STS first time!

Omg, couldn't leave work till 3:45! Ugh, it's killing me, how long I stay!:confused: Apparently yesterday was a nightmare!
Carolyn, I still haven't read it yet, but I imagine Cathletes want to know all about it, and maybe even try the NG. I wouldn't but do want to hear Cathe's inflammation story.My quads are still sore too.
Do NOT injure youself shoveling!

I can't be bothered with all the couponing websites. Don't want to be assaulted with any more emails than I already have either.
That looks like Al. I don't recognize him not wearing black! Cathe might mention his appearance somewhere. He looks even slimmer.
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Wow, that sounds delish! Who says you don't cook?
I see that Cathe hasn't posted her story. Bummer.
Carolyn Your dinner sounds amazing! Love stuffed peppers especially red ones. I read that post and could see your point. I'm not interested in it for myself but cheers to everyone who is. I could totally see how you would have been bothered by hearing about our workouts. I thought about that when I posted and felt bad.

Betty Ugh sorry you had to stay at work so long.

Jean That does look like Al. Very cool!

Ds is still napping. 2h.....crazy! I cleaned up, packed my lunches for work (I always pack enough for the weekend so I don't have to worry about it two days in a row), prepped coffee for the morning, got my uniform ready. I wake up and am out of the house within a half hour so I like to have everything ready. Watching Keeping up with the Kardashians now. Don't judge haha! It's my brainless tv.
Jean This looks so good. I saved it...I bet b would like it too.

T minus 40m to the Norwex party.
Home on the couch :) The party was good. It was five girls from toddler class and then the host. Everyone is so nice. I don't know why I complain about going to these things. Felt good to do something new. I went a little crazy with buying stuff...oops! I bought three baby cloths for bathtime and will get a free one since I spent over $50...eek! A mitt to clean the bathroom. Seriously all you add is water and it traps all the bacteria in the cloth. No chemicals! I also got dryer balls. Dryer sheets are loaded with chemicals. These will make everything static free and soft. I spent $82 including shipping and tax....way too much but I figure I'll save money in the long run by not buying dryer sheets, cleaning stuff or baby soap for b. You literally just add water and clean up that way. The host doesn't use facewash, soap, shaving cream or anything. Ok now I'm starting to sound like a Norwex rep haha.

Off to bed. The alarm goes off at 5:45am.
Wow, Marie! I love the idea of the mission to reduce the use of chemicals!
Have a great weekend at work. I love that you pack lunches for both days in advance. Me? I just leave it till the last minute, rushing around.
One multi-purpose cleaner: vinegar and water. Use it to clean your fruits & veggies, among other things.

Carolyn, did you record MCJr?

Jean, that's an interesting recipe!
Good morning!

This morning I did LiHi Ch,Sh,Tris. That is one tough workout, no matter what time of day I do it! I could not manage all the finishers. I tacked on abs at the end, and that was hard because my arms were fried. But done!

Marie, I'm glad you enjoyed the party. I am the same way about those things.

Doesn't seem as cold today, and the sun is out. DH is away on business so I will be doing lots of driving this weekend. And I hate football too!

Have a great day!
Oh, how I love the sisterhood of football haters!:D Me three!
Mary, I thought of your dh. Did he go to the Consumer Electronics Show in Vegas this week? I don't know why I thought he went last year.
Nice going on the arm workout. I don't like doing my tris since it never seems to work so I always select bi/sh workouts first.
The sun is nice and bright, glistening on the 1" of snow from yesterday.
I too remember that B wouldn't nap, and now, 2 hrs!
We have watched MCJr already. I suppose with the other season fresh in my mind, this is not as impressive.
I made crispy waffles this morning. Brunch is so much work, but I just love it. Errands before the 4 pm Pats game.
C, that's the workout I did yesterday. So picture starting on round 2 each time. It's like you're behind already! I am a lightweight, so some bis I did 8, some 10. On the rear delts, I used 3#! With my froz shoulders, I still can't open my arms all the way wide! So using a heavier weight would make me even more closed!
Poor dd. It's no more than one or a combination of all those things. Nothing else.
I hate when dh travels too. Doing laundry while dh and ds rearrange ds' computer into another area.
It's so uplifting when it's sunny and I feel like I move faster and want to get more done.
Mom baby unit today AND tonight haha! Double! I so don't want to but it is worth it in the long run and I mean really, I only have to work 2 days a week so I might as well get the most out of it.

2 walks done (in the skyways, blah) and hopefully 2 more to go. I also did my ab challenge :) on a bench in the locker room. Thank goodness no one walked in.

Betty- Good call on the vinegar and water. I used to use a produce cleaner but recently ran out and feel disgusting about eating the chemicals they put on apples. Wish I could afford organic.

Carolyn- You are such a good wife! I'm always up before dh and he never gets up with me ;) Add me to the football haters club. I always know that it will dominate the tv on Sundays. Hope dd is having a good time at the party. What did you do for a workout?

Mary- I have yet to try that workout but if it's anything like Back, Bi, Sh it's killer for sure. Cathe lifts soooo heavy I rarely match her.

Alright off to give some Percocet to my c-section mom and help her with breastfeeding.
So agree about the stretches! Why would she ever agree to using the abs stretch after a Hiit workout?? Way too intense for a lame stretch!
As other posters said, I miss the intros of crew too!
I'm freezing too. It is a very cold day!
Looking forward to that rink pic, C!
I just read the newsletter article about weight training over cardio for banishing belly fat. Must remember! (Jean, your waist must be so slim!) I should do the other UB on Monday, and then more weights after that. XT is great. But then I feel guilty for not doing cardio after sitting most of the day!
Marie, being in this unit is perfect for a double! I could just eat those newborns!
Anyone use Tapatalk? I refuse. Is that how some poster used an Apple emoticon that when I use it, it doesn't show up at all? I am just using (or whatever it is).
OMG, 6 am! What a nightmare!;) The things we do for our kids! Proud mama indeed!
I'm still in laundry mode.
I'm so sick of the cold!
Jean, it's all moves that Cathe has probably covered at one time or another (concentration, barbell curls, one arm rows, etc). Some of the finishers are new but most are ones we've done before. But if you want something newer than the same old workouts to liven it up.....
Carolyn, it's good that you're listening to your body.
And ice scares me a ton too!
Just cleaning and filing today. And damn it, the sun has disappeared!
Good afternoon....I just am being lazy today.....yesterday I was so busy I never of to sit own and today I am!

Tim is fishing with some work I am in the recliner! Roasting a chicken at the moment!

I just watched fat sick and nearly dead 2..... put me to

Better get up and check my chicken.....
Carolyn and Missy--it's good that dh hung out with a friend.
I did 4 loads of laundry, probably a record in one day for me!
Jean, I'm so glad that every so often you love a movie I recommend! That one was very enjoyable.
Light at that hour is definitely encouraging. More, please.
Doesn't feel frigid tonight.
Anyone watching the Golden Globes? Maybe the cameras don't have filters but that high definition shows off every pore, sweat, wrinkle, bad makeup, etc.
Oh wow carolyn....that's awesome!

No workouts this morning as I have no power I'm attempting to get ready for work with a lantern.....thankfully I showered last I always do....but I normally shower in the am too....but not today....errrr!!!! This is the second time we have lost power within a week....its been off since 5:45 am....not happy...because I was not able to start my day with my cardio!''

As for tapatalk....I don't use it either...

Hope today goes okay....cause I'm not so sure at the moment!
WOW, Carolyn! Your rink is huge! So amazing! Fun to just go outside whenever the mood strikes and just skate! So jealous! Although just like having a spin bike, I don't know how often I'd go out:confused:

Missy, how stinky that you have an outage! Not to be able to exercise and shower?! Why that's an outrage! I hope it comes back soon. Woukln't it be better if the outage is at the office instead?:D

I did RWH Ch/Tr/Sh for the first time. I enjoyed the moves (esp shoulder ones) but didn't like that there are no graphics to announce the exercise (they went as far as indicating Cathe's weight though). The music is recycled from XT (or something) in some parts, and hardly on in others. I think they are spread too thin and losing the attention to detail. There are also no premixes that have add-on cardio to this dvd. I loved Cathe's entire outfit though, head to toe including trainers.
This is probably just a small handful of times that I've done UB work seriously since my froz shoulders onset.
Cloudy start. It may sleet or snow, who knows.
Good Afternoon..... made me giggle.... heck yeah...I wish the office was without power vs my house! hehehe

Carolyn...stretch stretch stretch! Hope your sister feels better too. I think we are all a mess deep down..LOL

Jean...have fun grocery shopping and use those coupons!!!!

Tonight I am planning on a treadmill run! Oh yes....Looking forward to it.... I did 4 miles on saturday morning.... and was going to do a few this morning but that got rudely I am still gonna attempt it! Ive been doing alot of research this past months...and I just ordered another book to read.... I just cant give up my is truely what keeps me so happy.... I do love my weights too.... but Its just something about how running makes me feel inside.... so I am going to try to run a few days a week....not everyday..... and see...... I did get some new shoes that I am trying to see if that helps, and I am messing around with my stride and the way I land....and see if I can figure out anything????

I am once again having alot of trouble with my periods.... I have been spotting since Friday....then I will stop then start.... yesterday and today I have been cramping.... and Im not suppose to start till friday.... I started back on the natural prog cream to see if it will help as it normally does.... I just forgot to use it for a few months. I also did a hormone diet once to help regulate and it seemed to help.... it was very stick though.... I may need to do that for a month too.... if the cream doesnt help...hmmm.... my broken

be back in a bit.... its an absolute madhouse here at the office! errr ! :mad:
Hiya. Left work at 3. It if hadn't been raining, I might have flown out at 2 to do some errands but when there's rain, everything is a clogged and slow mess so I didn't bother. It is so raw out. I have the fire going, some matcha tea, nuts, and my forum. Once I post, I'll watch the Downton Manners episode.
Carolyn, I can't imagine the time it must have taken to do the rink! You guys are awesome! My problem is I think through everything, and it makes me not want to do it if something is so labor-intensive. Can you say wicked lazy??
Glad you made a chiro appt. Check that one off the mental list.
My shoulder is 95%.
Tootoo?? I don't think I've ever heard of that!
Missy, what's in the hormone diet? I need some badly! You guys reminded to ask whether you've experienced all the lovely side effects of menopause yet. I've had hot flash symptoms, etc. What a total drag.
My sis has neverending menstrual issues. I even wonder how she is standing sometimes.
Jean, that's an amazing deal on the chicken!
Did you see the actress playing Anna Bates won best Supporting in a miniseries drama or whatever? Of course I just missed her speech!
Upper Body Circuit this morning. What an awesome workout! It has a serious fun factor. And the stretch was actually really good at the end. The last cardio blast was pretty fun. It was four jacks, down to push up position, two push up jacks, two regular push ups, and then up into three air jacks. I also love to snowboard move but maybe I'm partial ;)

B woke up with a fever, cough, and runny nose so we skipped swim lessons and have just been hanging out and taking it easy today. He is snoozing now.

I worked a double again yesterday. Nothing like getting 32 hours in in 2 days. I was so tired when I got home but I'm so happy to be off until Saturday.

I do use Tapatalk and at first I didn't like it but now I actually really enjoy it. I can page back to see what you all wrote and then reply at the bottom of the screen. Kinda hard to explain but I do like it.

Carolyn- Ugh bummer about the pinched nerve. Hope the chiro helps. Our Target is always running out of certain things too. Drives me nuts! Sorry about the chicken. Hope you get all your cleaning done. I just finished cleaning out my fridge and cupboard and scrubbed the counters and everything with Norwex cloths. I have two already but I'm excited to get my new ones. That's too bad about your sister. How crazy that you're both having issues like that. You guys both need to feel better soon! Love love love the picture of the rink. Gosh that would be so great to have right in the backyard. Proud mama moment for sure. How exciting! I'm a crier of happy tears and sure I would have let a few out. I even get a bit emotional when my nieces are up on stage in the school play. I'm going to be a mess when B is in his school activities. My sister is due in May. Her first was born in April so the girls will be just about 3 years apart. One of my friends makes headbands for babies with cute little flowers on them. I'm not into super girly things but I did have to get a couple for my sister and stepsister. I'm the aftercare nurse. I do a lot of help with breastfeeding, passing pain medications, and tons of education on baby care. My favorite thing to do is the baby bath :) I love my float pool position but eventually I see myself transferring up to that floor. When I do, I will train to labor and delivery and the special care nursery.

Betty- I haven't tried Chest, Tri, Shoulders yet but sounds like kind of a bummer. I too love the outfits in this series. The colors are just so bright and cheery. That is crazy how high definition tv is so clear and shows every imperfection. I don't think I would want to see my skin close up on it haha!

Jean- Rain sounds kind of nice. It's 4 degrees here. What a great chicken deal. I would definitely stock up and put a bunch in the freezer. I am all about the first time moms. I love all the questions and one of my favorite things to do is educate patients. Nothing better than teaching a new mom how to breastfeed. When the baby latches it's hard not to get emotional. It's just such a beautiful sight!

Missy- I feel you on the running. I used to get great runners high when I used to do it all the time back in my twenties. I bet new shoes will help. Speaking of which, I need some. I told myself I was going to treat myself to a new pair if I did a double yesterday so I better get on that :). Sorry about your periods. That sounds so frustrating. Hope you can figure something out to get them regulated again. How do you roast your chicken? I'm not a cook so I wouldn't know where to start. Is it a whole chicken?

We are dog sitting again. Two weeks this time. Different dog. He's a golden and such a love. He is so gentle with ds and quite a snuggler!
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Omg marie....precious dog...I just want to snuggle with her!
Betty....this is the hormone diet I follow when I have issues....I think it helps....if nothing else...its really healthy....

I love to read about fitness and I will definately look into chirunning...carolyn!!!

I just finished a 2.25 mile run....and some abs! Yeah!!!

Now off to back!

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