasting 3 inches of rain with bad thunderstorms. Look like I will stay inside all day!!!! Hope you have a safe day!!!!

Chat with you later!!!! Back to work!:D
Zippity---- Are you okay? I see on the news---bad weather in alabama. Alot of tornato damage. Let us know.... that you are okay!!!!:)
Zippity---- Are you okay? I see on the news---bad weather in alabama. Alot of tornato damage. Let us know.... that you are okay!!!!:)

Hello, yes, I am fine, there were several in the area this morning-damage and injuries, no fatalities thankfully. Round 2 is starting to get organized, so we're heading downstairs to the storm shelter in a few minutes.
Thank goodness, I'm glad you checked in Zippity! Stay safe!

I know what you mean about this summer Carolyn. I really hope it's not a crazy hot and humid one based on this mild winter. You just don't know what to expect anymore!

We're going out to dinner tonight with my sister and her husband. Let's see if I can make some smart food choices!:eek: I really love batter fried fish on friday nights though and my menstrual monster is craving it!:eek:
Colleen---Go for the fish---and work it off tomorrow. Treat yourself, you exercise all week.

Carolyn----As for the summer----I predict a strong hurricane season---due to the crazy mild winter---I hope that isn't the case, but thats my thoughts!!! And, yes you are on the right page with a HOT Summer to come!!! But, I am no weather girl!!!! hahaha

My husband is cooking steaks tonight!!! Going to eat and then hit Disc#9

Be back later!!!!!:eek:
I think it sounds awesome!!! I like to do a DVD everyday, and the hardest has been trying to decide which one do do on my STS off days. So I would be for it! So, would you repeat the same 3 DVD's that are scheduled each week or run through the entire meso 2x before moving onto the next meso?
I am curious???? I am excited????? :eek:
Hi Everyone!

Today would normally be a weight day for me, so I wasn't sure what to do with myself this morning. I did CSS yesterday and was trying to think of something different, so I did the combo from 4DS of kickbox and bootcamp. What a fun workout that is! I got a great workout in under an hour, but did not feel completely spent. I'll save that for AB tomorrow!

Carolyn, are you going to do the same number of discs, but without a break so you finish faster? Sounds interesting. I can't wait to start Meso 2 next week.

Zippity and Colleen, I also get on the computer with my cup of coffee first thing in the morning. I like to get caught up on things before everyone else gets up and the craziness starts.

Yucky day here today - rain, fog and slushy roads. Off to do my errands. Enjoy the weekend!

I'm going to do Afterburn today if I can manage to get my butt moving this morning! :eek: I can't wait! Unfortunately, the batterfried fish was only okay last night. It wasn't bad, but whenever I'm going to splurge I always want to be in heaven with what I'm eating and it just wasn't so last night. Oh well! Can't win 'em every time!

Carolyn that STS 6 days a week sounds great! I remember this one VF'er who was doing it and she really liked it...although she did say it's not for the faint of heart!:eek: Have fun with it but if you feel too burned out don't be afraid to back off. I might try it someday but for now I think I'd be too scared!;) Of course, I'm somewhat new to weight training though!

I hope everyone in the storm areas last night are okay! I heard Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio were hit pretty hard.

I'll check in later! Have a great day everybody!

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