Hi Everyone,
Disc 22 seemed refreshingly short after a week of double-waving!
Definitely was intense though. I felt stronger in general with the chest & was able to complete most of the reps except for the last one or two on the 3rd sheet of incline flys. Push-ups felt good initially, but didn't go as long as Cathe & the cast on the failure set.
Shoulders & Tri's were challenging, but good as well. This workout flew by & as much as I love STS, it was nice to have a short chest, shoulder & tricep routine.
STS is going by so quickly; unbelievable that next week is rest & then Meso 3 begins. I'm excited! I think I will do plyo legs during Meso 3 & then try the squat rack legs next time I do STS (when hopefully the Power Tower will be available)

I think after I finish STS this time, I'm going to do 4-day split cardio+weights each week for a month. I really love 4DS. I usually throw in an extra day of 45-60 of cardio so that I'm exercising 5 days/week.
After that, I'll go on a long 2 wk vacation. After vacation, I plan to start STS again.
But for now, I'm looking forward finishing up Meso 2 this week & doing legs and back & biceps. It's funny, but the 4th week of Meso 1, I was dying for the rest week to begin--it was really hard finding energy to do those final workouts in Meso 1. With Meso 2, I'm kinda sad that it's ending & actually am not nearly as excited about the rest week. Instead, I'm like, can't I just keep on to Meso 3???? I'm going to miss STS next week!
But no worries, I'll be good & take the rest week