Strength in Numbers

Cheryl Great job the Metabolic workout and calorie crush. You are such a good neighbor asking their dogs for them.

Friday afternoon we did a 21 mile bike ride. I took Saturday as a rest day and then we had an adoption event. It was really busy, we had 9 adoptions including my sweet little Twitchy. It was really funny because the mom wanted Sambuca and the kids wanted Twitchy. She literally spent over an hour trying to convince them they wanted Sambuca, but there was no chance. Twitchy spent the entire time sleeping and purring in her daughters lap. I saw her yesterday and she said that he slept with her daughter all night. Yesterday morning was RWH LIHI Chest shoulders, and triceps and bonus abs 1. Then we had another adoption event. It was another really good one, with 7 adoptions. This morning I did Butts and Guts for the first time in a long time. I forgot it was so long. I thought I was done after the floor work but still had the abs to go. It was good though. We had an arctic blast come in last night so it is really cold. Only 20 degrees at the moment and it's only supposed to get up to 32 today. It's supposed to be 60 by Wednesday though, so I can't get too upset.
Friday I did ICE Bootcamp Circuit plus the Blizzard Blast and Icy Core 1. Then I did lots of cleaning and ran some errands in the afternoon. Saturday I did ICE LIS 2 plus BB plus Icy Core 2 and then did some meal prepping and other chores around the house. Sunday I did a heavy weight lifting. Mainly the 3 big lifts with some assisted chin-ups and hip thrusts thrown in. I went really light since I am focused more on just maintaining my strength while building my cardio. This morning I was really tired and didn’t feel really great so I ended up sleeping in but I am hoping to do some stretching or something tonight and start LITE tomorrow.

Pam Great job on LITE MB + CC + abs! I have heard some reviews say they thought the ab work was not intermediate. Great job on LITE PHA2 and Tabatacise! I’m impressed with your one pause. I have sometimes needed to pause before or after each step blast. Great job on LLA and your 21 mile bike ride! Wow 9 adoptions sounds like a huge success that day! Great job on RWH LIHI CST plus abs! Plus another 7 adoptions. That is amazing! Great job on B&G! That one is so very long. That is really cold for your area. We were at -5 when I woke up this morning.

Cheryl Great job on Twist and housework plus your dog walk! We are in sub zero temps now so definitely no walks for us in the near future. I am such a baby when it comes to the cold. Great job on LITE MB + CC! I have heard some people say these are easier than ICE but the Calorie crushes help up the level.

Have a great day!
Pam Great job on your 21 mile bike ride, RWH LIHI Chest, Shoulders and Triceps and Butts and Guts. That is a long workout. Wow your adoption events went well. Too funny about who was going to be adopted Twitchy or Sambuca. That is so nice that Twitchy slept with the daughter all night. It is cold where you are, but it is nice that it will warm up for you soon.

Julie Good work on ICE Bootcamp Circuit plus the Blizzard Blast and Icy Core 1, LIS 2 plus the BB and Icy Core 2 and your heavy weight lifting. I hope you are feeling better. You are getting really cold weather, hopefully it will warm up for you. The Calorie Crushes do help up the level, the same as the Blizzard Blasts.

Saturday I did Stacked Sets Lower Body and Sunday was Stacked Sets Upper Body. I upped the weights for the lower body but stayed the same for the upper body. I liked the workouts, they went by fast. Sunday afternoon I went out to my mom's and we helped her hang up some pictures. Her place is now looking more homey. This morning I did Lite Cardio Party and added the Cardio Party Crush. My neighbour is still sick so since her husband was at work I walked Leo again for her a couple of times today. It was really nice here a bit on the cool side but nowhere as cold as what you guys are getting.

Have a great day.

This morning I did my first LITE, Stacked Lower Body. I was surprised by the 4 minute warm up. That just seems so short to me but maybe it is because I am working out at 4 am. I made a note to double the warm up next time because my lower back was feeling really tight and sore when I got to the 3rd exercise. I did like some of the combo moves so I can see this being a favorite. I also added the abs which I didn't think I did to bad on.

Cheryl Great job on SSLB and SSUB! I only upped the weights on the squats but I think if I get a proper warm up I could up the weights on some of the others. Great job on Cardio Party plush the calorie crush! Glad you are staying warmer and able to get walks in. I am sure Leo is loving you taking him out.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on ICE BC+BB+IC, your cleaning,LIS2+BB+IC, and you heavy lifting. I am so impressed that you did core two days in a row!

Cheryl Great job on SS Lower and Upper and upping the weight on the lower body work! It's nice that your moms place is starting to look more like home. Great job on Cardio party and the crush. Did I read that the calorie crush in that one is on the step? I was happy to see that.

Julie Great job on Stacked LB. I think it's strange how some of the workouts have such short warm ups and others have really long ones. Wow, abs again?! You are making a habit of that :D.

This morning was RWH LI Hiit 1+2. I was supposed to do LIH 1+ abs, but since I did abs the last two days I did the double cardio version instead. Yesterday afternoon I took Foxxy to the vet. She has just seemed like she hasn't been feeling well. They think that she has FIP, which is a terrible disease that there is no treatment for and is fatal 95% of the time :confused:. There also isn't a reliable test for it, but the other likely things all came back negative. They gave her an antibiotic shot and put her on some meds for herpes to see how she does, but I'm pretty worried. I'm still hopeful that they are wrong though. Have a great day.

Julie Great job on Stacked Lower Body and abs. I liked some of the moves as well in this one. I can't really remember the warm up on this one. I will have to pay more attention the next time I do it.

Pam Yes the Cardio Party Calorie Crush does use the step. It is set up like an Imax workout with a step portion and then a blast for 4 rounds. Good work on RWH LI Hiit 1 and 2. Oh I hope the vet is wrong about Foxxy and the meds will get her back to her old self.

This morning I went to Twist. It was a good workout with a Tabata blast at the end. Later in the morning and in the afternoon I went and walked Leo since our neighbour is still sick. It wasn't as nice a day to walk since it was raining out but at least it got me out.

Have a great day.

So this morning I did yoga and then went to the SPCA for my shift. We only had a bunny and a cat today. All the rest of the animals had been adopted. In the afternoon I walked our friends dog Zoey. We went for a long walk to the park. I know I was pooped after that one. Then I took her out for a short walk later on and gave her her dinner. I think I as going to sleep really well tonight.

I forgot to mention that I was taking Wednesday off work. Tuesday night DH and I went to a Bob Seger concert with my parents and sister and BIL. We didn’t get home till after midnight so there was no way I was going to be productive at work. Wednesday after sleeping in a little in the morning, I had a haircut and then I did Stacked Upper Body plus abs 2. It was a nice one to do when I was still exhausted from the previous day. I could see this being one to use and just increasing weights or doing the pushups on the floor as you progress. This morning I did Cardio Party plus the calorie crush. This one was probably right at my intensity level right now sad to say. I also could tell that my feet and ankles need to work back up to doing cardio on the step. The step was a little tricky on 2 of the combos and I felt all turned around but I made it work.

Pam Great job on RWH LI Hiit 1 + 2! That is definitely an intense combo! I've been trying to do more core and cardio since those are my weaknesses. Oh no poor Foxxy! I’m hoping she can turn it around and get through this.

Cheryl Great job on Twist and walking Leo and yoga! Hopefully the long walk pooped Leo out too!

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on Twist and walking Leo. The calorie crush in cardio party sounds like fun, I'm looking forward to trying that one. Great job on yoga. It's nice that most of the animals at the SPCA were adopted. Great job on your long and short walks with Zoey too!

Julie Oh, the Bob Segar concert sounds like fun. Great job on SUB and abs 2, and cardio party plus the CC.

Yesterday morning I did To the Max in the morning and my friend and I went on a 21 mile bike ride in the afternoon. It was warm but really windy, so it was a hard ride. This morning was FS Shred cardio and push day. Margarita went in for her spay this morning and they said she did great, so I need to go pick her up soon. Foxxy seems to be pepping up some, so we're still hoping that she is going to be ok. Have a great day!

Julie The Bob Seger concert sounds like fun. I would have taken the next day off of work too. Good job on Stacked Upper Body and Abs 2 and Cardio Party and the Calorie Crush. Don't worry you will get your cardio back.

Pam Great work on TTM, your 21 mile bike ride and FS Shred Cardio and Push Day. Glad to hear that Margarita is doing well and that Foxxy is pepping up. I hope that continues.

This morning I went to Twist. Then I went grocery shopping and then in the afternoon we had some running around to do.

Have a great day.

This morning I did LITE: PHA 2! I really enjoyed it. It is not near as intense as the first PHA but I really liked the moves in this one and that each round is only repeated once.

Pam Great job on TTM plus a 21 mile bike ride! You are hard core! I hope to work my way back up to TTM some day but I don't expect to do a bike ride the same day. Great job on FS Cardio Shred plus push day! That is good news for Margarita and Foxxy.

Cheryl Great job on Twist! I don't go to many concerts so it was crazy getting home so late. Plus we got freezing rain during the concert which made for an interesting drive home. Thank goodness my DH drives for a living.

Have a great weekend!
Cheryl Great job on Twist. I sometimes miss the social aspect of going to the gym to workout, but it's so convenient doing it at home. I guess I'm getting the social part with my bike rides now.

Julie Great job on PHA 2. I really liked that one too. I'm not sure if I'm hard core or just crazy! The bike ride was definitely harder than usual after doing TTM that morning. Driving home in the dark and freezing rain must have been so stressful!

I'm going for a bike ride this afternoon so I skipped the workout this morning. I considered doing it, but don't really need a second double workout day! Have a great day!

Friday afternoon my friend and I did a 21 mile bike ride. It was really windy so it was hard, but as always we were happy when we were done. I took Saturday as a rest day. We and an adoption event and had 4 adoptions. Not as good as last weekend, but we're always happy to have any. This morning I did FS MIC and pull day and the abs from KPC. Then we had another adoption event. My little Sambuca and Margarita got adopted together. I was so happy that they went together and I really like the young woman who adopted them. She has 2 rabbits which should be interesting too! We had 4 other adoptions besides them so it was a pretty good day. I hope you had a great weekend.

Julie Great job on PHA 2. I enjoyed that one as well. Freezing rain would be scary to drive in. Good thing your DH knows how to drive in it.

Pam It is more convenient to workout at home but like you I do like the social part of going to the gym. Good work on your 21 mile bike ride with the wind and FS MIC and pull day the the abs fro KPC. So nice that Sambuca and Margarita got adopted together. Glad that you got some other adoptions the weekend as well.

Friday I did Lite Ramped up Rumble and the Calorie Crush and Saturday I did Body Weight and Bands. This morning I didn't do a workout because some of our dragon boat team went to an indoor tank for some training. I did this once before a couple of years ago and it is great. The person who does the training is one of the elite coaches in the country. Overall I am doing pretty good but she did give me some pointers so I need to practise them when we actually get back out on the water. Because our winter has been so mild our coaches are hoping to get the dragon boats back in the water sometime in February. Fingers crossed that we can get back out then, our first regatta is April 27th.

Saturday I did Ice Rock’em Sock’em plus Icy Core 1! I felt like I did a little better on the core this time. Then it was getting some things done around the house and running errands. Sunday was my moderately heavy lifting day and then being lazy. This morning I did yoga. It felt nice and then I got to drive in wonderful drifting snow which basically undid all the relaxation from the yoga. Ah winter!

Pam Great job on your 21 mile bike ride! I’m sure riding in the wind is not easy. Great job on FS MIC plus pull day and KPC abs! So happy for Sambuca and Margarita! That is great she was able to take both of them.

Cheryl Great job on Reved up Rumble plus Calorie Crush and then BW and Bands! That would be neat to have a professional coach be able to give you some pointers. How great if you can get the boat out early. Especially since you have a regatta coming up in just a few months.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on Rock'em Sock'em + Icy Core 1, your moderate lifting day and yoga and all of your cleaning and errands. I bet all the driving around in snow undid all of your relaxation from yoga.

This morning I did FT Bootcamp. Then I went to the SPCA for a shift. The 2 volunteers who normally do this shift were both away so I said that I could fill in for them. Then we did a few errands.

Have a great day.

This morning I did Metabolic Blast plus the Calorie Crush. The Calorie Crush really has some moves that are beyond advanced. I really struggled with the last move of the lateral skate into a one legged burpee. I think it was the constant switching from one leg to the other. The mogul burpees were also tougher than I thought they would be.

Cheryl Great job on FT BC! Today's drive was much better but we are supposed to get wind chills of -50 starting tonight through Thursday afternoon. Brrr!

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on RUR and the CC and body weight and bands. That is awesome that you got to do some indoor dragon boat training with an elite coach. What an amazing opportunity! I hope that you are able to get back on the water in February.

Julie Great job on RS+icy core and doing better on the core. Great job on your moderately heavy lifting day and yoga too. That is terrible that you had to drive in the snow after that, so stressful! I hope the drive home was better.

Cheryl Great job on FT BC and your shift at the SPCA.

Julie Great job on MB + CC. That CC is a lot harder than the workout.

Yesterday morning I had to take my DH to the airport in the morning, then stopped by a friends to drop something off, then came home and did Athletic Training. In the afternoon I did some laundry and made dumplings for my friend. Her husband is having a bone marrow transplant next week and she asked if I would make them some dumplings to have in the freezer when they come home from days at the hospital. He starts intense chemo treatments tomorrow and then has the transplant on Tuesday. Today we went for a 30 mile bike ride. It was cold and windy but we made it. Have a great day.

Julie Great job on Metabolic Blast and the Calorie Crush. The calorie crush on that one does have some really advanced moves. You guys back east are really getting hit with some cold weather. I sure don't envy you.

Pam Good work on Athletic Training. I hope everything goes well for your friend with his chemo and transplant. That is so nice of you to make dumplings for them so that is one less thing they need to worry about. Good job on your 30 mile bike ride in the cold and wind.

This morning I went to Twist. I found the weight work hard today for some reason and then we finished with a cardio circuit. The SPCA that I volunteer at is starting a dog fostering program that we signed up for. I just found out this afternoon that they will be getting a transfer of two puppies on Thursday and we will be getting them unless the transfer falls through for some reason. This is a new program so we have no idea what kind of dogs they are or how old or how long we will have them for. We are excited but nervous too as we really don't know quite what to expect.

Have a great day.

It is -22 but feels like -38 right now. My office didn’t close but my department encouraged everyone to stay home and work from home if they could the next two days so that is what I am doing. This morning I did LITE: Bodyweight and Bands plus the Calorie Crush and abs 2! I really like abs 2; probably because I can actually do it. I do start to peter out during the last plank bit but progress. The calorie crush on this one seemed nonstop and the band being around the ankles did not help.

Pam Great job on Athletic Training! That is wonderful of you to make dumplings for your friend and her husband. How awful to have to go through that. I hope everything goes well for them. Great job on your 30 mile bike ride in the cold and wind!

Cheryl Great job on Twist! Some days are harder than others even if the actual exercises are not for some reason. Oh I am so excited for you. I have never fostered but have adopted two dogs that have been fostered and I am forever grateful to the foster family for taking care of my babies before I found them. I am sure it will be nerve racking the first time since you don’t know what to expect but you are such great animal lovers, you will find your way and be great at it!

Have a great day!

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