STS first time!

Hey All,

I know it's been a while since I checked in here. It was a tough week for working out for me! I had to move my wed workout to Thursday (trip to the zoo) then Friday I was working, and yesterday we had a wedding that took all day (when you count driving time). So I'm finally headed off to the basement to complete my back and biceps workout for the week. After missing just two days I feel so out of the groove!

That is so awesome your daughter enjoys working out with you Carolyn! What an awesome example you are setting for her! It will serve her really well to have this foundation and positive fun attitude toward exercising. I can't wait until my daughter is older and can do that. She's only 4 but sometimes she'll "work out" with me. It's so funny watching her try to copy me!:eek: Gotta go, got some Superbowl company but I'll check in and write more later!
Hello ladies!

Just a quick check in. I finished Meso 1 on Saturday and have my active rest week this week. I'm really excited to start Meso 2. :cool:

Betty: I hear you on the fatigue and leaving weights strewn all over the place. Unfortunately, when I did that, my hubby didn't notice the weights, tripped on one and broke a toe! :eek::( Boy, did I feel horrible after that. Quite a dramatic reinforcement for me to pick up the weights as soon as I'm done.
omg Linda I'm so sorry about your husband's toe! I have a feeling my hubby would milk as much sympathy as he could out of me if that happened!;) Good luck with your rest week! I had a tough time figuring out which workouts to do since I have sooo many circuit type and kettlebell workouts. I wound up only working out 4 times last week because of that and also because I felt a little fatigued due to a mild cold I got from my daughter. I didn't feel extremely sick, just a little congested with a mild sore throat but my energy levels really sagged. Good timing at least during recovery week!:) Now that we're getting the elliptical soon, I think I'll use that a lot for my rest week after Meso 2.

Welcome back Betty and congratulations on starting STS! It will get easier once you get in the groove a bit. I wouldn't worry about maxing out your potential with this cycle. Just doing it and getting started are what's important. You can always up the ante the next go around.;) I don't think I'd worry about getting ab circuits just yet. I have it and haven't found the time to do any yet! I try to do at least one LIS workout a week and so many of those have functional fitness moves that work your core. I feel like that's been enough for now.

I did disc 13 yesterday! Feeling pleasantly sore today, not horrendous. :) I can't decide if I should do disc 14 tomorrow or if I should do cardio and wait for legs until Wednesday since I didn't have time to get a workout in this morning. Decisions, decisions.:p
Hi Ladies,

I hope you don't mind me joining in. I purchased STS during the sale but put off starting it. After reading all of your posts, I did my 1RM tests and did disk1 yesterday. I had trouble with all of those pushups - started on my toes but quickly dropped to my knees. And I am a little sore today, but I feel good. I am looking forward to disk 2 - I love working my back. I still have to figure out how to do the pullups. I don't have the tower, so I'll have to rig something over my door to use the band.
Hi girls! I did disc 14 today! The leg workouts are so awesome. I also really liked that this one was only 48 minutes:p. I had a little time left so I decided to add on a few tabata drills. Do any of you guys have Amy Dixon's Breathless Body dvd? I tried a few others of hers without too much luck but I like this one. It's basically 8 different exercises done in the tabata format of high intensity for 20 seconds with 10 seconds recovery repeated 8 times. I rarely do the whole disc but I like to use it as a quick add on tabata/cardio for those days when I just want to get my heartrate up for a bit and sweat after a strength workout. Today I just did 2 of the drills after disc 14 which only took about 10 minutes since I didn't really need to warm up too much having just done STS. Sometimes I'll do 3-5 drills depending on time and my energy level.

Good luck getting your workout in today Carolyn! Welcome Sherry and Maryk! Don't worry about all the pushups Maryk...just do what you can. Cathe is a beast with those pushups! I don't know how she does it! I also use the rubber tubing over the door in my bedroom but I can't wait until I get a tower so I can try for a real pull up. Next time. :)
CarolynIi am always pausing . By the timeIi stretch and catch my breath , they are getting ready to start again. My shoulders are really feeling it also with these workouts. I had to lighten up on my shoulders today. By the time she is done with all the chest work my shoulders are getting tired.


Oh, I am the queen of pausing the dvd!:eek: That's another reason I'd be nervous to go on a road pause button! ;)

D'Oh! Why isn't my ticker working? I changed it on the workout manager like usual...I swear I'm on disc 14!
I preordered her two newest already! Yipee! :p Afterburn and Athletic Training were my two absolute favorites from LIS so I'm totally psyched! To get the free shipping I also ordered Gym style legs and Low Max. I can't do her choreography but I'm interested in the premix that has just the "blasts". I wouldn't normally buy it just for that but it put me over the top for the free shipping and I was enabled by a thread that mentioned the blast premix is a good add on after Trisets lower body if you want a longer workout.:)

Jean- you might like some of Amy Dixon's other workouts. Some of her stuff is more intermediate. She has two called Give me 10 and Give me 10 more which have 10 minute workouts that a lot of people like. I tried the 10 more one and I wasn't crazy about it for some reason...I'm not sure why. It's popular though on VF.

Later! Colleen
marazoe said:
I just read the newsletter where Cathe has 2 new dvd's coming out. They are too much energy for me. I won't be doing the pre-order. How about you ladies?
Collen I pretty much just do Cathe. I am going to check out Amy Dixon. She is probably over my level also. My ticker never shows the right dvd for me either. As long as I know where I am , that is all that matters.
When Cathe does the push-ups on Disc 22 , you do 4 sets of 10 pushups with a ten second break. And she does them fast. Each set I did one less.

I pre-ordered: couldn't resist. I can't imagine a workout being harder than Afterburn, as Afterburn already gets my heart rate into the 180's a few times! Although I'm pleased that these workouts will have multi-impact, as I think that is a more balanced workout.

Still hoping she announces a new spinning workout shortly.
Hello all! I did see this thread, but I didn't want to just jump in in the middle of the party, but Jean invited me, so here I am! I hope it's ok.

I JUST started STS.... like just just... like Meso 1 Disc 2 this morning. I'm doing a modified 6 month, working with each week twice before moving on to the next. Right now I only have Mesos 1 and 2 and am going to see how they go before taking the plunge on Meso 3.

I am rotationally challenged though, I must admit, so I'm hoping I'll be able to stick with this because I really want to see what the results will be. Plus I'm going to the Glassboro RT and want to be in great shape. :)

I saw the email for the new workouts and was >>>>thisclose<<<< to caving, but I'm just concerned about the impact. I love to be able to do a Cathe workout as is which I think is the reason I love AT and AB so much... totally doable and still a sweaty mess and feeling really accomplished at the end of it all. I am hoping that the impact in the two new workouts won't be over the top because that would kinda defeat the purpose of me ordering since I'd have to modify too much. Really hoping for a mix of high and low... and nothing too high impact. Still love Cathe though. I'll wait for more info before pre-ordering.
Oh no Marie! That's so nice your hubby's brother is helping out his student but what a bummer about the workout space!:( I get totally stressed out whenever my husband has a few days off from work and sleeps in. I workout in my bedroom. He is usually up and in the shower by 5:45 am and out the door by 6:30 so I don't have to worry about him cramping my workout style! When he takes a few days off though he sleeps in...and I'm like GAH! Get out of here! Good thing you have that gym membership for a little while longer. I know what you mean about trying to get that workout in later in the evening. Life just takes over and it's so hard for me to do it later too!

Jean-KCM refers to Kelly Coffey-Meyer. She has a series of workouts called 30 minutes to fitness. I got a few, and just like many of the Amy Dixon's (except Breathless Body), I just could not get into her workout style. Especially her strength ones. Her weight lifting used a lot of non-traditional moves that just seemed like an injury waiting to happen. Cathe is so much better imo. I do like her Circuit Burn dvd, although I have yet to do it again (did it once when I first got it). Everyone has different taste though and you may really like her could check out clips on collage maybe.

Carolyn- I miss your posts today! You can tell I'm not too busy at work... posting like mad.:eek:
I just completed Disc 2 - I am really liking this format. Before I get too burned out on an exercise, we move on to the next. I ended up looping my band over the door, but I'm not sure I got anything out of that exercise. I definitely cannot do a chinup or pullup.

I found Cathe on FitTV, recorded her workouts there and gradually have replaced them with dvds. I love how tough her workouts are, but fun at the same time. I have a gym at work and go there sometimes during lunch, but the instructors tend to do the same thing over and over again. Cathe keeps coming up with new ideas - I don't know how she does it.

I live north of Boston. I have 3 daughters - a 16 yr old and 12 yr old twins. I work 4 days a week and have never done a rotation before, so I'm a little nervous about being able to stick with it. Maybe when I get in the routine it will be easier.
Hi Cammie. I am glad you joined us.
I am doing the 6 month rotation also. I am finishing up Meso 2 this week. This is my 3rd round of STS. I so love it. I prefer weights over cardio. I have the LIS series and I plan to do a LIS rotation when I am done doing this. I am 58 yrs young and I am only hoping I can get thru that series. I did not pre-order the new series . I think that is going to be way over my head. Maybe after she starts putting out the preview clips. The other ladies on here are very strong and do all kinds of dvd's. I really admire them. They keep me going.
Can you tell us a little about yourself?


Well... I did a little intro to myself here in the Glassboro RT check in thread. I'm the first one to post... well after RetroFit of course. :)

I've lost a significant amount of weight in the past year and am using Cathe's STS to take me to the next level. I really want to stick with this rotation to really see what I'm capable of in a few months.

I actually am a cardio girl. I know weight training is good for me and I actually like the way I look when I do weight workouts. So I thought I'd start a new year with something new for me.
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Cammie that intro was pretty neat. I have never looked at the page because I don't go on the roadtrips. I am sure you will have a blast when you go . Congrats on the major weightloss. That is not an easy thing to accomplish. Do you watch The Biggest Loser? That is my favorite show.
I also love 80's music. Those were some happy years for me.
Well I wish you the best of luck with STS and I hope you end up loving it as much as I do.


Yes definitely looking forward to the road trip. I wanted to go in the past, but I didn't feel confident enough. Now I feel like I'd actually be able to keep up with Cathe and the others in the classes. Looking forward to meeting everyone.

The 80s were pretty cool! I was young and didn't have a care in the world.... maybe that's why I go back to the music. :)

Thanks Jean! I'm liking the program so far, no dread factor, yet! Let's hope it lasts.
Oh I am so so sore today from the bottom of my ribs on down!:eek: I really pushed the weights yesterday (heavy for me at least!) and disc 14 really gave me the DOMS big time! I can barely sit and I feel like I'm walking like a mummy. And yet... I love it!:p Boy, only you guys could understand that, I think:D. I tried to get some cardio in today but it was definitely lacking due to my DOMS and my range of movement felt pretty restricted. I did Cardio Interval Burn by Michelle Dozois but only made it to the 35 minute mark (it's an hour long dvd). At least I got some blood flowing to those poor muscles!

Cammie-congratulations on the weight loss! STS is great. I had some dread factor for some of the chest work in Meso 1 (push ups, eek!) but I just did what I could. I have to admit, I tend to skip a few of the chest exercises (like chest flies) but I try to force myself to do as many push ups as I can. I just hate working the chest! I love what weight training does for me too and I'm truly starting to love doing it. I started out as a cardio girl as well. Nothing like that endorphin high!:D

maryk- I was rotationally challenged too before STS! This is the very first rotation I've actually been able to stick with. I'm pretty proud of myself for that. I really like that it's just 3 days a week so you can plug in other workouts as your mood dictates. I think that's why I can stick with it...I don't feel too boxed in. Plus, I think Cathe is the only one I can do this with. She's the only instructor I can do all the time and not get sick of her. She really keeps me motivated!

Can't wait for the new workouts!! Did anybody else do the preorder? I think I set a record for fastest whipping out of a credit card!:eek:
Colleen - Thanks! I'm pretty pleased with how I look and feel now, it's definitely been a good thing. And I actually don't mind the pushups, they are something I've always wanted to progress with (as opposed to burpees and mountain climbers which I don't like at all!LOL!). I actually JUST realized that I can use my Turbo Tower to help me progress to toe pushups so I'm happy about that. I'm done with the upper body this week (Legs tomorrow) but will be pulling out the tower on Sunday and see how I do with the pushups on it.

gratefuldog - I usually love DOMS but today it was NOT my friend. I was supposed to do some cardio this morning but everything hurt! My entire body was so sore I could only get in about 30 minutes instead of my usual 60 and had to call it a wrap. In addition to the STS Discs 1 and 2 this week I also did Lower Body Blast (My FAVORITE lower Body Cathe workout) on Monday morning (trying to whittle away at these thighs a bit), and my legs were still sore this morning. No cardio for me. :( I may try to get in another half an hour when I get home from work tonight.. we'll see how I feel then. I still love LBB and will continue to use it in the rotation, I just may have to lighten up the weights a bit.
Aww Jean you're too cute! I am actually at work now, on my lunch break. SHHHH!!! :)

What part of Maryland are you in? I have family in Waldorf and Mitchellville. I like Maryland alot.

As for the Turbo Tower, I'm not sure where I'll place the bar just yet. I want to have a challenge but still want to be able to complete more reps. Maybe I'll leave it at halfway for now and then put it further down by one notch until I'm confident I can do them on the floor. I'll have plenty of time to work up to it since I'm talking the leisurely route through STS. :p
LOL! I have B&G too but I always come back to LBB because it's so much fun! And the floorwork is minimal. :) Plus the music rocks.

Maybe I'll pull out B&G and do that one in March as my second lower body workout for the week. You've made me want to pull it out again, see what I'm missing.
I looooove Lower Body Blast!:eek: For a long time that was my absolute favorite workout. My favorites change with the seasons it seems, but that one had some staying power!:D
Jean- as far as results I've noticed more definition in my arms too! I'm not chiseled by any means but I was noticing in the shower the other day, when I look down the slope of my arm I have curves where the definition is as opposed to how it used to straight line!:) I'm pretty happy about that. I love how weight training has defined my shoulders. I can see it in the mirror I have on the back of my bedroom door when I work out. The biggest thing I've noticed though is strength gains. I've always been such a wimp and now I'm feeling the empowerment that comes with stronger muscles!:eek:
Also, I definitely do the protein/recovery shake after working out. It seems that's pretty important for muscle building (according to Oxygen anyway!). I blend one scoop of whey protein with some pomegranate (or acai) juice, coconut milk and/or kefir, sometimes a few spoonfulls of greek yogurt, frozen blueberries and/or bananas. I discovered bananas actually freeze really well for use in smoothies as long as you take off the peels and slice them before freezing. I used to throw away a lot of bananas that we didn't use before they got over ripe but now I can freeze and just use however much I need for my smoothies. Oh, and I've been into chia seeds lately so I'll put a tablespoon of those in there too. They keep you full longer and have good health benefits and fiber content. I use my magic bullet to blend but it's getting a little worse for wear. I really want the new Ninja blender! I've heard about the vitaminix one but there is no way I'll spend that much for a blender!
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