Hi! SC this morning

I'm also doing a 15 day ab challenge with some Facebook friends. Today was 25 sit-ups, 15 crunches, 10 leg lifts and 15s plank.
Toddler class today was a little rough for B. I'm sure it's because we had a long break from it. I got back from the mom time and he had red eyes and his coat on. The teacher said he kept saying he wanted to go home and put his jacket on. Poor kid! Cute though!
Yesterday I did Yin Yoga during nap time. It's the one where you hold the stretches for 3-5m. I did it once before but couldn't focus cuz b and t were running around upstairs. I ended up shutting it off. This time went better although I was still bored out of my gourd at times. Felt great when I was done though.
Jean We are 15m from the zoo. He loved it and asked to go back today

Dominoes is fun. I'll have to check out Canasta. Never heard of it. Have fun learning to coupon. The good ones are out right now...healthy stuff for all those new years resolutions folk.
Carolyn Yay for your workout! Good for you for not pushing it though.
Mary Good job on the workouts. Feels good to get back in the groove. I agree that the new ones are too hard to do early in the morning. Enjoy dd
Betty I can just picture your outfit haha! That's how we dress in MN

I LOVED legs and was sore for days

I do wish the stretch was longer though.
Hi Missy!
We have a dance class tonight at the library. It's going to be hard to get motivated to leave the house at 6:15. I'm usually in my pj's at that time. Should be fun though. Me and two other moms from toddler class.
So I had to add these pics from the zoo yesterday. Notice the skinny jeans. Cute as hell! And apparently designer. His aunt got them for him for Christmas. She told me she paid $80 for them. What the hell?! Is that insane it is that insane?! They will last a year at most with the way kids grow. I LOVE them but I'm still in shock at the price. I would never haha