Hi girls,
This morning I ended up selecting SuperCuts, 100 RC Hip Thrusts, and Extended Stretch. I don't know if it's age or what but I feel constantly achy (and cranky) from the workouts. So then I feel unenthusiastic as I'm doing them. I don't feel like pulling out the weights, don't want to pull out the step... Ugh. Burned out, I guess.
I had a lightbulb moment go off during today's workout, as I was feeling the pain: why not more frequently pull out all those Cathe workouts that I filed under "not intense enough", or still have yet to master?? One example of the first is the MMA ones, and of the second is the step ones from Shock Cardio, 4DS, LICh, RS, just to name a few.
Well, I got the glutes good this week, between BB LB and today's 100 RC. And yesterday's bending and squatting.
Carolyn, let us know how the Lastics goes. I think I need serious formal stretching everyday.
I planted all the stuff I bought yesterday. Duh, I probably shouldn't have planted the tomatoes yet!
Will have to watch out for frost.
DS had a chorus concert last evening. He plays piano, but recital will be next month.
Missy, how's your foot today?