***STS COOLERS April***


My cold is getting better so I should be able to get back into working out on Sunday. We went to a private maple syrup bush today. Matthew had fun looking in the sap buckets to see if they were full and sure likes the taste of maple syrup candy:D Just waiting for DH to call us that dinner is ready - BBQ steaks, yum.

Kim - ah, that's so sweat of DS. Lets hope he'll always be like that. Thanks for the offer of babysitting. I think you're only about what 24hrs away by the crows fly? Did you end up doing the sandbags? Yeah, you got to wonder about people who build in a known flood zone.:eek: You know, I think BM2 cardio is one of my most favourite of Cathe's.

Take care all,

Didn't go sandbagging as the Easter dinner at my MIL's house was Easter lunch :eek::eek: Good thing I figured that, DH and his mom don't always communicate so well.

Got disc 14 and abs done this morning. Really like the triset structure, the time went so fast. Hopefully my legs are too sore for running with my friend in the morning. We're supposed to do 5 miles.
Still have shoulder/chest/triceps doms from disc 13.

Maple syrup candy is so yummy, we always have some at Festival du Voyageur (our french winter festival). They poured the maple syrup in the snow and the kids rolled it up with a popsicle stick.
Is everyone busy with the Easter bunny? My friend and I tried to do 5 miles this morning but the sidewalks were very ice, I fell once and almost fell a couple of other times. We did 4.7 miles according to my Garmin but some of that was walking. Took the kids to their swimming lessons and then the ds had his birthday party at the wall climbing place. Good day but I am tired, my legs are especially fatigued, going to head to bed early with a good book. Hope everyone is enjoying Easter! :D
Hi Coolers,
Yesterday was about 40 minutes of Christi Taylor hi-lo, then today was 18 holes of golf. Had a great time with the ladies golf league. It was my first time out with them and I had my best score ever! I even won part of the pot! A whopping $4! Got a little housecleaning done afterwards.

Kim, please be careful and don't fall! I take it that Disk 14 is legs? Guess I'll get to see what trisets are soon enough. Did you use a barbell or the vest? Your DS is so sweet to want to go running with you. I'm hoping my DS will golf with me someday.

Patricia, glad your cold is getting better. I love maple syrup, wish I had some real stuff right now. The pulled muscle was non-existent a couple days later, more like something was out of place, maybe a rib or cartilage? All I know is that when it happened, there was no way I wanted to jolt my body with a tuck jump. You reminded me that I haven't watched Survivor yet. Gotta do that soon.

Hi Laurie,

I'm up early hiding the chocolate Easter eggs, can't workout as there are eggs hidden in my workout spot :rolleyes: I'll probably wait till this evening to do disc 15. After kids do their hunt, we will go to church and then to my mom's for Easter lunch. What's everyone else doing for Easter Sunday??

Jeanette I didn't use the weighted vest or barbell for disc 14. All this new equipment I bought and I haven't used it!! I got great DOMS just from the dumbbells! Cathe doesn't use the weighted vest either she uses the barbell once but I figured it wasn't worth getting out for one exercise. Kim
Excuses, excuses Kim:D:D I hid all the eggs before going to bed last night b/c DS just gets up way too early for me. Actually DH had to wake him up this a.m. Then I heard "who put the egg on my dresser" then he was crashing through the house looking. I've let him eat most of it already as I figured, better get it all eaten now then it's all over with. My waist band won't take too much of it in the house for long:p I can just imagine all the ice you have. Remember getting fit isn't worth it if you get injured, then you would have start STS all over again.:confused: Do you think the DOMs is worst with the legs? We made frenh toast this a.m. and heated up the maple syrup. Just devine when it's heated. I've heard of that at winter festivals. Sounds like fun. The river should be cresting any day now????

Jeanette - so did you join a ladies league or just happen to play with them this once? Wait to go on the score and the $$$. You can splurge on a specialty coffee now:D:D

Well, all the company is gone now. We might have friends over for dinner - not sure yet. DH is cooking a prime rib roast and now just us for dinner. My parents left this afternoon rather than tomorrow:( It's nice visiting but also nice to be in your own home. The Easter Egg Hunt at the Y ended up being a Scavenger Hunt with a small bag of goodies at the end so I had to hustle to 2 stores to find eggs because the 1st one was sold out:( Small town living.... Vaccuumed the car out and swept all the sand out of the garage today. Boy, it is sunny BUT COLD here today so didn't stay out too long. Even DH complained of being cold and didn't stay out too long and I usually have to wrestle him to come into the house. Thought I would run out to buy some fruit for the work week then I remembered everything is closed. Oh well.

Have to still find someone to look after DS tomorrow or DH is staying home with him.

Take care Coolers
Well, I'm stuffed from dinner now and just realised I didn't check-in with my w/o. I did Disc 1 for the 3rd time now so I think I've got it down pat :p:D

Off to catch up on my other forums.
Disc 15 done today! Those biceps are crazy! The workout card for this one was too hard! I had to lighten for most. I actually used the barbell for the first time.

DH took ds running with him. He did 5 miles in 50 mins, I'm so proud of him. I better start doing more running if I'm going to keep up with him. DH wore the weighted vest for the 5 miles since he was running with ds who is slower.

I was reading Runner's World the other day, the American marathoner, Kara someone, said she runs 28 miles every Monday and she does the last 5 miles wearing a 20 lb vest.:eek::eek:

Patricia Aren't they cute, easter egg hunting. We had to make rules this year as dd still gets up really early and ds wants to sleep so they ended up in a big fight last year. DD searches the upstairs and leaves the basement for her brother for when he wakes up.

I think the river crests on Wednesday, the weather has been nice enough that the ice jams have cleared so the city had a big sigh of relief. The dikes are still up and some highways still closed and probably will be for a few weeks. The road close to us is closed just from the fields flooding.

Jeanette WTG on the great golf score!!
i have Easter monday off! :D But the kids and DH don't so I have the day to myself (well the kiddos are coming home for lunch). it seemms like only government employees get this holiday but I'm not complaining. Anyone else get this day off??

I did STS abs before I woke the kids up and after they went to school I did StepBlast and the 1 fast (well fast for me) mile on the tm as I don't want ds to leave me in the dust!

My forearms are burning from the bicep work yesterday. This afternoon I have to get some major housecleaning done! :(:(:( Kim
Afternoon Coolers:

Lazy morning for me as I got to lie in. DS is off pre-school today so DH went to work for a couple hrs then came home and I came into work. DH has a meeting at 3pm he has to be back at work so he'll come back to work. Not sure if I'll just go home and have DS play at my desk for a while. I don't have anything pressing that needs to be done but DS likes coming to "work" at the construction site:p

Tonight will be a cardio w/o. Have not decided yet what I'll do, but some sort of step w/o plus maybe get in some Abs.

Does anyone else have any difficulty finishing any of the Ab Circuits? Its nice that they're more slowly paced and not frantic but I still find them long.:confused:

Kim - You're going to be in for a culture shock going back to work tomorrow. But I guess its a 3 day work week for you this week too? Take it while you can.
I do find the sts abs very long! I like the med ball one that is only 9 mins:D:D

I agreed to work Friday as two other therapists wanted the day off. So it's still going to be a 4 day work week for me. I can't really complain though, can I?

Did ds get to go to "work"?
Morning Coolers

I did a light w/o yesterday. Karen Voight - step only of her Circuit w/o along with her abs on a ball. I'm feeling good now just don't have all my strength and energy back up yet.

Now that the snow is almost all gone DS thinks it's his birthday as we've told him all winter he has to wait for the snow to melt. Its not until July! It must be on the brain as every once in a while he'll mention what he wants. Today it was a truck with guns like he saw at Canadian Tire yesterday. Have no clue what he is talking about...Must ask DH about it.

Hey Kim - no, DS didn't show up for "work" yesterday after all but he had fun with DH anyhow. I agree with you entirely on the med ball -love the 9 min and I feel you hit your abs from every angle. I have noticed I'm stronger in the abs now that I have added weight to my ab w/o routine.

On tap tonight is Disc 2B. back & tris.

Can anyone see the new Cathe website? I can't yet:(

take care all.
We got a shiny new Santa Fe parked in our driveway:D:D Recovery day for me today, watched TLB after we got home from the car dealership.
Hi Coolers,
Finally time to sit down for a quick chat. Just got back from sewing night at Mom's. Hopefully, the picture of my sister's quilt in progress will be attached here. I also posted a couple pics of her quilt to my album. Check it out if you'd like.

Today was STS Disk #13A. I am getting more sore as the evening progresses. 53# barbell was tough for chest presses for me, but I kept at it. Totally different than Meso #1 lifting, but I enjoyed having the rests.

Yesterday was golf with a friend that I hadn't played with before. Had a good time.

Kim, congrats on the new car!!! Love that new car smell! What color is it? OMG on the marathoner! I used to spend a LOT of time cycling and it was nothing to do 70-80 mile rides every weekend. After I found an easier activity (golf), I have no desire to be on the bike that long every weekend. I still like to ride, just don't want to do that much of it. So you are finding Meso #2 to be a challenge so far? I'm wondering how Disk #14 will be, and right before our ladies bike ride!! Do you have a weight bench for your barbell? I can see where you would need something as the weights get heavy.

Patricia, that's cute about your DS thinking that his birthday will come when the snow is gone. I enjoy the rests in the STS Abs Circuit, but do get a bit impatient, especially if I do them on a work day. Yep, I did join the ladies golf league. They normally play Wedn. morning, Saturday morning and Tuesday night. Tuesday night will start in May. They play all kinds of different scoring games so the best golfers don't always win the pot.

Hi Laurie,


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Got up early and did disc 13b. I di have lots of DOMS with meso2 Jeannette. How are the DOMS this morning?? Having a barbell rack would be useful but no room for it.

I'm going to let DH take the new vehicle to work as I park in the back lane of a bad neighbour. We did manage to fit all 3 vehicles on the driveway but plan to get rid of the old van in the next couple of weeks
Got to get ready for work! Kim

Sorry this is going to be short, but I'm extremely busy at work. We had a great Easter. DH is head out to Vegas as I'm typing this, and I have been running the DD's all over the place. In fact we where at an ice cream social last night for youngest. It was an information night for those starting 7th grade next year.

I've been keeping up with my workouts, and this morning was a bootcamp workout. I'm thinking of going to the gym later tonight to get a bike workout that I missed yesterday.

Have a wonderful day,

Kim - I was reading our local paper on-line yesterday and saw that Winnipeg was looking for volunteers to help so not a surprise this morning your pics. Yikes. Who would build on that tear drop piece of land. You get it from both sides!! Well, that kinda of s**cks that you don't get to drive the new car:confused: Anyhow, I'm sure you'll enjoy riding in it. We've still have not decided whether to buy or not. We're finishing our cottage this summer and it might come down to either finish the kitchen or a new car.

Yesterday I did Disc 2B - back & tris. I had a hard time getting into the mood to w/o and kept counting down the excercises. I'm wondering about buying a heavier resistance band for the pull-ups. I have Beach Body's green one and I believe there are 2 heaviers ones. I wonder if Cathe's red is heavier than my green. Still have not used the 20% discount yet.

Tonight is DS's swimming lessons and then get in some sort of cardio. Maybe a Turbo Jam along with abs.

Jeanette - Oh, I liked that quilt too. My Mom and I were visiting a quilt store on the weekend and I just loved looking at all the fabric and all the quilts on display. I said I needed a wall hanging for over my couch and she asked if I wanted the one she was currently working on. Well, that was a no brainer. YES, YES, YES:D

Laurie - if life wasn't busy what would we do? Hope all is well. Did you give DH some $$ to place a bet for you at least?:) Hmm, I've never heard of an ice cream social but it sounds right up my alley. yum yum.

Take care Coolers.
The Pull-Up, Push-Up Tower has finally been announced. Decisions, decisions. I can also use my 20% discount on it too!:D

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