I completed disc 2 yesterday. Gave it 24 hours before critiquing.

Awesome workout. The chin-ups and pull-ups were...interesting. :p A great, great, great back workout. Ha, the band work at the end with the triceps, that was a no go half-way through the last 7 of the high-ends on both arms.

I did kickmax today. No way am I doing it after Disc 3 tomorrow!

You are funny Dani! Our first leg rehearsal last year had us assuming the same stance as you, lol.

Boy, do I hear ya on this one! I totally agree that disc 3 is EVIL!!! I did the first two weeks when I got my STS series on 2/2, but was excited to start over again when Cathe announced when she was going to start! Disc 3 had me... ah hem... peeing standing up for 3 days!!! Disc 6 was not bad at all, but I agree that it seems that the DOMS are a bit less, but still feeling well worked the second time around! :)
Good plan Sue...:D

I flip-flopped my workouts for today and Friday. Did disc 3 legs today so I'll be recovered enough to ski my first day of vacation (this Sunday) at Big Sky, Montana. Besides, my triceps are still screaming at me from all the push-ups in disc 1 on Monday!

I'm looking forward to your full report, Cathe!
That is great to hear Becky. I love the clever way you are doing pull ups with your treadmill. Keep up the great work :)

Hi Cathe, and Everyone else doing STS !

I did disc 2 this morning ! I workout in the morning anyway, but I could not WAIT to get started today ! I was practically pushing my poor husband and daughter out the door !!!! Dh was like " WAIT ! I dont' have my coffee !! " :rolleyes: LOL

One question I have is that my upper body was still a little sore from doing Disc 1 on Monday. Mostly my lats and some shoulders. I felt fine working out today but I wonder if it happens again if I should switch and work legs in between the 2 upperbody workouts ?

I LOVED the workout :D:D:D. This time I did a few modifications. I don't do dead lifts at all due to my back, so I did the stability ball roll in's you showed and that worked great. Also I did all the pullups I could - which was only 4:eek::(, so then I switched and did all the rest of them like you did the last set , with my legs straight out and using the treadmill to pull up on. I loved that, because I could pound out all the reps, and I feel like it WILL make me stronger and able to do more REAL pullups eventually.

I loved all the band work and again, the whole feel of the workout !!!
I have NEVER looked forward to doing weight work like this !

See ya Friday !;):D
Hi Lina! Sorry to hear about your ankle but glad at least that I am making you laugh. You will be good to go in just a few more weeks and now you know what to expect. I hope by March you will have warmed your hubby up to the idea of joining you. Take Care :)

I just had a lot of fun reading both reviews for your STS disc 1 and 2 workout.... I can hardly wait to start mine (I had a sprain ankle and I'm just "chilling" for a while but hopefully will start March) and if I had any doubts of doing your STS your posts have given me the chance to appreciate your "human side" (just joking!) besides your "Super woman" alter ego (another joke!) and the confidence that I will do fine! Even my husband appreciated your professionalism, and the quality of the series while helping me taking my RPM's. (Just a little more, and he will be a converted "Cathite" ).

Just to give you my kindest regards and a big "HOLA" from Puerto Rico.
Hi Annie, I think you will be just fine picking up where you left off. I hope you feel better soon. Healthy recovery hugs coming your way.

Hi Cathe,
I am supposed to be starting week 3. But I am forced into taking a rest week, I am sick! Should I pick up where I left off once I'm well, or do you think I should start over so my mesocycle is not interrupted?

Way to go Sassy Lady !!!!!!!

Hi Cathe & Everyone,

I did Disc 2 on Monday. It went a lot smoother for me than Disc 1 did. I think I got used to the flow of the routines & the push-ups did not scare me as much (mainly cause there were a lot less of them!) It was a challenging, but enjoyable workout for me. I felt like the time just flew by & after it was over, I found myself looking forward to Thursday when I will do Disc 3. Also, managed to lift weights according to my workout card (60% 1RM) & didn't have to deviate or lower my weights at all.

I'm so excited about doing more STS. Can't wait until tomorrow! :) :) :)
Hi Heather! It's always such a delight to read your sincere posts. It is also very fun to see you loving weights too. I think Meso one will be your favorite of the three meso's. Seems like the constant change is what is keeping your interest up. But remember when you get there, that "your veggies" are good for you too ;)


Oh, happy day! I hope you enjoy this workout as much as I did! I experienced this one for the first time the first Tuesday of this month. I am a morning glory girl all the way, but I listened to my body and saved STS Disc 2 for the evening that first week. I started my STS journey Sunday evening during the Super Bowl (right after watching the kickoff) and needed a full 48 hours to recover. I am happy to share that I am enjoying every minute of STS no matter what time of day it is! The Mesocycle 1 workouts are fun, and the time flies! The pace of this workout is not quite as fast as STS Disc 1. I was able to record my weights and make notes without pausing.

I filled up with warm fuzzies during this back and triceps workout. I have never cared for 3-day splits before STS and was not sure how I would like an hour of focused weight training, but I am amazingly loving every minute of it! I basked in the afterglow of this STS workout for the rest of the night. I feel so strong and accomplished after an hour of STS. Cardio gives me this burst of joy and energy. This is a first for me with weight training. Who knew that it could be enjoyable? The only thing serious about STS is the results. The workouts so far are fun, fun, fun!

I am so glad you recommended epsom salt. I went through a super-size bag of epsom salt the first week, and those warm baths were so soothing! Ah!

I love the music in this series. Words cannot express how much the music enriches these workouts, energizes me, and inspires me. It is not something I hear with my ears. It is something I feel with my heart. STS is something to experience, not something to do. This reminds me of the way the music in a movie sets the tone for a scene. The background music in movies is often unnoticed unless you are focusing on it, but it really creates a mood and influences the viewer’s emotions. I have no doubt that this is one of the reasons why I feel so happy and strong during and after these workouts. Please express my thanks to the composers who may not read reviews in these forums as well as the team from NFL Films. The music and production quality are stellar and both make these workouts a delight to experience. The fact that I am melting like a snowball on the 4th of July is just icing on the cake. *wink*

I am looking forward to experiencing STS Disc 6 for the first time in the morning. I have heard rumors about sit and stands on one leg. Oh my! I need to preview tonight and put my game face on! It is time for a fun step workout. I completed STS Disc 5 yesterday morning, slept for 9 hours last night, and missed my cardio workout this morning! Thanks again for all your hard work on STS. Hugs! :)

P.S. I love the Fitness by Cathe heavy (red) tubing for a pull-up option. It is much stronger than my other tubing, and the door strap is nice.

Heather B.

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
Good evening Cathe,

I am getting ready to do disc 3 after I have my coffee! I am up since 5 a.m doing German homework with DS:eek:

Take care,
You sound like you are working really hard Sandra...that's so sawesome. I like your fun cardio choices too.

If you get within 3 reps of the final number with good form you can stay with that weight. The next week instead of going higher with your weight aim to go higher with your reps.

I love baths and take them daily. It is a stress release for me. Lately I have had a high level of sodium floating in my bath water :D

For cardio I teach my classes (bootcamp, step, and cardio/lower body blast) and add in a spin and a run.

Have fun tomorrow!

I'm typing away here, hoping that Cathe's going through a lot of discomfort right now ;).

I did Disc 1 on Monday, and Disc 2 today. I also did No Equipment abs on Monday, and the Weights & Plates abs today. Both workouts left me feeling *very* well worked, especially for so-called "endurance" workouts LOL! I'm beginning to wonder if someone slipped me some steroids during my 1RM testing week, because this 60% stuff is feeling pretty hard!

Cathe, if I have a hard time finishing the 15 reps (but still manage to do it, with decent form), am I *really* going to be able to increase the weight next week, AND still do the 15 reps? Or next week, if my heavier weight takes me to failure at, say, rep #12, do I still consider that a success? Or should I be lowering my weights if I'm getting so tuckered out before 15 reps?

This is the first time I've done a back/front split and I'm finding the post-workout feeling to be a bit unusual. I guess I've gotten used to my push/pull muscle groups, or upper/lower groups, being tired together! Thanks for offering a whole new way to feel uncomfortable, Cathe!

Overall I found the workout very challenging. Good things can only come of this! My lats are already sore, and I think my triceps are tired, but the back fatigue is dominating at the moment. I have a very hard time isolating and fatiguing my back to this level. Excellent stuff!

For my Tuesday cardio I did LIC cardio premix, because when I put my IMAX2 in the player, it didn't work! :(. I've worn it out! My legs were pretty tired from the plyo-cardio-core class I'd taught on Monday, so this was a blessing in disguise. LIC was a better choice for me. I'll be doing Disc 3 Thursday morning, so Friday is my rest day. Saturday I'll do my usual swim 'n spin at the Y, and I'll KPC it on Sunday. I haven't done a full Cathe lower body workout in ages, and I'm sooooo looking forward to this! I'll have the basement set up and ready to go before I go to bed tonight.

So, Cathe, when do you break open the box of epsom? And are you following your own cardio rotation, as well? What are YOU doing on your non-STS days?

Shocked good,
Guten Morgan Belinda! Funny how in some ways it's such a small world. Have a great workout and tell hubby I said hello.

Bis Spater!

Good evening Cathe,

I am getting ready to do disc 3 after I have my coffee! I am up since 5 a.m doing German homework with DS:eek:

Take care,
Hi Karen. Do both so that you mix full range of motion with working through your sticking point. Also, see what I wrote to Annie who askd a similar qustion in this thread. Good Luck!

Loved disc 2. I think this was my favorite back work ever!!!! Now for my question referring back to disc 1 (as well as future discs)....

Cathe, is it better to try to do the push ups on my toes and only go half way down (because that is about as far as I can go if I want to get back up!) or go to my knees and go all of the way down?


Guten Abend Cathe,

it's funny I am sitting here dirinking my coffee and getting ready to work out,you getting ready to go to bed!:p:D I am excited to do disc 3 today!

Big hallo's from Darieus (DH)! He is getting ready for his PT:D

Gute Nacht!
Hi Bev. Thee stretch is most effective right after your workout, but next in line is doing it anytime of day. Enjoy and keep training hard :)

I did Disc 2 today and loved it as much as Disc 1. I can't believe how the time flies by on these workouts. And I have DOMS in places that I have never had them before thanks to Disc 1.

I do find myself reading the workout card and thinking, " Well gee I can lift heavier than that!" But I've stayed with the weights listed on there and once the workout is over, I feel like I've really had a great workout and probably couldn't have gone heavier. I ran short on time this morning and didn't do the extended stretch until this afternoon. Is it ok to do that?

Thank you ,Cathe, for finding yet another way to challenge us and to take us to a whole new level in our fitness adventure! I just know that I'm going to be in the best shape of my life thanks to STS and I'll be 56 this year!!!

Have a good evening,
Hi Iris! You may kickbox as much as your heart desires. I just wouldn't advise it when your legs are full of DOMS. You shouldn't get as sore with DOMS after the first or second time doing your leg workouts. But don't worry those workouts are still hugely effective :eek:

Hi Cathe & Everyone,

I really enjoyed Disc 2. I can't believe how fast time goes in this series. I am going to be sore tomorrow :)

Cathe, I know you won't be able to answer all of our questions, but if you happen to read my post, and can answer, I'd appreciate it. My favorite form of cardio is kickboxing and I usually take 2 classes at the gym. One on Tuesday and one on Wednesday. I am just wondering if it's ok to do kickboxing workouts the day after a muscle endurance workout? Thursdays instructor has us use 1-3 lb. handweights during some of the punching drills, and I figure I will just do the drills without weights, but I would like to make sure it's ok to do Kickboxing workouts on my cardio days.

I must admit ladies, I'm a little nervous about Friday's leg workout, lol.
Hi Sue! How fun to hear from you. Hugs to you and your hubby!

Hi Cathe,

I do miss seeing you and Nancy....but am thrilled to be working out with you from Colorado. I will be doing the 6-month rotation to stay fit all summer long. I really enjoyed :) Disc 2 this morning!

Take care,

BTW, Jonathan still won't go near your DVD's!
Hallo Cathe,

I do have a :eek: for you? I did disc 1 and 2 this week, I am not that sore at all:eek: Should I go up in weight? I was wondering if I do something wrong? My weights for disc 3 a kind light:eek: I went back last night changed the weights in disc 3 ,in my 1RM, so I feel DOMS like everyone else! I did iTreads sprints for 60 min. yesterday, I do have big DOMS in my llegs today! Derieus thinks because I have been lifting very heavy the last few month, that I don't feel major DOMS in my UB? I know meso 1 is an enduranc workout, put shouldn't I get DOMS! I did sweat buckets with disc 1 and 2!

Take care,
Don't give up Julie! We're in this together :) Stretch, take warm baths, and listen to your body (except when it tells you to give up ;) ) and modify as needed.


Im glad to hear that Im not the only one still dying from abs on Monday! I was honestly thinking I should probably hand this up if I am in this much pain after day one.


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