Hiho. Fried from work.
Jean, wouldn't it have been funny if they had my bag? Retail therapy would surely have helped!

So bummed they don't! Waaaah.
You're right on about the ACV. I just opened one this morning and splashed some in my lemon water. It works for so many things!
Carolyn, I guess I am normally pretty stable, emotionally. I don't have huge ups and downs in person either.
The problem is I have not enough hormones now! My eyelids look like elephant legs' scaly.
I was able to snag an appt tomorrow morning! But yikes, 7:45! I hope snow doesn't cancel it again. I don't hold out hope that she'll tell me natural remedies for low hormones though.
I can't remember if I've done the LB version! That's part of my symptoms. Foggy brain. Plus my eyes are blurry. No, problem seeing up close is something else entirely. Double whammy! Is it distance for you? I've been so distance-blind since my teens!
Marie, hope B is just not liking the yogurt and that it's not something else. Don't let him do the come-out-and-hang-with-you-and-sleep-in-your-bed-later thing if he doesn't want to go to bed! That could be the beginning of a veddy bad habit.
I use dixie cups too because I have them at home.
Have y'all heard of earthclinic.com?