***STS COOLERS April***

Evening Coolers

It sure was nice to come home and get my workout in right away. All done by 6pm and have the whole evening ahead of me. I did the step & hi-lo of SJP along with the ab and plank work. Really enjoy that pre-mix. The hi-lo gets your heart rate up as most of its blast with out the weight lifting portion that allows your heart rate to come down.

Anyhow, I'll going to wander over to Sudbury tomorrow and do some shopping. It feels good to knot have a little one attached to my hip for a day. It's also suppose to be in the mid 20's and sunny. :)

Hope all is well with everyone else.
What kind of award did your grandson win??? WTG on getting those compliments! They did fix the workout manager, I hadn't realized!! I was so frustrated duirng Meso 1 because I was quite sloppy with doing my 1RM and many weren't accurate. The only way to get it changed was to delete the old 1RM and redo,etc. This is so much easier!!! Enjoy your busy

So who is your DH cheering for now that the Canadiens and the Leafs are both out for the season?? What happened with his eyes?? Enjoy your alone time tomorrow!

Went to watch ds play hockey tonight and he had to leave during the third period as his ankle that he fractured was bothering him. I thought he had injured himself and I started having a panic attack:rolleyes: Told him that I don't want to go to anymore of his sporting events.:rolleyes:

Had to shift my workouts around this week to accomodate a run with ds, a run with my friend and not doing a legs workouts the day before a run. So ended up doing disc 16 (cst) yesterday and 18 (back/bi) today. Also did some abs today. Tomorrow I'm meeting my friend for a 6.5 mile run and next weekend is the two man half marathon relay.

Good evening,
This morning's workout was Christi Taylor's Still Steppin' for 40 minutes, then did STS Stability Ball Abs (no, not the one legged pike things). I was busy at work, it rained too, so no walk this afternoon. Also never got to the golf course to practice, though I did do some putting in the house tonite. I have Ladies Golf League tomorrow morning. Hope the weather is warm enough. I do have some of those hand warmers that I'll leave in my pockets.

Kim, my GS got Student of the Year. He's a homeschooler, but apparently was nominated by the woman in charge of the program they are affiliated with. I need to update my 1rms before I start next week's workouts. I have STS Disk 14 (Legs) to do in the morning before golf. How was STS today for you (Disk 16)? Did you bump up from 70%? I haven't looked ahead to see if that is done or if we stay at 70%. Hope your son's ankle is okay and was maybe just weak. I witnessed a wrestling injury once of a neighbor kid. After that, I never wanted to watch my son wrestle. Still freaks me out.

Patricia, those DOMS are good, huh? I'm feeling them too from my Chest, shoulders and tri workout yesterday. Enjoy your shopping trip.

May be doing a 50 mile bike ride on Sunday. I have a 60 miler out of town the following weekend and I am short on mileage to get ready. The ride this Sunday will make me feel fine about the 60 miler.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.
My friend and I did a 6 mile run this morning and about 4 miles into it, it started snowing! I mean really snowing:mad::mad: I checked the weather before I left and it was cold -1 and -6 with the windchill but no prediction of snow and it was sunny initially. DH is out for his 16 mile run now:rolleyes: (better him than me, LOL) and I will take kids to swimming.

Congrats to you grandson!!! Hope it's warm enough for your golf game! I did disc 18 (back/biceps) yesterday and the biceps are super hard!!!!

Going out for supper with friends this evening. Going to try and eat healthy as my eating has been terrible lately! Kim
Hi Coolers,
Hope everyone had a good weekend. I'll be doing Disk 15B (Back and Biceps) this morning. Will report back this evening.
Morning Coolers

I type this while yawing so I hope I make some sense. I stayed up to midnight last night and DS was up a couple times in the night so I'm tired.. Must also be from the lazy weekend I had too:D I stopped in at my fitness store in Sudbury on Sat. and bought a pair of risers and black resistance tubing for pull-ups. Then got my Caramel Machiatto at Starbucks and browsed Chapters. Then off to the local mall which was a waste of time as they don't have anything different than what I have here. Oh, I found a pair of pace mates that were 1-1/4#s for $40 but didn't feel like spending the $$. Hope I don't regret it but in the STS forum there is a thread about either those or the pace weights falling off so I'm not too much in a hurry to try them. I spent all my spare time this weekend reading bodice rippers. Didn't even turn the t.v. on. It felt good to just have me time.

Sat. was my restday and yesterday evening I did Disc 4B. I think that one gets the most equipment out so good to have it done at the beginning of the week.:)

DH has to go to T.O. afterwork tonight as he is in an all-day course there Tues. so I might take DS out for dinner as I didn't get grocery shopping on the weekend and there is absolutely nothing in the house to eat. Well, who am I kidding, I just don't feel like cooking:):D

Kim - Once DH's team is out of the play-offs he doesn't watch too much hockey. Probably the Finals he will but he has PS3 so thats how he gets his hockey fix these days:D plus I think he is in competition with a friend so he likes to keep his thumbs in practice:p DH is just not taking care of his health and when you're diabetic you will pay for that and his eyes are now starting to be affected:confused: Oh now, we don't need anymore injuring with your DS. It was hard enough to listen about it all let alone live through it so lets not go thru that again. DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT send the snow this way:confused: Yuck.

Jeanette - I must say I'm really enjoying have a workout card. Now I can understand why people do up their own spreadsheets and track their weights. I think I'm going to start doing that after STS too. How are you enjoying Meso 2 so far? I'm finding that the actual w/os in M1 go by fast but I think I'm going to like the heavier lifting and shorting rep range of M3. With CLX, in phase 2 you only lifted to 8 reps and then phase 3 you were back up to 12 and found that to hard to go back to. How did your bike ride go on Sat.? I almost go my bike out Fri. night as it was gorgeous but I just don't like to go by myself.

I broke down and bought Cathe's tower. I waffled with it in my in-box for several days and then said what the heck. There really doesn't seem to be much like it out there and something that you can break down to store. Shipping was crazy though... Oh well, you only live once.

Have a nice day all.
Hi Coolers,
STS Disk 15B (Back and Biceps) was good. Nice to do it the 2nd time and be confident you can lift the weights. I wanted to do a bike ride tonite, but too windy. Got the oil changed in my car instead.

Patricia, sounds like you had a nice time shopping and reading. Laurie likes those bodice rippers too. I have the 1 1/4# plate mates and 2 1/2# platemates. I don't think they'll fall off if the surface they are stuck to is completely flat. It's when you have slightly curved surfaces that it's iffy. They also won't stick to anything neoprene coated. Otherwise, I use them on every workout. I am enjoying Meso #2 more than I thought I would. Yep, lesser # of reps is nice. Longer rests, which I like. The long bike ride didn't happen as I didn't think it would be fair to DH if I was gone 2 days in a row (like I did last weekend). I guess I just can't do it all :rolleyes:. Golf takes up at least 5 hours on Saturday, when you count getting there early to warm up, then having a beer afterwards. If I lived around you, we could ride together. I really wanted to get a ride in tonite, even changed into my cycling clothes, but it just wasn't going to happen with the wind blowing, plus the cold. I turned around and walked back into the house.

Kim, so the Biceps are tough in Disk 18???? :eek: I think I'll be reaching failure sooner!! Are you seeing some nice definition? If I could stay out of the chocolate candy that was given for Administrative Professional's day, I'd maybe see more. The dark chocolate Dorado candy was really, really good. It's dark chocolate and that's healthy, right? See's candy was good too. Why oh way do I like sweets so much? Hope DS's leg is feeling better. We went to a Red Robin restaurant on Saturday night. I had a green salad (with ranch dressing on the side), then apple crisp with ice cream. I'm sooooo bad.

Must run, have sewing tomorrow night. Will be starting a new project, a sampler wall hanging.
Just a quick checkin, really feeling lazy the last couple of days, ds and I did do a 2.5 mile run tonight and now watching TBL.

What a nice day shopping you had Patricia!

Have fun sewing Netta! Kim
Jeanette - now you're going to make me regreat not buying the platemates :confused: I did Disc 5B back & Tris last night. Lets see I had my TJ gloves on along with a 2# ankle weight wraped around the centre of my BB. I was regretting not buying them but oh well, I spent enough on fitness equipment lately. I must make do as I repeat over and over to myself.

I anyone else feeling tired? I skipped my cardio w/o Monday and have not been able to stop yawing for 3 days. Another co-worker is having the same problem. We're chalking it up to the weather here.

Kim - so can you put you hip waiters (sp?) away now?

Anyone know where Laurie is these days?

Dorothy the Dinosaur and friends from the Wiggles are here tonight putting on a show so will get off work a little early today. Oh joy, a whole theatre full of screaming kids. This will be our 1st experience for this since becoming parents. Hope I don't have a headache afterwards :D:)

Take care
Have fun at the Wiggles! I get to go to the Jonas Brothers in July!

The flood is receding, but the highway to the USA is still closed and some towns are evacuated. The news is now all about recovery and whether the province should do a forced buyout of some of the disaster areas (make people relocate). I'm sure this controversy will go on for many months:rolleyes:

I found that STS made me tired overall so maybe it's from your workouts??

Jeannette, have you heard from Laurie?
Well, I survived Dorothy the Dinosaur, Captain Feathersword and Henry the Octopus:D The show was only 1hr long. DS just sat there and was riveted to the stage. Most kids were clapping and dancing. He is such a serious guy.:)

Got home and did Rhythmic Step and Abs on my Supreme Pilates.

Kim - good to hear the water levels are receding. Hmm, screaming teeny boppers or a whole bunch of 4 year olds screaming. I think I'll take the little ones at the moment:D

Nighty night all.
Hi Coolers,
It was STS Disk 16A for me today. I had DH get out of bed and spot me for the barbell chest presses, which helped greatly. I also wore my cycling padded gloves and that was the ticket too. I was able to get thru all my weights without adjusting anything down, so made me happy. Boosted up to 75% of 1rm on this DVD. DH suggested that I get a weight bench to help, so guess what? I ordered the Power Tower. Hey, no twisting my arm. Anyway, I'm having some nice DOMS right now, especially in my shoulders. I was surprised that I felt pretty strong with shoulders as that's my weakest body part. After a busy day of work, I played golf with a girlfriend. I did decent for me and had a very nice relaxing time.

Patricia, I really, really like the platemates. I also have a velcro set of wrist weights (1#) and use those too when I need to. So far I've been able to come pretty close to what is on the workout card by combining platemates and the wrist weights. Rhythmic Step sounds fun. Think I will do that one tomorrow. Thanks for the suggestion. Better you than me at the Wiggles. Parenthood is for the young and that I'm not. I have definitely felt more tired than usual this spring. Could be the weather. Could be STS too.

Kim, glad the waters are going down. Wish you could send some of that water this way. We are so dry out here in the west. Hoping the fire season isn't as bad as last year. We had hundreds of lightning fires that started in June and didn't get put out for a couple of months. It was bad. What STS Disk are you on now?

Haven't heard from Laurie at all. I think she's been really busy and maybe just wants a rest from the checkins.

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