STS first time!

It sounds like you did it right. When you edit the workout, you put in the weight and the number of reps, and it reverse calculates your 1RM based on that and then uses that for future workouts.

I gotta say sometimes I'm jealous of you girls that are ahead and then sometimes I'm grateful that I get to benefit from your posts by seeing what's coming up! This thread is so awesome and helpful in that regard!!

As far as Mark's grandma she lives close, just 25 minutes or so from our house. Mark's wonderful younger cousin takes care of her. This girl is just amazing...she's only 22 and she's willing to take on the responsibility of caring for her grandmother! Eventually it may get to be too much for her...we're all just seeing how it goes and taking it one day at a time. Mark and I try to help out as much as we can.

Missy- I know what you mean about how inactive a desk job makes you! When I'm busy I'm up and down a lot but on days when we are less busy I sit at this desk pretty much all day:(. Whenever I get to feeling too sedentary I close the door to my office and do some dixie cup lunges and firewalkers! I keep those two things in my desk all the time. I also have 2 5lb dumbells under my desk but now that I'm doing STS those things seem ridiculously light! I rememer a time when those seemed like "heavy" weights to me!:eek:
Missyt, 30,000 steps! Wow! I need a nap just thinking about that much walking! :eek:

Colleen, it is indeed sad to see someone with Alzheimer's or senile dementia; my grandmother had it the last few years of her life; she was very aware of what was happening and it just broke my heart to see her struggle. :(

Today was STS Meso 2, Disk 16 Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps. I'm not sure I"m ready for 75% 1RM!!!!!!! :eek: It was really tough today! And, my weights seem so light compared to Cathe's-I know it's never good to compare oneself to the instructor, but still!!!! :eek:
Good evening to all! :)

To everyone that has complimented on my weight loss. (Thanks) I am very excited and proud of myself. It has taken alot of hard work and dedication. But its all worth it in the end!!!:D

Colleen--- Desk Jobs are the devil. Thats actually how I got to my heaviest weight. I remember when I was a young adult I could eat anything and wouldn't gain an ounce. Now I can just look at something and gain!!! hahaha (age is also the devil) But, I have to work, so now I have finally figured out how to balance a desk job and exercise.

Zippity--- haha--- I needed the nap when I got done yesterday!!! My fitbit calculated it at 17.5 miles. :eek:

Tonight I did Disc #7 and medicine ball abs on Ab Circuits!!!

Tomorrow, I think I will do......not sure yet. I will have to think about it. I really want to do Total body Trisets (my absolute favorite), Do you think that is okay between upper body disc's? (Disc #7/#8)
Good Morning! My monthly monster is here to visit, which means I got up 30 minutes later than I needed. So I only got to do 30 minutes of cardio this morning! :(

I guess I will have to make it up tonight!!!!

Hope everyone has a nice Tuesday!!!!:)
Anybody there? Been up since 5:30am and nobody to talk to...... maybe someone will chat with me later!!!!!!!!!!
Missy- It's TTOTM for me too!:eek: I feel so out of it and spacey today. I planned on doing Michelle Dozois More Cardio Interval Burn for the first time but I only got 10 minutes into it and I took it out. I have the original CIB and I like it. I'm sure this will be fine on another day but I was just not in the mood for super high impact (what I call the "bouncy, flouncy" kind...too frenetic for my mood today). Plus I couldn't face a whole hour of that and learning a new routine as well. My brain just isn't functioning today! I put in Jillian Michael's 6 week 6 pack instead. I really like that one...nice 30 minute sweat and it's familiar to me so no brain needed! ;)

Zippity I know what you mean about comparing yourself to the instructors! I always feel if I'm doing at least 2/3 of what Cathe's doing I'm doing great! I don't know if I'll ever get as strong as her! One thing I've learned about heavy lifting is my body totally resists putting on muscle (at least upper body). It takes so much effort to get a little muscle and it's also really hard to maintain it! If I'm not getting enough rest or protein I can tell it affects my strength.

Jean and Carolyn- how are you guys feeling after starting Meso 3 yesterday? The DOMS monster visiting??:eek:
Jean--- I would do anything to get rid of mine. Well... except surgery. I am do not like pain.

Colleen---How do you like Michelle Dozois's DVD's?
Missy- Michelle Dozois dvd's are pretty hit or miss for me. I really like her original Peak 10 Cardio Interval Burn but the Cardio Interval Strength was a miss. The moves in that one really tweaked my knees and I don't trust her form with weights like I do Cathe. In fact, Cathe is pretty much the only one I like for strength work, I've discovered. I think I'll like the new CIB as well when I can do it on a day I can focus...I blame ttotm for my troubles today! I also really like her Michelle's "You're best body circuit" dvd. It's got some nice band work in that one. I tried her Rocking cardio jam and The ultimate workout and didn't care for those though...the choreography was a little weird for me. I'm not into dancy or fancy footwork! lol:eek:
I have done her 10 minute solutions--- I think it was kickboxing. It was okay. But I sold it on ebay. I guess I didnt like it enough to keep.

I feel the same about Cathe and weights. I actually have never found any other DVD's that I love like Cathe's. I seem to stay motivated and excited to do Cathe DVD's.
Hello all! :) I've been up since 5:00 am too, didn't think to check online...

Letterboxing sounds really, really neat! :)

Took me a few minutes to figure out what TTOTM meant.... :eek: Thanks to bioidentical hormone replacement, I get to experience the joy of having TTOTM :rolleyes: but it's worth it since I feel so much better especially on progesterone.

Big workout day today, STS Meso 2, Disc 17 Legs this norning, then Jillian Michael's Extreme Shed and Shred (ESS), Level 2 workout. ESS is an excellent workout, the best and most challenging Jillian workout I've done. I really like the creative moves and positions, very fresh and interesting. She was funny and relaxed in this dvd. :) I've been on a real Cathe kick for the last few months, so it was nice to do something completely different, and I"m pretty spent this afternoon, but in a good way! :D
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Quiet day on the boards! I suppose people are a little freaked about the possible virus lurking on the open discussion section. My work computer is fine...I did a full scan and it was all clear. There was a few trojan horses that were removed from my computer yesterday though and I wonder if it was from this. My home computer I'm a little concerned about said this morning a virus was removed on the antivirus software so I hope that's the extent of it.:confused: Have you guys had any problems? I'm afraid to go to the open discussion section until I hear it's all cleared up! It doesn't seem to be happening on the other threads though.
I have been getting this message for several days, but my anti-virus would stop it...I was getting it in the STS forum too, but I think it has been cleared up because no messages today.
Good evening ladies! Just finished my workout. I did 40 minutes of cardio and MMA Kickbox. I am soaked!!!!:p Off to take a shower.

I also have been getting the attacks, but my anti-virus would stop it. I haven't gotten it today though. Hopefully it's gone!

Gotta go, biggest loser comes on in a few. hehehe (need to see what drama is going on this week at the Biggest Loser campus) Those people just need to stop with the childish games, and be happy they are on the show and getting the help they need.

Check back later!:p
What do you think of me doing plyo on Saturday or SUnday? That could be my second leg day. I probably should decide that after doing legs tomorrow! I might not be able to move for a few days!

Definitely your legs will decide for you!!!

Today is STS Disc 18 Back and Biceps; good thing, I'm too sore for anything else except maybe a walk or yoga. :eek:

I'll check in again later. :)
I did disc 23 legs today...the last leg day of Meso 2! I'm going to miss the heavy weights for legs! I was really enjoying the challenge, not that Plyo legs won't be challenging!

I think I'm going to try that modified pyramid I mentioned before after Meso 3 is done. I'm going to do one week of circuits and kettlebells, then one week of Meso 2 and keep alternating until I get to the end of Meso 1. I plan to still take the one week of cardio only between the two Meso's but it will take me twice as long to get there. We'll just have to see how my body responds to this experiment. If it's too much or doesn't feel right I'll just do something else.
Hopefully I'll have the turbo tower soon so I can do real pull ups...or at least attempt them! After we figure out our tax burden this year I'm hoping there will money left over so I can get that and a cardio club step. I really want to try and learn some of Cathe's step workouts. I've always been so bad with complex choreography! I hope if I just try it on a 4 inch platform with no risers that I might have some success. We'll see!

Carolyn- I looked up the letterboxing and it does look like fun! I'm not too outdoorsy myself and my husband just hates that about me:eek:. This actually sounds like something I could enjoy though with him and the kids. I would want to wait until a nice day though so I think I'll introduce it to him in May or June...otherwise he'll make me go outdoors right now when it's all cold and yucky! I'm such a baby!:eek:

Betty- Congrats on almost finishing Meso 1! You did it!:D

Zippity- isn't Meso 2 legs crazy? I got so sore the first week of Meso 2 legs that I had a hard time getting in and out of my car! My tushie and hamstrings could barely stand sitting down too:eek:. I had less DOMS as I went along though even though I was upping my weights each time. It's amazing how the body adapts to new challenges so quickly!

Missy- what do you think of MMA kickbox? I have it but only did it one time and I totally can't remember what I thought of it. I'm trying to decide if I want to do that next week as part of my recovery/cardio stuff.

Okay, back to work!:p Later girls!
Jean we were posting at the same time! It's raining here too...very ominous since it could freeze at any time:(.
I feel the same way about the seated rear delts. I always feel like I scrunch up my traps too much and it bothers my neck. I try to keep them relaxed and down but it's hard. I should probably use a lighter weight actually, it would be safer for my neck and shoulders.
Will this be your first time with the LIS workouts? You're going to love them! As far as the sliding discs and push up in Afterburn I can do those but I can only eek out 1 push up instead of the 2 that Cathe does!
Hello girls!!!!!!

I have not been been on the forums today because I have been super busy at work today!

I did my cardio this morning. Now off to do Disc#8.

MMA Kickbox--- I enjoyed. I have always liked kickboxing---so I was excited to try it. Now that I have I am looking forward to working it into my schedule. It got me sweating like crazy.

Biggest Loser---I too am a huge fan. I have been watching this show from the beginning. (season 1) I also agree that this season is the worst!!! It has lost my interest. Last season---was amazing. The bonds people made, progress. It was a tear jerker. This season.... Conda.... thats all I can say. I also wish she would get sent packing!!!!

Off to workout...check back later!!!!!!!!!!:)
Hi Everyone!
I'm a newbie here, and just started Cathe videos last month, I love each and every one of them, I went off and bought so many :)
I started STS 4 weeks ago, I just did workout #11 in mesocycle 1 and I can't wait for Friday's leg workout, its the end of Meocycle 1, and my eek off, I think I will go crazy not lifting weights, does anyone have suggestions on what workouts would be good for active recovery?
Welcome Zumbadancer!!!!

I am on DVD#8. I think on active recovery week you can do anything, just no weightlifting. I know when I get there in a couple weeks... I am going to do LIS DVD's and STS cardio DVD's. I miss them alot. I have been doing some of them on my off days. I really enjoyed the November rotation and miss it. I am going to do the STS/LIS rotation next so I can mix it up!!!! Of course, once I complete the 3 1/2 month's of STS.

So, where are you from? Tell us a little about yourself.

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