Cheryl Great job on disc 9 legs and getting all of your housework done!
Janie I hope you enjoyed your break, good to hear from you!
Cheryl Great job on 40/20. I still remember the first time I did that workout. I was so disappointed that the Hiit workouts were so short, and did 40/20 first. Needless to say, by the end I was glad it wasn't any longer! I remember thinking I might just throw up! Now I don't mind it so much because I know what to expect. I hope you had a nice visit with your parents and brother!
Julie I know it is starting to get bad when I start thinking that the weekend is almost over on Sunday morning!
Great job on ICE MTB + BB and errands and chores. Sorry to hear your cough is hanging in there for so long. It needs to go away! I know what you mean about them hanging on for so long after the cold is gone though.
Friday morning when I got up I felt fine, then I had a big sneezing fit and the rest of the day I was sneezy and my left eye was watering like crazy. I was so sure I was getting a cold, but then Saturday I woke up and was fine.
I'm guessing it was some kind of allergic reaction, but I was happy! Saturday morning I did Step Moves and NE abs. Sunday was my rest day and I just did errands and some housework. This morning was disc 13 chest, shoulders and triceps. I'm working at home today because we have winter weather possible so no one goes out when that happens. We had a little bit of freezing rain a little while ago, but it seems to have stopped. I'm hoping it is done! Crazy weather, it's supposed to be 65 this weekend! Have a great day!