Doo da do! Boring day here on cardiac. I already got in my 2- 30m walks and all my patients and charting is good to go. 3.5 hours left and counting. I had signed up for a double this morning but then retracted my request. I miss my boys and so badly just want to be at home with them. I'll try for doubles next weekend. Challenge today was 40 push-ups, 50 wood chops, 60 sec plank and 55 one-legged squats. I did them all except for the woodchops since I need weight for that one.
Jean- You would love these challenge! Are you on Facebook? I would love to add you to the group that does them. The girl who conducts them is a beachbody coach. She does paid challeneges too but of course I'm not into those. I don't need to pay to be motivated to workout haha! No snow for us....later in the week we will be getting some though.
The painting party was real fun! I'll post a picture of my painting. I have zero artistic talent so I was a bit nervous but I really got into the groove. It was enjoyable. I think the wine may have helped

The instruction was really good too. It was ten of us. We each had our own canvas and paints and such. They had wine and beer and snacks. It was for dh's aunt's bday so there was a cake too. I had a piece and man was it good. Vanilla cake with vanilla frosting and raspberries on top
Betty- What a fun time with your friends! Seafood and espresso! That's my kind of thing
Mary- Perfect job you have there. Some of my nurse friends have triage jobs they do from home. I don't think I could stay motivated to actually work if I was at home haha! I was the type that had to go to Starbucks to study because I'd be so distracted at home.
Missy- We miss you!
Alrighty someone check in please

Just waiting for patient A's lunch tray to arrive so I can give him some insulin. It was out of control when he got here. Blood sugars should ideally by between 70 and 120 and his was in the 700's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!