STS first time!

Hello.... Im still alive but barely... I am at work but not sure for how long. I still have fever, chills, night I have to get up and dry off and get new sheets/blankets ever 45 minutes.... and my headache is horrible. Yesterday my doctor that I like that I work for.... looked at my chest xray from december and repeated another chest xray yesterday...then compared and he said I definately have a lower lung respitory he put me on antibiotics.... Im just praying they start working fast....because I feel like I am dying. Im sitting at my desk sweating at the moment. He said they reason I cant breath when exercising lately is because of my lung. Then on top of this my monthly decided to come and knock me even further on the ground. All I can say is I cant take much more.

Thanks for keeping me in yalls thoughts.... I do miss chatting...but its all I can do to function..... Hopefully soon I will be back!
I made these with dinner tonight. I thought they were awesome. Dh and ds not so much :( Ds loves fruit but struggles in the veggie department.


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Thanks for the insight on ds and sleeping. I totally agree about not wanting to form a bad habit. It's just so hard when he's crying.
I worked 8 hrs after my appt! Then I froze in the bitter cold for half an hour--the stupid public bus was so late. I'm wiped out. I should just wash up and go to bed but we ate dinner not too long ago since I was late and dh even later!
My gyn was actually very helpful! I just love her and have for years. Wild yam (phytoestrogen) doesn't need to be offset by progesterone. And I can go find a suplement that has black cohosh, red clover, evening primrose oil. It's very likely I'm menopausal based on my symptoms and fsh level.
Bitter cold continues tonight. I can't even think ahead to the storm next week. Today we got a coating.
That adorable Riley--I was bummed! That face, those manners, his knowledge of other languages, a mini-chef. My heart just brims when I look him. I agree with you about Kayla! And before they disclosed it, I made a wild guess that Ryan Kate's dad is some MLB baseball player! I kid you not!
Jean, thanks for that link. That's definitely more palatable!
Missy, seriously, you should be at home resting till you get rid of the extreme symptoms!
Marie, that looks yummy. I keep hearing baked cauliflower is delish and I agree, but my guys all don't like it!
Hi there, I wondered aloud to her because that test was taken at my physical in Sept. She didn't say anything counter to it. I had no idea!
Sorry about your pain! Rest your body.
I did FT--wasn't very creative of me but I am bad planning in advance. Realized from FT that RWH has no discs or firewalkers. I LOVE the latter!
Bitterly cold, and another HUGE storm looming early next week. I'm depressed!
Plumbing place today. Need to get ready plus make egg salad sandwiches.
Have a great day.
UY Cardio this morning. Feeling great after that but I still can never get over the guilt of not getting a good sweat in.

Storytime and then TJs. Ds and I ate a whole bag of kale chips. Good way to get him his veggies. Wish they weren't so expensive.

Betty Glad the appt was helpful!

Carolyn Hope the hanging helped.

Jean So sick of being cold too. Can't wait for summer.

Alright ds and I are going to make these now :)


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Hiya. I went food shopping after work. Bread, eggs, and milk, and all that. Still need to hit Tj's. Too many options at WF for menopause supplements! Didn't know what to buy! So I took a pic of the shelves and will research. I'm meeting my girlfriends tomorrow and hope to get some ideas.
Somewhat sunny and mid-20s today.
Jean, I don't think getting Marigold is an option for a single woman.
Not believable that Lady Edith cannot have her kid, but Lady Mary had her assignation!
I only took public transp home yesterday from the PA job because I didn't want to drive my car in these less than optimal conditions (snowing, huge snow banks, narrow lanes, blocked visibility).
Jean, yes. I don't know how they could just take the little girl away! Maybe the missing journalist will show up and they could keep their child. Why does the show persist in keeping Edith's life so dull and bullied?
Cardiac unit today. It was a good day. Nice and steady.

Got my two walks in for my workout :) I'm doing a "buns and guns" challenge with a facebook crew. Today is 65 squats which I did during my break. When I get home I'll do 50 bicep curls, 50 sec plank with row and 60 curtsey lunges with weights. I would have done them during my break but it's kind of hard to do without weights ;)

Tonight we are celebrating dh's aunt's bday. Have you all heard of those painting parties? That's what we are doing. We have a group of 12 and there is an artist that takes you step by step through how to paint a certain picture. I'm not artistic in the least so it should be interesting haha!

Jean- 50's sounds nice! Great day to walk the dogs! UY Cardio is a pretty good cardio workout. I just feel guilty if I don't sweat. It's mind thing for sure.

Carolyn- I know how you feel. Zombies is right. Dh is busy til 5 on weekdays and then of course I work weekends. I would love an actual full day off with him. Enjoy your couch time tonight :)

Hi Betty and Missy! Missy Hope you're feeling better!

Off to give report to the evening nurses.
Hi gals, I had a great time with my friends! We had a seafood lunch, then espresso at a bakery (we were too full and stayed away from the goodies).
I am hunkered down for the weekend. Plenty of bread, eggs, milk!:D
I have indeed heard of the painting parties. Been wanting to try one! The art comes out fantastic! No artistic bone in my body either.
Carolyn, your sis will get here before the big snow and be stranded with you for a bit. Maybe after being in Atlanta she welcomes some wintry weather. Enjoy your time with her. Jealous!
Mary, hope all's well!
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!! Okay, just trying to be positive about it all, nothing we can do about it. Planning to stay inside for the next day or so, nice and warm. I'm so glad I have a job where I can work from home when needed.

Yesterday we went cross country skiing with friends, it was fun and it felt good to be outdoors. I had done Burn sets chest, back, and shoulders in the morning so I got a lot of exercise yesterday. I am feeling my hamstrings today.

Betty, getting together with girlfriends sounds great. I have also heard of painting parties, but have not been to one as I have no artistic talent.

Missy, I hope you are feeling better!
Doo da do! Boring day here on cardiac. I already got in my 2- 30m walks and all my patients and charting is good to go. 3.5 hours left and counting. I had signed up for a double this morning but then retracted my request. I miss my boys and so badly just want to be at home with them. I'll try for doubles next weekend. Challenge today was 40 push-ups, 50 wood chops, 60 sec plank and 55 one-legged squats. I did them all except for the woodchops since I need weight for that one. Jean- You would love these challenge! Are you on Facebook? I would love to add you to the group that does them. The girl who conducts them is a beachbody coach. She does paid challeneges too but of course I'm not into those. I don't need to pay to be motivated to workout haha! No snow for us....later in the week we will be getting some though.

The painting party was real fun! I'll post a picture of my painting. I have zero artistic talent so I was a bit nervous but I really got into the groove. It was enjoyable. I think the wine may have helped ;) The instruction was really good too. It was ten of us. We each had our own canvas and paints and such. They had wine and beer and snacks. It was for dh's aunt's bday so there was a cake too. I had a piece and man was it good. Vanilla cake with vanilla frosting and raspberries on top :)

Betty- What a fun time with your friends! Seafood and espresso! That's my kind of thing :)

Mary- Perfect job you have there. Some of my nurse friends have triage jobs they do from home. I don't think I could stay motivated to actually work if I was at home haha! I was the type that had to go to Starbucks to study because I'd be so distracted at home.

Missy- We miss you!

Alrighty someone check in please ;) Just waiting for patient A's lunch tray to arrive so I can give him some insulin. It was out of control when he got here. Blood sugars should ideally by between 70 and 120 and his was in the 700's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Marie, you gals are gorgeous! And your painting too!
I'd love to try that someday! Seriously! I could come home with something worth hanging, like yours!
They need to expand the paint bars to include dessert and coffee since I don't care for wine and beer!

It snowed overnight, at pause right now, but a lot more on the way today and tomorrow.

Mary, how fun cross-country skiing sounds! You got a great full-body workout!
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Thanks Betty! It was fun! You are too nice though. If you think mine was good you should have seen everyone elses. We have many artists in the family. I LOVE that coffee and dessert idea!
Hi everyone, school and my work were cancelled within 5 mins of each other, about an hour ago! Insane.

Jean, I thought I had that movie on request! I'm so looking forward to it.
I don't want to go to India though. So much poverty, too huge a population, too dense, women are oppressed and raped. Sorry to burst a rosy picture.
Have a safe drive, and enjoy your family.
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