Up at again at 4am. I think it may be catching up to me. I'm soooo tired and my coffee didn't work this morning. I did Low Max. Hope to get some nice leg and butt DOMS tomorrow
At work until 3:30 again. Slooooow day. We have a pretty chill group of patients right now. Good for some reasons, but makes for a long shift. I'm more into people getting crazy. I love the excitement of injections, restraints and codes!
No plans for tonight. Looking forward to a relaxing night at home with my boys
Betty- Stay-at-home ban?! Wow! It does look really bad. I have a friend in Boston that posted pictures on facebook. Way to get your workout in and the extended stretch. I need to do that more ofte, I think I've done it once since I started STS this time. Did your son's flight get out ok? I have not been to Italy and don't speak Italian. I'm hoping to make it there one day though. My mom and stepdad went last year and loved it. Not sure I will ever learn Italian though. I'm ok at Spanish but hoping to one day become fluent in that language. My gramma used to make ricciarelli

They are so dang good! My Ryka's are Intent XT. I really like them and yeah I think they are good for high impact and great for cross training in general. I highly recommend them. They are nice and lightweight too.
Colleen- Nothing worse than doctors and nurses with bad bedsode manner. I mean hello, why would someone go into the healthcare industry if they aren't good with people. Drives me nuts. I work with some nurses that are actually mean to the patients. The poor old people...I just don't get it! No compassion! Ya for another Italian. We rule

Those homemade ravioli's sound so good!
Carolyn- Hope your knee is feeling better! I can just picture Cuda "swimming" in the snow...too cute! My friend is LOVING STS! She lieks Meso 2 better than Meso 1. I'm hoping to get her addicted to Cathe. She isn't new to exercise. She is a member at a gym and is into Spin. I told her she should try out Cathe's. She did actually just got a spin bike at home.
Mary- "The dreaded core 2"...isn't that the truth?! Hope your cozy by your fireplace enjoying the cinnamon bread...sounds real good right about now!
Missy- I have a Jetta! I love it! Tony wants to get rid of it and get an SUV which makes sense for out fanmily but I'm sure going to miss my car. Hope you enjoyed your breakfast. I wish we had DD in MN. I love their coffee.
Jean- Way to get your workout in. Yup snow here tonight and freezing rain. Oh joy!