Hello Natasha & Justina!
First, I am glad we all got through the hurricane unscathed...I live about 4 hours away from the coast so the horrible devastion that you see for North Carolina is far away from me! We had very gusty winds and downed trees so some folks were without power, but my area was spared so I could do my Cathe!!!
I started my new rotation yesterday
Basically, I took Cathe's 3 Month LIS/STS Transformation Rotation (from January) and tweaked it a bit: I replaced the Low Impact Challenge with either Crossfire, To The Max, or Intensity. I also substitued the Plyo Legs with LBB, B&G, PLB, or GSL. I also will do a Tabata from CF or TTM before each upper body workout and abs from STS Ab Circuits before the leg workout if needed. The LIS series really got my core toned, so I think this is a good rotation. I went ahead and planned it out for 3 months, but will cease and desist when XTRAIN arrives!
Last night was STS Disc 16; Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps. IT WAS BRUTAL! I have lost some of my strength since I last did STS! My workout sheets were based on my last 1RM so I really struggled to the last fact I usually couldn't do the last rep. It was great
Here is the
2012 Holiday Rotation if you're curious:
WEEK ONE Nov 01 - 07
Thur Disc 16 - M2 - W2 - Chest, Shoulders and Triceps + Tabata
Fri Total Body Tri-Sets- Lower Body + Abs
Sat Cardio Supersets
Sun Disc 18 - M2 - W2 - Back and Biceps + Tabata
Mon To The Max
Tues AfterBurn
Wed (Off) Yoga + Abs
WEEK TWO Nov 08 - 14
Thur Disc 4 - M1 - W2 - Chest, Shoulders and Biceps + Tabata
Fri Lower Body Blast + Abs
Sat AfterBurn
Sun Disc 2 - M1 - W1 - Back and Triceps + Tabata
Mon Crossfire
Tues Athletic Training
Wed (Off) Yoga + Abs
WEEK THREE Nov 15 - 21
Thur Disc 25 - M3 - W1 - Chest & Back + Tabata
Fri Pyramid Lower Body + Abs
Sat Slide & Glide
Sun Disc 27 - M3 - W1 - Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps + Tabata
Mon Intensity
Tues Cardio Supersets
Wed (Off) Yoga + Abs
WEEK FOUR Nov 22 - 28
Thur Total Body Tri-Sets-Upper Body + Tabata
Fri Disc 17 - M2 - W2 - Legs + Abs
Sat Athletic Training
Sun Total Body Tri-Sets-Upper Body + Tabata
Mon Crossfire
Tues AfterBurn
Wed (Off) Yoga + Abs
WEEK FIVE Nov 29 – Dec 05
Active Recovery Week
Thur To The Max
Fri Turbo Barre
Sat Afterburn
Sun Slide & Glide
Mon Turbo Barre
Tues Crossfire
Wed (Off) Yoga + Abs
WEEK SIX Dec 06 – 12
Thur Disc 1 - M1 - W1 - Chest, Shoulders and Biceps + Tabata
Fri Disc 6 - M1 - W2 - Legs + Abs
Sat AfterBurn
Sun Disc 5 - M1 - W2 - Back and Triceps + Tabata
Mon Crossfire
Tues Athletic Training
Wed (Off) Yoga + Abs
WEEK SEVEN Dec 13 – 19
Thur Total Body Tri-Sets-Upper Body + Tabata
Fri Gym Styles Legs + Abs
Sat Slide & Glide
Sun Total Body Tri-Sets-Upper Body + Tabata
Mon To The Max
Tues Cardio Supersets
Wed (Off) Yoga + Abs
EK EIGHT Dec 20 - 26
Thur Disc 22 - M2 - W4 - Chest, Shoulders and Triceps + Tabata
Fri Disc 20 - M2 - W3 - Legs + Abs
Sat Athletic Training
Sun Disc 21 - M2 - W3 - Back and Biceps
Mon Intensity
Tues AfterBurn
Wed (Off) Yoga + Abs
WEEK NINE Dec 27 - Jan 02
Thur Disc 10 - M1 - W4 - Chest, Shoulders and Biceps + Tabata
Fri Total Body Tri-Sets- Lower Body + Abs
Sat Cardio Supersets
Sun Disc 11 - M1 - W4 - Back and Triceps + Tabata
Mon Crossfire
Tues Athletic Training
Wed (Off) Yoga + Abs
WEEK TEN Jan 03 - 09
Active Recovery Week
Thur To The Max
Fri Turbo Barre
Sat Afterburn
Sun Slide & Glide
Mon Turbo Barre
Tues Crossfire
Wed (Off) Yoga + Abs
WEEK ELEVEN Jan 10 - 16
Thur Disc 28 - M3 - W2 - Chest & Back + Tabata
Fri Butts & Guts
Sat Slide & Glide
Sun Disc 30 - M3 - W2 - Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps + Tabata
Mon Intensity
Tues Cardio Supersets
Wed (Off) Yoga + Abs
WEEK TWELVE Jan 17 - 23
Thur Disc 19 - M2 - W3 - Chest, Shoulders and Triceps + Tabata
Fri Total Body Tri-Sets-Lower Body + Abs
Sat Cardio Supersets
Sun Disc 24 - M2 - W4 - Back and Biceps + Tabata
Mon To The Max
Tues AfterBurn
Wed (Off) Yoga + Abs
Thur Disc 7 - M1 - W3 - Chest, Shoulders and Biceps + Tabata
Fri Lower Body Blast Abs
Sat AfterBurn
Sun Disc 8 - M1 - W3 - Back and Triceps Tabata
Mon Crossfire
Tues Athletic Training
Wed (Off) Yoga + Abs
WEEK FOURTEEN Jan 31 - Feb 06
Thur Total Body Tri-Sets-Upper Body + Tabata
Fri Pyramid Lower body + Abs
Sat Slide & Glide
Sun Total Body Tri-Sets-Upper Body + Tabata
Mon To The Max
Tues Cardio Supersets
Wed (Off) Yoga + Abs
I hope XTRAIN has me abandoning this by mid-January at the latest! Justina, maybe you can tweak this a bit to accomodate the DVDs you have? I really missed STS so I had to get it back in the mix
Well, this post is excrutiatingly long
By for now!