Cheryl Great job on your Friday and Saturday workouts, whatever they were, your hike and your walk. That’s great that you were able to have a nice diner with your mom and brothers family. Great job on XT CBS and your walk and SM3. You definitely have to have a lot of energy for Tabatacise!
Julie Great job on your lower body mobility work. That is amazing that you were able to touch down completely on one side, even if you can’t take your hands off the ground! I’m impressed that you are working on a forearm stand too!
Cheryl Great job on XTrain Legs and congratulations on your win at the casino!
Julie Great job on your heavy upper body and core workout. It is so tiring getting back to work after being off for awhile. Hopefully you will be able to get rested up this weekend.
Yesterday I did Step Blast. I’m not sure if it qualifies as active recovery or not, it definitely qualifies as active. Squeaky was back to the vet yesterday for another XRay. They said it looks like things are moving because but thought she might be constipated so gave her an enema . Poor girl! It was a smelly drive home as a result . They also gave her an appetite stimulant, but she still isn’t eating much so not sure what is going on. This morning I had to take 3 kittens to one vet for their spay surgery and then come home and get Jackson and take him to another vet for his XRay. It’s been quite the week for cats! Last night Cilantro and Peppercorn had a meet and greet. The couple is going to Jamaica this coming week, but will be taking those two home when they get back . My brother is now back in the hospital in Bangkok and will be having his surgery there. He never got to the point where he was well enough to travel safely, so I think that was a good decision, I’m going to head out for a walk in the neighborhood for today’s active recovery because it is sunny and 70! Have a great day!