I'm typing away here, hoping that Cathe's going through a lot of discomfort right now

I did Disc 1 on Monday, and Disc 2 today. I also did No Equipment abs on Monday, and the Weights & Plates abs today. Both workouts left me feeling *very* well worked, especially for so-called "endurance" workouts LOL! I'm beginning to wonder if someone slipped me some steroids during my 1RM testing week, because this 60% stuff is feeling pretty hard!
Cathe, if I have a hard time finishing the 15 reps (but still manage to do it, with decent form), am I *really* going to be able to increase the weight next week, AND still do the 15 reps? Or next week, if my heavier weight takes me to failure at, say, rep #12, do I still consider that a success? Or should I be lowering my weights if I'm getting so tuckered out before 15 reps?
This is the first time I've done a back/front split and I'm finding the post-workout feeling to be a bit unusual. I guess I've gotten used to my push/pull muscle groups, or upper/lower groups, being tired together! Thanks for offering a whole new way to feel uncomfortable, Cathe!
Overall I found the workout very challenging. Good things can only come of this! My lats are already sore, and I think my triceps are tired, but the back fatigue is dominating at the moment. I have a very hard time isolating and fatiguing my back to this level. Excellent stuff!
For my Tuesday cardio I did LIC cardio premix, because when I put my IMAX2 in the player, it didn't work!

. I've worn it out! My legs were pretty tired from the plyo-cardio-core class I'd taught on Monday, so this was a blessing in disguise. LIC was a better choice for me. I'll be doing Disc 3 Thursday morning, so Friday is my rest day. Saturday I'll do my usual swim 'n spin at the Y, and I'll KPC it on Sunday. I haven't done a full Cathe lower body workout in ages, and I'm sooooo looking forward to this! I'll have the basement set up and ready to go before I go to bed tonight.
So, Cathe, when do you break open the box of epsom? And are you following your own cardio rotation, as well? What are YOU doing on your non-STS days?
Shocked good,