Hi Nancy & Justina :)

Thanksgiving went well. Of course I indulged in apple and pumpkin pie :p. It would be a sin for me not to :D. Back to my normal eating and workouts this week. I wanted to share my new rotation which starts next week Monday:

D1- Jari Love Ripped & Chiseled
D2- Cardio (hiit, intervals, Tabata)
D3 - 4DS Lower Body Circuit
D4 - Yoga & abs
D5- Cardio (steady state)
D6- Maximum Intensity Strength

To sum it up: 1X endurance TB, 1X moderate-heavy TB, 1X LB circuit, 2X cardio, 1X yoga.

The first workout after vaca is the hardest. I love the Hardcore series! I am itching to get Gym Style UB & Kickmax :D.
I was also looking forward to the shorter workouts after STS was over and the freedom to do my own thing, making rotations that work with my life & schedule.
Hope you have a good week :).

Bye bye for now!
Hi Nancy, Natasha!
Hope you are having a good day so far.
This morning I pre-ordered XTrain. :) I'm excited to start this thing. I'm on my last week of STS....finally. It's a good work out but like you said Natasha, I want to do my own thing for awhile. I see that you are starting your rotation with Jari's Ripped and Chiseled. I like that one. Would you still use low weight? It seems that all of her work outs are focus on low weight and high rep. I'm sure it's good to mix things up a bit anyway. I haven't done her workouts in a long time. I actually enjoy quite a few of them.

Have fun with your new rotation!

Hi Justina & Nancy (and whoever else is still here)

Ok, so I've officially rated 4DS UB premix my fav heavy lifting program. It's a bit long, but man nothing has ever worked me harder! Not even STS believe it or not. I'm getting significantly stronger and have more muscle definition since starting my rotation last month. Previously, I struggled with low-end push-ups and yesterday I was able to complete most of them. My bi's, which are the weaklings of my muscle groups, managed to curl 18lbs dumbbell's! Not many of course, but I still did a few. I strive to curl 20lbs+ like Cathe one day. I'm also excited to match Cathe in 1 arm rows, 30lbs! I'm so happy you guys like lifting heavy too so I don't feel like I'm doing a "man's workout" as some may think.

I'm excited about Xtrain! Those pics on FB are teasing me! I'm uber excited for Cardio Leg Blast since I looovvveee Plyo Legs. That Bear Crawl one is on Supreme 90-Day and Shed & Shred.

Congrats on pre-ordering Xtrain!! I'm SO excited for you. I think the program will be great for people with time constraints and need more flexibility out of a strength training program. Cathe really listens to her fans on what they want/need, and I love that about her.
Yes, I plan on doing high reps/low weights with R&C. I have Cathe's MIS which goes a bit heavier, so that should balance me out :).
Oh, and also congrats on almost completing STS! You should feel very accomplished and proud.

Have a good one!
Hi ladies!
Hope all is well.

Hi Natasha,
Yes, I should be proud of having completed as far I have with STS. One more DVD to go. But I'm ready to move on to the next thing. :D Wow, you are lifting heavy! That's awesome. I keep saying I need to go get some heavy weight..but haven't yet. I'm going to. It's empowering to be able to lift as heavy as some men. Not that we have to compete with men....just sayin.
We should strive to be our personal best, but it wouldn't hurt to be able to say " I lift 30lbs in one arm rows". :D
I'm upping my weight tomorrow. Ha!

Have a good day!
18 pounds curls???????!!!!!!!:eek::eek::eek:
30 pound one arm rows??????!!!!!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek:
WOW!!! I bow to you!
PUB KICKED MY BUTT!!!!! I am talking serious OW here! Those chest flys nearly did me in! The Bis were BRUTAL!!!!:p I could not match Cathe on those weights....yikes! I LOVED IT!!! I had to take the next day off! Seriously, I haven't had to take a day off because of DOMS in over a year!

I've been on vacation (again) this week. This time it's a "staycation" with lots of hiking at our favortie state park, a trip to the zoo, and a rainy day movie fest!

I haven't been eating the way I normally do....actually had a hamburger and cake on my DH's B-Day! I've been keeping up with the weight workouts, but have skipped the cardio on heavy hiking days....

I'll be hitting hard next week, though ;)!

For now, I am going to think seriously about a plan to get ready for XTRAIN!!!!
Those look like some butt-kicking (AKA Natasha-type) workouts! :p
Happy Saturday :)

Thursday w/o was Step Moves + Step Kickbox from Circuit Max (55min total). Yesterday was my rest day (yay!). Can you believe I'm still sore from 4DS UB??? I was slotted to do TB today, but now I'm not sure if I should go ahead with the UB work :confused:.

We are getting fish today! Wish us luck! I'm super excited to have the little guys swimming in my tank. I hope they don't die prematurely :(.

Thanks for the compliments on the weight loads ladies :eek:. Keep in mind, it's high weight/low reps. Could I do 18lbs curls x 12??? NO WAY IN HELL!

Not looking forward to winter :mad::(. I felt sad walking out in my winter jacket yesterday.

Yup, yup, Pyramid does it again :eek::eek:. Bi's and chest ARE brutal! Trying to match Cathe just gives you a nice humble kick up the butt. That woman is so insanely strong, I nod my head and laugh every time.
Yay for the hamburger and cake on DH's b-day! You know me, I love my "cheat" days ;).
Your "staycation" sounded lovely. Sometimes those are the best ones :).

How did the weight increase go?
What are you going to do after STS? Have you thought about it or are you just going to take a much needed mental break?

Have a great one ladies!
Hi ladies!
Hope you are all doing well today. It's raining here in Atlanta. I got to work 30minutes later than usual. Still early though. Most people don't get here until 9 am!

Hi Nancy, great to hear you had a hamburger and cake for your husband's birthday. Got to splurge a little once in a while right? :D You are a very active person so I'm sure that did not do any damage. I'm excited for Xtrain as well. I pre-ordered last week. Can't wait to get started. What are you going to do to get ready for it?

Hi Natasha, I didn't do my STS this weekend. :( We had a birthday dinner for my 11 year old and I was just to exhausted on Sunday to do anything. Tonight I will finish STS. After STS I'm going back to Hardcore DVDs. This weekend my 11 year old is having a sleep over with her friends for her birthday. Can't believe I agreed to it. :) Well, this last party was for family only, and this one coming up is for friends. I usually don't split it out like that but there is a family reunion is this weekend and most of the family members are going to that. Jaden's birthday is actually today.

Have a good day!

Hi Natasha & Justina!
Today I'm back at work and back on track with my fitness resolutions ;)!
Yesterday's PUB went a lot smoother, but that chest and bi work still killed me! My arms were so quivery that I had a REALLY tough time with the stability ball ab work (those dang pikes!:mad:). Today I'm going to do Afterburn (I don't have DOMS bad yet); I ended up changing around some of the cardio I originally scheduled for this rotation (just mixed the order up a little...still using my FAV 4!) All my cardio has to be low impact for a while until my foot becomes more stable. I really miss jumping! I've determined that the cause of my foot problem wasn't the workouts; rather it was the workout shoes! I never had any problems until I got them back in July! I'm going to see about getting a refund since the "fitting specialist" completely dropped the ball!
Justina I hope that you're able to cross the last bit of STS off your "to-do" list! Glad you pre-ordered the XTRAIN series, it looks great, doesn't it? To prepare for it I'm planning on sticking with my current rotation for now, and watching my food intake so that I'm proteined up and carbed down a bit! I'd like to lean out a lot more!
Natasha Your 4DS UB DOMS is making me very motivated! You have really been kicking some butt with your w/os! Very impressive results! Hope you enjoyed that rest day ;)!
Well ladies, I look forward to your next posts! Let's get this week off to a healthy start!:p
I had a post all typed up and BAM, one stupid click and it was gone forever through Cyber-Land :mad::mad:.

My workouts so far have been:

Sat- Turbo Barre (WHY OH WHY do those leg lifts make me cry? Good news is that I have gotten better at taking less breaks)
Sun- Circuit Max Cardio premix 30min (features hi/lo, kickbox, step kickbox, step routine. FUN! FUN!)
Monday- TTM Less Impact Premix (droplets of sweat on my step :D).
Yesterday- MIS first time! No fluff endurance + strength work w/8-16 reps for each muscle group. Love it! I'm DOMS'ing nicely today :D


I hope your foot continues to get better. Bummer on the shoe not being right for you. Which ones were you wearing? I love my K-Swiss! They are THE BEST pair I've owned so far!

Happy b-day to Jaden! It's really cool of you to have a sleep over. I know they can be a lot of work, but it makes the kids happy (I'm assuming :D).
I'm really dying to get Gym Styles UB. DYING! I just feel as though I have STS for split routines, so why not use them...for now ;).

BBL rockin' fit ladies! Have a good one :)
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Hi Natasha & Justina!
Natasha, I haven't done Turbo Barre in a while and it occured to me that it would be a good one while babying my foot! Some of those positions are tough; lilke the one near the end where your leg is bent in an "L" sort of up and behind and you're doing a gazillion leg lifts....OWIE!!!! I also really like the ab section! I have been doing the "less impact" premixes of CF and TTM and have been surprised that I still sweat like crazy! Leave it to Cathe to to have butt-kickin' premixes for every need!
The Pyramids continue to kick my butt and I've been loving the total body w/os that I picked for this rotation. Last night I did High Reps and my hammies were cramping like crazy after! I kept stretching and stretching and finally foam rolled the bejeezers out of them. Today I feel great, no DOMS really, but I can tell I got a good workout in! Tonight is AT (looking forward to the firewalker part :p), so I hope my hammies can co-operate.
Justina, are you done with STS yet?????? Let us know so we can WAHOO you!:eek:

PS Natasha, the shoes I had were Asics Gel Kayano III. I think I'll go back to my good ole Brooks....I don't need motion or stability control and they seem pretty neutral on my foot. I LOVE the RYKAs from the LIS series, but I need more cushion for high impact stuff.
Hi Justina & Nancy :)

Hope you both are doing well :).

My workout Wed was Rhythmic Step and Thurs I did Athletic Training. I forgot how fun and tough that workout is! I think instead of doing 4DS Lower Body Circuit, I might do AT weekly to replace it as a total body circuit workout instead.

As for non-workout stuff, I got an aquarium with tropical fish 2 weeks ago. So far 3/6 have died :(. Apparently it can take upwards of 1 month to get a healthy aquarium cycled and established. You could consider these fish "sacrificial" as their main purpose is to introduce bacteria to the tank. They are small fish call Danio, and are inexpensive and hardy (now I question how hardy :confused:). Wish us luck for the next batch of fish! I hate to see the little guys go prematurely :(.

Yes, I love Turbo Barre. A Cathe masterpiece :).
Hope your foot continues to get better.

I believe a congrats is in order!!!!
Is the sleepover this w/e?

Have a great weekend ladies!
Hi ladies,
Hope everyone is doing well. I've been sick for the past few days. :(
Swollen lymph nodes. I'm still recovering. I could not eat or talk much. It was too painful.
Hi Natasha, the sleepover was fun. The girls had a great time. We ordered Chinese (I was too tired and sick to cook), did different craft projects and watched scary movies! I had to take a nap today after the friends went home. Starting tomorrow night I'm going to try Cross Fire. I received it in the mail last week; I was too sick to try at the time. I can't wait to do it tomorrow! :D How fun that you got an aquarium. We adopted a Beta fish few years back from a friend of mine at work. Unfortunately it died 1 year we got it. I don't think we will get another one any time soon. How does your daughter like the aquarium? How big is it? Good luck with the next batch. I'm sure once you have it properly established, it will be a lot of fun for everyone.
Hi Nancy, I'm finally done with STS. It was a fun program but I'm ready for something new. I received Cross Fire in the mail and am excited to give it a try. I got it when I pre ordered XTrain. I have to sit down one day and come up with a rotation for myself. I don't know where to begin. I have the Hardcore series, P90X, Jari Love, Turbo Fire and of course STS. I think I'll give STS a rest and do the other ones for a change.

Can you ladies give me some tips as to how to start planning a rotation? In the past, when I decide what to do at the last minute, I sometimes don't do anything at all and fall behind on my workouts.

Have a good night ladies!

I'm so sorry to hear about your swollen lymph nodes :(. I hope you continue to get better.
I'm happy the girls had a good time at the sleepover. Chinese take-out and scary movies is a recipe for a great time!
Bella is ok with the aquarium. You know, she's a 3 1/2 year old. Her interest in something lasts a few minutes and then it's gone. It's a lovely 15gal tank.
I can help you with a rotation. How many days/week do you want to strength train? Do you want to do splits (Gym Style, P90X) or total body just to change it up? If you wanted to do a 5X/week rotation, it would go something like this (keep in mind you can add a rest day whenever you need it and not necessarily on the days I chose):

D1-Muscle Max (or any total body strength workout)
D2-Cardio of choice
D4-Muscle Max (or any total body strength workout)
D5-Cardio of choice
D7-Cardio, Circuit, Strength, Yoga, or even a LB workout of choice.

Let me know more specifics (days/week, which workouts, when you want days off, ect) so I can tailor the workout specifically to your wants/needs.

BBL! Have a good one!
Hi ladies,
Hope everyone is doing well. I've been sick for the past few days. :(
Swollen lymph nodes. I'm still recovering. I could not eat or talk much. It was too painful.
Hi Natasha, the sleepover was fun. The girls had a great time. We ordered Chinese (I was too tired and sick to cook), did different craft projects and watched scary movies! I had to take a nap today after the friends went home. Starting tomorrow night I'm going to try Cross Fire. I received it in the mail last week; I was too sick to try at the time. I can't wait to do it tomorrow! :D How fun that you got an aquarium. We adopted a Beta fish few years back from a friend of mine at work. Unfortunately it died 1 year we got it. I don't think we will get another one any time soon. How does your daughter like the aquarium? How big is it? Good luck with the next batch. I'm sure once you have it properly established, it will be a lot of fun for everyone.
Hi Nancy, I'm finally done with STS. It was a I fun program but I'm ready for something new. I received Cross Fire in the mail and am excited to give it a try. I got it when I pre ordered XTrain. I have to sit down one day and come up with a rotation for myself. I don't know where to begin. I have the Hardcore series, P90X, Jari Love, Turbo Fire and of course STS. I think I'll give STS a rest and do the other ones for a change.

Can you ladies give me some tips as to how to start planning a rotation? In the past, when I decide what to do at the last minute, I sometimes don't do anything at all and fall behind on my workouts.

Have a good night ladies!


I hope you've given yourself plenty of time to recover before you dive into Crossfire!!! It is quite challenging! You might want to ease into it by trying out a premix? Anyway, I went through some of my old rotations and found this 6X/week template that was divised by Fitness Freak:
Day 1 - Total Body
Day 2 – Cardio
Day 3 – Legs
Day 4 - Cardio
Day 5 - Total Body
Day 6 - Cardio
Day 7 - Rest
This will allow you to to use your Total Body w/os and your favorite Leg w/o along with some fun cardio (like Crossfire!). I have to admit, I like the look of this one so much I may use it for my November template!
I also suggest doing a search for Fitness Freak's rotations....she is a master at it!

I'll try to check back later for more is brutally busy here at work today!
Hi Natasha, Nancy,
Thank you very much for your support. :) The templates look awesome! I'm excited to try something new. What would be a total body workout? I don't think I have a DVD for that. With P90X it's split up like STS. Maybe one of Jari Love's workouts? Love Cathe's Muscle Max, Natasha. My goal is still the same; build up on size of muscles. I honestly tried my best with STS but still no big muscles. Not trying to get huge like a body builder but enough to be buff. :D
I would like Friday and Saturday off. Nancy, you're right. I need to back at 100% healthy before I get back into a fitness rotation. I don't want to half-a** do anything. :D Today I'm still feeling a little off. The swelling is worse in the mornings. Can't really eat much and it's me driving crazy. The swelling is in my throat so I also talk funny. Thank goodness I don't have a job that requires me to talk all day. :) I hate going to the doctor so I avoid going at all cost. I don't feel too sick where I can't stay away from my bed. It kills me knowing that each day I'm not working out or lifting I'm on my way to losing muscles mass. So I have to get better soon.

Thanks again! Have a good day!
Hi Natasha, Nancy,
Thank you very much for your support. :) The templates look awesome! I'm excited to try something new. What would be a total body workout? I don't think I have a DVD for that. With P90X it's split up like STS. Maybe one of Jari Love's workouts? Love Cathe's Muscle Max, Natasha. My goal is still the same; build up on size of muscles. I honestly tried my best with STS but still no big muscles. Not trying to get huge like a body builder but enough to be buff. :D
I would like Friday and Saturday off. Nancy, you're right. I need to back at 100% healthy before I get back into a fitness rotation. I don't want to half-a** do anything. :D Today I'm still feeling a little off. The swelling is worse in the mornings. Can't really eat much and it's me driving crazy. The swelling is in my throat so I also talk funny. Thank goodness I don't have a job that requires me to talk all day. :) I hate going to the doctor so I avoid going at all cost. I don't feel too sick where I can't stay away from my bed. It kills me knowing that each day I'm not working out or lifting I'm on my way to losing muscles mass. So I have to get better soon.

Thanks again! Have a good day!

Total Body workouts work UB/LB in it's entirety, instead of splitting it up. Yes, Jari Love is a TB workout as well as Muscle Max. I'm doing a rotation this month which has 2 Total Body workouts, similar to the one I set up for you: Maximum Intensity Strength + Push/Pull. It's funny, I had a feeling you'd want a 5X/week workout rotation, that's why I slotted in 2 rest days :D. So, pick *2* TB workouts you want to do each week (Muscle Max is a goodie :eek:), along with your cardio's of choice. You can also add in a circuit like High Step Challenge, so you would be doing a format of: 2X weight training, 2Xcardio, 1X circuit. BAM! 5 days of awesome workouts!
Ok, so I tried Ripped & Chiseled for the first time Sat. I am officially a Cathe weight training snob. I can't do another trainer now. My high standards have taken over and Cathe has ruined me for all other trainers :D.

BB tomorrow to report my workouts!
Hi ladies!
Natasha, that's funny. :D I haven't done Jari Love's DVDs in such a long time. I have a feeling I might feel the same way once I start with her workouts again. I didn't enjoy the last few she did. Not sure if I want to go low weight, high rep.

Tonight I will start my workout routine. Last night I watched the presidential debate and I didn't feel like I could give it my all in the work out.

Have a good day!

Back to report my workouts :D

Saturday I did Jari Love's Ripped & Chiseled. Nope, I can't continue with it. Cathe has spoiled me forever with weight training. Cardio & Circuits I'm a little more laxed with, but I'm very picky with any type of weight work. I will be replacing it with Push/Pull (first time doing it today!!!!).

Sunday I did Step Blast. OMG that is hands-down my fav step workout! So fun, flawless, just pure genius.

Monday was hiit DWP :eek:. Have not pulled it out in a long time. I forgot how tough it was!

I'm excited for Xtrain! In the winter I have to modify my schedule a bit and shorter workouts fit the bill. I'm also liking the idea of training 1 body part/day in addition to cardio. I love the flexibly of the program!

Ok, so I love Boxing. I saw the cute pink gloves Cathe was wearing and flipped my lid! I would die to get a pair of those plus a heavy bag! I wonder if I can ask Santa for one this Christmas :eek:. I swear I'm on the Nice List ;).

Have a great one fit ladies!
Hello Natasha & Justina!
First, CONGRATS JUSTINA on your STS achievement!!!!:D Isn't it empowering? Aren't you totally ready for more :eek:???
Natasha, if anyone can pull off wearing those pink boxing gloves it's you :p! Your energy is so give me the grins with every post of yours that I read!
I've been backing off on the workouts lately :( plantar fasciitis is improving (thanks to a Straussburg sock night sling and Superfeet shoe inserts) but I'm only doing low/no impact activities to be safe. I've been doing my weight workouts as scheduled, but the cardio has been "grounded" and usually the "express" version. Cathe still kicks butt on the kiddie train!!!
I've had the last 2 days off because I sprained my forefoot on one of those "kiddie train" workouts :(! I was doing low impact Tabata and my foot somehow lost the disc during mountain climbers. My toe grabbed the carpet and as I brought my knee rapidly forward I bent my foot backward in an unnatural way :confused: OWIE!!!!! My DH came to my rescue with a frozen bag of peas and I've been icing it several times a day. There isn't any swelling or discoloration (hooray for ice!) and the range of motion is coming back.
Tonight I plan on doing a total body weight workout if my foot allows it. I may try that total body premix from the Pyramids. This is my last week for this rotation so I better get crackin' at planning the next one.
I wonder when the new series will hit my mailbox? Any guesses? I'm thinking Christmas!!!!!
YAY for PF improving, but at the same time I'm sorry about your forefoot :(. I wish you a super speedy recovery. It's amazing how one little stupid move can injure you :mad:. Don't rush the healing process, you'll be back to your old kick-butt self in no time! You know what, 3 people from my check-in's are injured too :confused:. All with shoulder problems :(.

I do hope Xtrain is avail by Xmas, but I won't keep my hopes up. I saw a thread back from when the LIS was set to be released, and people were getting so angry that it did not meet the estimated release date! I was like "really? C'mon now people!". I was part of that LIS pre-order, and I never understood what all the fuss was about :confused:.

Ok, gotta jet! BB tomorrow to report my workouts!

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