I did this last night to finish out week 2. Did 4 and 6 Sun and Mon, but then life got in the way of this one on Tues/Wed and Thurs is my rest day, so finally on Friday I popped this in the dvd player not with as much gusto as usual because I was already privvy to feedback about the workout - Killer workout after a long week at work is daunting!
Anyway, I loved this workout. The tubing really is not easy when you have the heavy resistance, but I still want the tower, so I can really torture myself with pull ups and chin ups.
Drop sets - my back and tris were screaming, but I loved the incorporation of this new element, since PUB is one of my favorite workouts.
The double arm rows with the band was alot harder the second time around. I remember thinking, "hmmm, this isn't feeling like last time." I must have choked up on the band alot more....
Definitely felt the side lying one arm pushups ... pleased to see they were back

I really liked the seesaw pushups on the stability ball. Whenever I try to do tricep push-ups on the bench, I don't feel like my form is good enough to drive at the results I am looking for...with the ball and the seesaw position, I definitely felt it....
Lastly, I think I only paused the player 1x to scramble for equipment, which means I stayed within the alloted rest break time for most of the workout as a result-- whoo hooo -- that in and of itself is an accomplishment lol
Thanks again Cathe for a great series...
Happy Saturday everyone!