I've been to strip clubs with boyfriends past and present and it's really no big deal. I'm sure that's what your fiance thinks as well.
Also realize that most strippers are bisexual. If there are women around, they seem more interested in them than their male companions. I had one boyfriend laughingly complain that the stripper was paying more attention to me than him (that seems to happen more often than not!). Not that my bf isn't hot -- he is -- it's just that in my experience the women chat me up more than they do my male friends (yes, the strippers hit on ME!).
Look at this way. Most guys are very simple creatures. The are constantly sizing up ALL women and, for a second or two, determine whether they would sleep with them or not. Sorry, but it's true. Guys are very visual and that's the way they operate. Very few "evolve" beyond this point. They just know from about age 12 or so, that they need to hide it. So....guys are doing this all day long whether they're at strip clubs or not.
Strip clubs are really a form of theatre and the participants know it. The guys like the attention they get from the strippers but, if they can suspend their fantasy for a minute, they also realize that the strippers see them as nothing more than money machines. It's just a business. Believe me, the girls aren't interested in the customers (most of them have boyfriends, etc. anyway) they just want the money. They'll do whatever they can to make the guy feel good to get the cash. Guys love the attention regardless but, if they're insightful enough, they realize that it's all looking, no touching and there's no way the stripper is really interested in them.
So just view it as a business transaction. Nothing beyond that will happen. It's no big deal.
But if you look at the big picture, there seems to be a double standard operating here. Strip clubs obviously promote the objectification of women -- the emphasis is on women's bodies and their perceptions as sex objects. But isn't that what a lot of the women want for themselvse? They want to look "hot" or "sexy" and see exercise as a way to achieve an "ideal body" so they can look like a "fitness model" or attract male attention. I'm not saying that there aren't women who are motivated to exercise for health reasons but, really, I'd say a large number want to "look better". They're investing time in how they look, but why? Some women treat exercise as part of their "beauty" regime more than anything else. So aren't we, to some extent, promoting women's looks rather than other attributes (our minds, attitudes, etc.)?
Personally, I don't "exercise". I play sports and take on challenging athletic pursuits. I'm not interested in how my body looks. I'm healthy and challenging myself and that's what matters to me. I hang around people of all body shapes and we're more interested in what we can do and our attitueds and not how we look. If only the rest of the world could be this way