STS Check in

Today was my last day of Meso 2 Disc 24 followed by stability ball abs and stretch max #3.

I really loved Meso 2 . The different types of training techniques- double wave load, back off sets, tri-sets, and drop sets. I'm really looking forward to Meso 3 that I want to start next week but I going to take the recovery week and do some light workouts, maybe.
I like Meso 2 as well.
This week has been super busy and I’ve been terrible about checking in! Sunday I went to Zumba, Monday I did disc 18, Tuesday was Jessica Smith have a ball, Wednesday KCM kettlebell kickbox fusion, Thursday Jessica Smith Pilates & yoga for rest day, Friday disc 20, and disc 19 today. I’ve also been trying to walk outside during my break at work.
Nicki, so good to hear from you. Sorry you have been sick. It can really throw us off track when that happens. But good for you to get back in the saddle with a workout today!

With a recovering strained pec muscle I was super nervous to do Meso 3 Chest and Back today, but all went well. I will try to go heavier next week now that I know I can handle it. But I am not near your weight loads Penny. Absolutely amazing !!!! Wow! Awesome! What weight did you use for the flat bench chest press? And great that you aren't worrying about weight on the scale. That just doesn't matter when you are able to run and lift heavy with such power and confidence. You certainly deserve your active recover week and you are all set for XTrain, no doubt about it Penny! Hope you enjoy your break from work!

Dchisum and mbg1982 are either of you thinking of XTrain when you finish up STS?
Maybe. If I do Xtrain it will be combined with something else or I’ll loosely follow the rotation and add in some live workouts. I miss them, they’re fun! I am getting a little burned out on STS and working overtime, it’s hard to fit in the long workouts. Plus I feel like I’ve gained weight doing STS again so I’ll need to get that off lol.
Maybe. If I do Xtrain it will be combined with something else or I’ll loosely follow the rotation and add in some live workouts. I miss them, they’re fun! I am getting a little burned out on STS and working overtime, it’s hard to fit in the long workouts. Plus I feel like I’ve gained weight doing STS again so I’ll need to get that off lol.
Keep it up. You will get through it and then you can do the workouts you want to do. I find that if I have to follow a program it throws me off because I stress about getting them done when they are supposed to be done. As long as I am active, i'm happy.
Jane you are doing both Squat Rack Legs AND Plyo Legs!?!! You are amazing! I must say though, the combo would really get your legs in great shape! Rock on!

I feel great after STS. It NEVER disappoints. I got stronger on this round, especially my legs! For the 6 rep week I got up to 135 for squats and 150 for deads! I also finally rowed with a 45# dumbbell for lat rows! Super happy about that! I do feel empowered. I don’t care that I didn’t lose weight, I mean, I don’t weigh myself but by the end my jeans felt a bit looser. Really excited to begin Xtrain after my recovery week.

Well, I finished up today with Disc 36, abs, a 2 mile run with the doggie, and a nice extended stretch. I have a Rugged Maniac race in April so I need to at least cover a 3 mile distance a few times a week for the next four weeks.

Good luck to you ladies that are finishing up! I’ll check in here from time to time! ❤

Penny Wow! That's awesome!!

When I do strengthening training especially when I lift heavy I really don't loose a lot of weight because I gain muscle but I do loose inches.

Good luck on your Rugged Maniac race!!
Nicki, so good to hear from you. Sorry you have been sick. It can really throw us off track when that happens. But good for you to get back in the saddle with a workout today!

With a recovering strained pec muscle I was super nervous to do Meso 3 Chest and Back today, but all went well. I will try to go heavier next week now that I know I can handle it. But I am not near your weight loads Penny. Absolutely amazing !!!! Wow! Awesome! What weight did you use for the flat bench chest press? And great that you aren't worrying about weight on the scale. That just doesn't matter when you are able to run and lift heavy with such power and confidence. You certainly deserve your active recover week and you are all set for XTrain, no doubt about it Penny! Hope you enjoy your break from work!

Dchisum and mbg1982 are either of you thinking of XTrain when you finish up STS?

Jane that's amazing that your doing squat rack and Plyo legs. I'm going to do just the squat rack when I do Meso 3.

I don't have XTrain. I'm planning on get it later this year and doing it next year. I already set my workout schedule for the rest of the year. After STS I'm doing a 1 month rotation of KCM and then P90X again and another month rotation KCM and then CLX again an another month of KCM. I haven't done KCM in awhile and gotten some new workouts of hers.

When I do P90X this summer I'm going to do the Plyo legs from Cathe STS. The leg portion on P90X is OK I always sub with one of Cathe lower body workouts in the past.
Jane that's amazing that your doing squat rack and Plyo legs. I'm going to do just the squat rack when I do Meso 3.

I don't have XTrain. I'm planning on get it later this year and doing it next year. I already set my workout schedule for the rest of the year. After STS I'm doing a 1 month rotation of KCM and then P90X again and another month rotation KCM and then CLX again an another month of KCM. I haven't done KCM in awhile and gotten some new workouts of hers.

When I do P90X this summer I'm going to do the Plyo legs from Cathe STS. The leg portion on P90X is OK I always sub with one of Cathe lower body workouts in the past.
What is CLX and KCM?
I have been slack this week. My boss died on site Monday and today we are told we will be working from home in teams - I am Team B and will go into the office on Tuesdays and Thursdays. What a draining and rough week. I am mentally exhausted and know I need my workouts. Planning on going to the gym tomorrow. I hope all of you are well and healthy.
Today I did D16, Ab Circuits no equipment and yoga relax #1.

Well, looks like I will have no problem getting my works outs in. We were informed today that all office personnel will be working remotely until further notice. Now I will be able to use my "getting ready for work" time and my workout time and still be ready at 8:00 a.m.
Us too! I’ll have more time to exercise without my commute, but I get very little activity throughout the day when I have to work from home. Hoping the weather will be nice and I can walk afterwards.
today I did disc 22 and a 30 minute walk. Last night I did KCM meltdown workout 2, Thursday was live hooked on PHA (and wow are my glutes still sore!!!), and Wednesday I took a rest day.
Us too! I’ll have more time to exercise without my commute, but I get very little activity throughout the day when I have to work from home. Hoping the weather will be nice and I can walk afterwards.
today I did disc 22 and a 30 minute walk. Last night I did KCM meltdown workout 2, Thursday was live hooked on PHA (and wow are my glutes still sore!!!), and Wednesday I took a rest day.
Wow!! You are doing very good. I have also thought about the inactivity during the day since I take walking breaks at work. Might try to find exercises that can be done at a desk.
I’m sure we’ll figure something out! Lol. I usually go down and get a load of wood every hour. We’re also required to take a lunch break so I could do a short indoor walk or walk around outside for a few laps.

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