Hello ladies!

I'm just looking to see what workouts I reported :confused:. Oh ok, now I remember after my brain freeze.

Sunday- I did the entire S&G workout instead of AT as planned. Man, I HEART that toning section! Can you believe my arms were sore the next day??!! I was stoked because I did not even use weights, just a firewalker! I even did all the dragging planks w/push-ups to tempo despite my hate for them. It felt good :D.

Mon- 2 Mile Leslie Sansone Walk + 20min Yoga Relax. It felt SO GOOD to do Yoga before bed. My muscles were nice and stretched and I got a very good sleep.

Tues- 4DS back & chest only.

How coincidental that we did Yoga Relax 1 day apart from each other :). I'm loving Yoga 1X/week. I'm thinking I might even do it 2X/week, even if only for 20-30min. Doing it before bed really relaxes me. It also takes my mind away from nibbling in the evening :eek:. My DH breaks out the chips and I'm like grrr :mad:. I know my willpower is stronger than that, but TV + Chips is ever so tempting. Anyhoo, I'm glad I could inspire you :). Have a nice recovery week! You deserve it :).
I like the holiday season actually. I don't stress out much. I get all my shopping done 1 day during the week, and then it's over. For me personally, Christmas is about family, food, enjoyment, love, and not the "perfect" gift.

I'm sorry you love snow and I hate it. If I could, I would send a truck-load via your way :D.
The mall is a crazy place, I know. People irritate me. It's like "dude, you know standing in line is part of Xmas shopping so GET OVER IT!". I never understood it when people turned into angry lunatics while shopping. Have fun, wait in line, grab a latte, enjoy the colors. Sheesh!

Have a great day ladies!
Hi everyone!
Hope you are all doing well. No workout last night. I had to watch my favorite show; Criminal Minds. It's on the same time as my other favorite show; Supernatural. I'm usually able to catch up on it on the weekend from Netflix. :)
So Yoga....what DVDs would you ladies recommend? I think 20 minutes a week of Yoga will be good for me. I'm willing to give it another try since you ladies are doing it. I dont' want to be left out or miss out!:D
I'm almost done with Christmas shopping. You're right Natasha, Christmas is about family, good food and good company. I have to remember that and tell the kids too. Nancy, I did a little more decorating this year than last. Not sure why. I guess I was in the spirit. :D
Next week is a busy week at work. We have all day training most of the week. Then there's team dinner, team lunch etc. I don't socialize much with people (in my department) at work outside of work. I have a work persona and a home persona. I like to keep them separate.
I'm really liking pyramid. This method of lifting is challenging and fun. I can see myself going back to this one often!

Have a good day ladies! By the way, this weekend is going to be 70 degrees! Definitely not Christmas weather. :D

Talk again soon!

Can you believe it....I took last night off too!!!!!! Just a 30 minute walk to clear my head. Stressful times at work with re-organization and benefit cut backs. Everyone is grumpy :(.
I think I really needed the break to re-charge! Tonight is DEFINITELY going to be AB!!! I VERY rarely take 2 days off in row, but my DH pointed out to me that I've been feeling a little run down so maybe my body ws saying,"woah there, girl! Give it a rest!". So I did!:rolleyes:

Have either of you tried Yoga Abs from Ab Circuits? It is pretty tough. I really like it! I like to do it on my "rest day" so that I don't have a blank day on my workout manager calendar :p! That might be a good one for you Justina! Of course, I'd also recommend Cathe's Yoga Relax and Yoga Max but I am EXTREMELY biased! I have donated all of my other workout DVDs and VHS tapes that weren't Cathe (they were The Firm and Tracie Long). I just don't see the point ;).

Well, that's it for now....more later maybe!
If you want something relaxing that will increase flexibility, work your core, help soreness and tension, then I say get one of Cathe's Yoga (I prefer Yoga Relax). I would recommend you do it with dimmed lighting, no distractions, and try to have an open mind for what the benefits are. Now, if you want a more aggressive power-style Yoga, which will you give more of a cardio factor, then I would recommend The Biggest Loser Weight Loss Yoga (excellent!) or Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown. All the benefits of Yoga but you burn more calories. You will also work your muscles harder as the poses are kept longer. The reason why I have not reached for those two, is that I have wanted something less intense and relaxing instead. I also felt somewhat guilty that I have 2 Cathe workouts which have remained pretty much virgins :eek:.
I'm so glad you love the Pyramids! It's def a keeper :eek:.

I DON'T HAVE AB CIRCUITS!!! You enabler you!! I can download all the workouts separately :eek:. I was eying Stretch Max too. Do you have that?
I'm sorry about the stressful stuff going on at work :(. A walk sure does the mind good, I know. Good for you that you took 2 days off. Your DH is right, perhaps your body was saying you needed the break.

BBL! Have a good day ladies!
I don't have Stretch Max but I heard it had a elastic band segment which intrigues me! As far as Ab Circuits goes, I love them all but seem to go toward Yoga Abs; Med Ball Abs; No Equipment Abs; Weights & Plates; and Stability Ball Abs the most. To me, W&P is pretty tough with lots of plank work on plates at the end (gets a little tough on the wrists at first). I do Med Ball Abs as a quickie pre-workout ab segment before HiiT and Tabata because it is short and not exhausting. There is also Med Ball Abs With a Partner which looks like you coud really trash your house as you THROW your med ball back and forth to your partner on a diagonal:eek:!!! No Equip Abs is wonderful for travel or anytime you don't want toys out. Highly recommend these!!!!;)
Hello gals! I hope everyone has a great weekend :cool:

My w/o's last week were:

Wed: TTM Core+UB + Tabata S&G + 4DS Shoulder's (premix). Total time 40min.
Thurs: CF Circuit Blast (premix) + 4DS Legs (premix). Total time 65min.
Fri: Step, Jump & Pump (step cardio) + Intensity low impact hiit section + 4DS Bi's & Tri's (premix). Total time 60min.
Today will be PLYO LEGS!
Tomorrow is Yoga Relax :)

I'm actually enjoying the split weight training with 1-2 muscle groups these days. I think my body, since it's very hard for me to build muscle overall, responds better to this type of training. I have discovered that total-body weight work is less effective for my body type. I need to really focus on UB and LB separately to see optimal results.

Have you guys been on One lady here, fit44, recommended it and so I was curious and decided to check it out. Very cool! Interesting training/eating tips with yummy high protein recipes. I like Jamie Eason, she is super cute. Anyway, their philosophy is focusing on weight training (men/women) with only hiit/intervals as a cardio option. I was discussing this on my other
check-in, and one lady (her name is Colleen) totally agree's with this and said she got her best results by only doing Horizontal Conditioning (body weight training) and hiit/metabolic workouts.

Thank you for the Ab Circuits suggestions! I can buy each one separately for only $3.97! I think would prefer the Yoga Abs & Stability Ball. TBH, I dread doing ab work :eek:.

Gotta get a groove on! Have a wonderful day :)
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I had to work VERY late last night (got home at 7:30!) so it was just a 30 minute walk for me! Thursday I did the warm-up and low tabata from CF, followed by the low HiiT from Intensity, and ended with TTM low tabata, core, and stretch. It was great! Today is officially AB. I'm not kidding this time, I'm REALLY going to do it ;)! I have this superstition that the workout you do the first day of the month sets the tone for the whole month. I think AB is an excellent way to start a goodie filled month like December :p!
Natasha, you had a great week there! I own but have never done SJ&P. I know you love step, but how is the workout on whole? I'll have to wait a while before attempting it, but I'm curious about it (I forgot I own it :eek:!). I also appreciate how you schedule yoga after Plyo Legs! I used to do the same thing! I also agree with you abut focusing on certain body parts to get good results: that is why I'm looking forward to the 100 Rep Challenge DVD!!! My weak parts are calves, forearms, biceps and shoulders. I think these weaknesses keep me from being able to train other parts to my fullest potential. Everything ties in, don't you think? AND, thanks for the tip on the website I'll definitely check it out. I have a book about nutritional timing for weight training that I've referred to for the last few years, but science is always uncovering new information and I like to keep current.
Justina, how is your world spinning today? Hope the Pyramids are still rockin' you to new levels of OWIE!!!!!:D
Well, I'm going to go for a quick 30 minute walk, then drop a book off at the library, then come home and do AB, and then work on my Holly Day Village (I know, I know...I'm SO far behind!). At least that's the plan...who knows what will REALLY happen ;)!
Here's my weekend checklist:
Afterburn: check!
30 minute walk: check!
Clean the kitty litter box: check! (ewww!:rolleyes:)
Psyched up to put up Dickens Christmas Village: check!
Pay bills: check! :(
Dust & vacuum: check!

Return library book: check!
Grocery shopping: check!
30 minute walk: check!
Clean kitty water fountain: check!
Slide n Glide: check!

Now I'm off to watch Gremlins! :p Hope you ladies did everything on your list too!
Hi ladies,
How are you? No work out for me last night. It was a day of studying, cleaning, cooking and of course, I had to make time for my favorite show on TV; The Walking Dead. This show is freaking awesome! :D I can't believe it won't come back on until Feb. I'm so bummed about it.
Nancy, Yoga Relax sounds better for me than the other hard core yoga stuff. I'm definitely not good at it. I can't hold a pose for long. I really want to get the benefit of relaxing my mind and my body; like you said Natasha. Though, I'm thinking it will be a challenge to dim the lights and have a quiet place for myself. The kids are always around. :D How's The Village coming along? I added some lights over the weekend too. The decoration looks pretty good. :D Wow, looks like you had a really productive weekend!
Natasha, I visit often. It's a great site! I have viewed and printed off several of their articles too. I find the site very informative and everything I have read so far made sense to me. I'd like to learn more about Horizontal Conditioning. Not sure I understand the full scope.
Tonight I have to do something. I've been slacking to be honest. I love to focus on upper body workouts. Tomorrow night we are going to a concert for my daughter's chorous. So no workout.
Studying for this professional exam is challenging. There is so muh material. I forget how to study. College was a long time ago. :) Everytime I sit down at my computer desk to study, my son wants to watch Mickey Mouse or Little Einstein. Maybe I should invest in a portable DVD player!

Have a great day ladies!

Hi Mini-Natty:

I see you are doing the Supreme 90 day workout-how do you like it? Is it less intense or less effective than STS? I'm trying to decide whether I should do that for 90 days, then STS for 90 days, or just do the 6.5 month STS program. Kindly advise. Thanks
Hi Mini-Natty:

I see you are doing the Supreme 90 day workout-how do you like it? Is it less intense or less effective than STS? I'm trying to decide whether I should do that for 90 days, then STS for 90 days, or just do the 6.5 month STS program. Kindly advise. Thanks

Hi there :)

I have never done the official S90-Day rotation. I pull out the workouts once in awhile for a change because they are short and effective. There a few downsides about S90-Day though: 1)Same warm-up/cool down for every disc. 2)The exercisers all go at their own speed which can get frustrating and confusing at times. 3)Music is a bit "blah". 4) Reps/sets are not counted out. YOU must chose a challenging weight for 8-12reps. 5)Only 1 lower-body workout. The good things about the program are: 1)Tom Holland is a great trainer. He reminds me of Cathe sometimes. 2)Workouts are basic, short, effective. 3)Minimal equipment. 4)Cardio w/o's are TOUGH.

Bottom line? If you can stand the background exercisers all going at their own speed, sometimes rapid :confused:, then I say sure give it a go for 90 days. I personally did not think there was enough variety for me to stick to only 1 program for that long (I get bored easily). Will you get results? Yes, as long as you eat clean, get adequate protein, and use challenging weight #'s. This is the staple for practically any exercise program though.

IMO, STS is by far the superior program. You really can't go wrong with STS. The only drawbacks are that some workouts are lengthy, a lot of equipment involved, no cardio w/o's (you incorporate them yourself). Do you have both programs already or do you still need to buy?


Ok guys, SHOULD I GET IT?????!!!! I know, I know, I have STS, I'm getting Xtrain, but is GS still worth getting??? If so, WHY??? I might want to download them today, so please respond :eek:.

I love your little "check-list". You were super busy, wow! WTG on doing Afterburn and S&G!
I really love SJP, as a whole. The hi/lo section is a bit dated, but SO MUCH FUN! I always smile while I'm doing it. The weight training segments are pretty decent, if I recall. The entire w/o kinda reminds me of BM2, but not as killer.
Speaking of weak muscle groups, I was reading on, and bi's & tri's are closely connected. Failing to work either/or could result in an imbalance and failure to grow the muscles at it's full potential. Now I know why I havve weak bi's, it's because my tri's are never worked hard enough...I admit I don't push myself and half-a** training them :eek:. So yes, everything does tie in!

TWD is amazing this season! I am thoroughly enjoying it :eek:.
I'm sorry you really don't get a moments peace with the kids being around so much :(. I crave alone time often. When Bella goes to bed, that's really the only time I have. I've been criticized often for giving Bella an early bedtime, but in reality my sanity depends on it! I don't want this kid with me all day and then go sleep at the same time as me! NO WAY! Do the kids go to bed early? Perhaps you can do Yoga Relax while they are sleeping.
Yes, portable DVD players are awesome! One of the best investments for sure with little ones around who can't really occupy themselves for 5min :rolleyes:.
Last night was another "rest" night; so I did a 30 minute walk in 72 degrees and checked out the neighboorhood light display again!
Monday I did Turbo Barre and was surprised how much I was sweating! That is one tough workout! Tonight I'll be doing Tabata and then Yoga Relax.
Life is VERY busy for me at work so I have cut this short...
I hope that you ladies are grippin' 'em and rippin' 'em!!!!:eek:
So much for good intentions! Yesterday was an insane asylum here at work, so I was wiped out when I got home VERY late :(. Needless, to say, it was another quick 30 minute walk, dinner, and then bed! Today DH was supposed to get a root canal, but they postponed until next week because they didn't have enough time scheduled :mad:! CRAZY!!! The poor guy is in a lot of pain with an abcessed molar and they are making him wait! AND they won't prescribe any pain meds because they feel the antibiotics will take away the pain :confused:! Our dentist prescribed enough hydrocodone to get him through to this appointment 2 days ago (5 tablets) and they were gone before bed last night. He also is trying to study for a final he has next week (and it is hard for him to focus through the pain)...they want to schedule him for the root canal the day before his final! He asked if they can do it after his final, but they are booked until after New Year's! Sorry about the rant, but I just can't believe this! I am going to suggest he try another endodontist (even though we have both been treated by this one and he does great work; I just hate seeing my DH in such pain!). Whoa, didn't mean to rant there!

Anyway, tonight starts up another 4 week segment of my rotation. This week has STS from M1 so I better gear up for those quick equipment changes! I also see that AB, CF, and AT are slated; so there will be some modifying and substitutions too!;) So tonight is Tabata & STS Disc 1 Chest, Shoulders, and Bis. I'm leaving work early today before anything weird can hold me back!
How is everyone??????
Hi everyone :)

It's been a horrible few days with a lot of sleep deprivation :(. It's TTOTM, and I always get insomnia with it anyway, but to top it off Bella is waking up with poopy undies (she is fully potty training which is kinda weird :confused:). So by the time I go in, clean her, wipe her down, I'm wired past 12am. Last night I had another rough one with my cat crying for food & water, the train blowing the horn at 5am, then the stupid garbage truck using his reverse signal right in front of my bedroom window :mad:. I got about 4hrs sleep max, which I'm really feeling today :(.

My w/o's so far have been:

Monday: 2 Mile Leslie walk + 30min Yoga Relax.
Tues: Nothing :(
Wed: M1 Back & Tri's. I also did a 2 mile Leslie walk + 25min Yoga Max in the evening. I bought a yoga block, and it really helped with some of the poses where my hands need to be placed on the ground while in a standing position. I'm hoping my flexibility improves.
Today: Supposed to be M2 W4 Legs...we'll see.

I'm so sorry to hear about hubbies dental issues :(. Tooth pain is the worst! I hope he finds relief soon, poor guy :(.
Working til' late sucks the bag. I remember when I used to have to work until 12am, be home by 1am, only to go to bed and have to be at work the next morning! Pharmacy retail sucks when you are open 7 days/week, from 7am-12am :mad:. Hopefully your work hours get back to normal soon.
Turbo Barre always leaves me in a sweaty (swearing ;)) mess.
I'm throwing in some M1 UB work this week too :eek:.

Have a great day ladies :cool:
Hi ladies,
Sorry that I've been MIA lately. Had training all week and work has not been going so well.
Nancy, I'm so sorry about your hubbie's pain. :( It's a big deal. With that kind of pain, you can't really function day to day. I hope he finds relief soon. I'm glad you're able to vent here Nancy. We are here to listen. I don't always talk about workouts, because that's not all that's going on with me. I find you ladies very supportive and kind, so I feel comfortable sharing. :)
Natasha, I feel for you. I've been there too. Lack of sleep impacts your mood, work, everything. I hope you have had some time to rest since your last post. By the way, I love Gym Style. I have all three. :D It's part of the Harcore series. My kids' bed time is at 9 pm now. But when they were younger, the bed time was much eariler. I think you should do what's right for you. Bella needs rest too. My trouble is that I can't get the kids to go to sleep when I tell them to! :D The girls are older now; 13 and 11 so they sometime would try to negotiate out of it. It's never as easy as just telling them to go to bed. It's crazy, I know.

Tonight is another rest night for me. I have to catch up on studying. I didn't do it last night.

Talk to you soon!

Wow, time has really flown by! I got STS#1 (chest, shoulders, & biceps), STS#6 (legs), and AB out of the way since Thurs. I am DOMSing BIG TIME tonight! I'm having a tough time settling down for sleep...made me think of you, Natasha! I hope that things are getting better for you sleep wise! Did you download GS? The chest work is brutal!
I just received a new pack of firewalker bands (Daily Deal + 15% off!); I noticed a small nick on the edge of the pink one after I did Turbo Barre last week. So now I can try to talk my DH into doing those side to side firewalks with me since I have 2 green and 2 blue bands now!:eek: He always laughs if he sees me doing those! Do your hubby's work out with you ladies? I have to admit, I like my special time with Cathe to myself...I can focus and really immerse myself into the workout...that's one of the reasons I don't work out at a gym (too many distractions and interference!). Well, I think I'll pop a movie in and try to get some shut eye! Tomorrow is STS#5 (Back & Tris) and I need my rest for that!
Justina, keep plugging away at that studying!!!!
Hello ladies :)

Today's I'm going to watch the new James Bond movie :eek:. I don't get out much alone with DH, so I'm really looking forward to it :).

Yesterday I did M1 W4 Chest, Shoulder's & Bi's :eek:. I warmed-up with the bonus step segment from CSS. It was a perfect little add-on to weight work! I'm feeling brutal DOMS in my chest today! Those push-ups..and more push-ups...and more push-ups, get me every time! I find M1 to be very humbling to say the least.

I went to see my cousin's baby on Friday. I've attached a photo of Bella holding her. She is such a beauty :). I came home and did Athletic Step to burn off some of the goodies I ate :eek:. Of course when you visit relatives there is always some sort of dessert :p. I had a nice slice of Panettone (Italian sweet bread-like cake).

On Thurs I did STS M2 W3 LEGS :eek:. Oh man! I got my fav type of DOMS, which is ISCOTT (I Can't Sit On The Toilet ;)). I know, I'm a nutso :eek:.

OH, I can imagine in what state of DOMS you are in right now :eek:. I find M1 just brutalizes a good way of course. I was a bit frantic with the weight changes, as I have the adjustable dumbbell's with the weight plates. I still have to say that I prefer doing all the exercises for 1 muscle group before moving on to the next.
No, my DH DOES NOT workout with me! He goes to the gym (thank goodness!). I like my alone time too. Speaking of my DH, he is getting very muscular. He has a body that builds muscle very easily (hate him :mad:). I am going to give myself some credit for that because I constantly give him workout pointers :D. Does your DH like to build bulky muscle or maintain a more slender physique? Mine won't do any cardio rarely, but he is losing body fat. I hate men :mad::D.

I hope your studying has been going well. I give you so much credit for doing that! High fives :cool:. I'm sorry work has not been going well lately :(. I hope you have a better week.
I keep forgetting you have teens at home! I think you look far too youthful to have 3 children, with 2 of them being over 10yrs old :). Yeah, teens don't want to go to sleep early :mad:. How is your son doing? At my cousin's house, Bella was playing with her 2yr old cousin. I forgot how crazy they are! Wanting to get into everything and pretty much fearless of any danger. At one point the little guy almost opened the screen door and took off!
I have GS legs, but not the UB workouts. I was reading on Collage that some people did not find the Back, Shoulder's & Bi's workout hard enough :confused:...or they felt the Back or Bi's under-worked. Do you find this to be true?


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Hi Nancy, Natasha,
Hope you ladies are doing well. I haven't been motivated in working out this past week. I had training all week, had to attend a concert after work one night for my daughter, and I have not been happy at work. This past weekend I decided to start looking for another job. The trend now is that job seekers should have a solid online presence. So that's what I'm working on. Of course you ladies must heard of Linked In. It's actually a great tool if one knows how to use it properly. I'm learning about it. I've been preparing for a job change and studying for the exam. Anyway, change is good right?

Natasha, I actually enjoy the UB workouts in Gym Style. If I don't feel challenged enough in a set, I just up the weight. Bella is beautiful. Love that picture of her holding her little cousin. :) Yeah, I know what you mean about 2 year olds. My son drives us insane sometimes. Ha! He's into everything. He has to be watched very closely. :D

Nancy, my husband doesn't work out with me. He likes to do his own thing. He hardly does any cardio but is into weight lifting. Like you, I enjoy my time with Cathe. I would prefer that he doesn't join me. :D He would be in my space!

By the way, how do you ladies feel about your job? Do you feel content, satisifed or even fulfilling?

Have a good day!
Happy Monday Justina & Natasha!
Yesterday was STS#5 (Back & Tris) and it was challenging!
Today I'll be doing the less impact version of CF!
This weekend I finished up my Dicken Xmas Village...I posted an album for you ladies to check out. I have a lot of fun with it!

Natasha, my DH is what I would call a cardio junkie. He runs, runs, runs. He does some body weight stuff (push-ups, sit-ups, etc.), but VERY little weight lifting. He used to be a teaching tennis pro and was on the court about 6 to 8 hours a day. He is a small guy but is very sinewy and muscular in a martial arts way (definitely not bulky!). Hands down the BEST abs I have ever seen still to this day (in his mid 50s!):eek:.

Justina, I love my job! It is very fulfililng and my boss is awesome. Unfortunately, I am in a precarious state whenever they talk about cutting research grant money (like right now with this fiscal cliff nonsense). 100% of my pay and benefits come from the NIH. I hope that you find a job that is as rewarding for you as mine is to me!

Well, I'm about ready to pack it up for the day and hit the grocery on the way home from work. Then it's CF time :p!!!

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