Strength in Numbers

Cheryl Even without the exchange rate difference, I thought that the $20 a month was a bit high. I guess if you think about comparing it to a gym membership it isn’t, but since I already have so many DVDs I have been hesitant. The 7 day free trial seems like a good idea though. We have such an old tv in my workout room though that I would not be able to use it so I would need to figure out how to do it. Great job on Cathe Live mixed Hiit and yoga. That is the one thing about a celebration of life that is nice, getting to see people that you don’t see very often.

Julie Sorry that your weekend flew by. I was going to say at least it’s a short work week, but it sounds like it’s going to be a long short week! Great job on LIS 1 and Core 2, cleaning, pull-up queen, gorgeous glutes, and cycle max! The guy from the rescue did say that adoptions are always slow from September until Thanksgiving but that they pick up after that until about Valentine’s Day. He also told me I should take them to the other PetSmart location because it gets a lot more traffic, so I will do that next time.

This morning was supersets. I haven’t done that one too often, but I like it. Unfortunately no adoptions again yesterday. There wasn’t even anyone that was at all interested yesterday and there were a lot of loud dogs in there barking most of the time. My poor little Dexter was so scared by the end of it that he was shaking. I felt so guilty . I hope you both have a great day!

Julie Great job on ICE LIS + Core 2, Pull Up Queen and Gorgeous Glutes Day 2 and Cycle Max. I hope your 3 day week goes by quickly with all those meetings. Celebrations of Life are much nicer than funerals.

Pam I am the same way thinking that $20 was a bit high and I have almost all of her DVDs too. I would look at selling them if I were to subscribe but I don't know how easy that would be to do. Good work on Supersets. Poor Dexter I bet he would have been scared with all the dogs barking. They do make a lot of noise.

This morning was CCC. It has been a while since I have done that one and it showed. In the afternoon I went out for a walk since it wasn't raining. It looks like it is going to be a very wet week.

Have a great day.

This morning I did PUQ day 3 and GG day 3. I really, really did not want to get out of bed this morning. I was in a deep sleep when my alarm went off. One of those, wait what is happening here moments. Needless to say it was tough going this morning.

Pam Great job on SS! I haven’t done that one in a long time but remember liking it. It is short but seemed to hit everything. Poor Dexter! I hate when animals are scared and start shaking. Hopefully he calmed down when he got back home.

Cheryl Great job on CCC! That is always a toughie. Hopefully it is not too wet of a week for you. $20 is pretty high but if you only do live it is $10 (US). If you like the live, that might be worth it. I am thinking about only signing up for Live when I do again.

Have a great day!
Julie Good for you in getting up and doing PUQ day 3 and GG day 3 when you didn't want to. It is so hard to get out of bed when you are woken up out of a deep sleep. That is a good idea to only sign up for live. I don't know if I will do it this time but maybe in the future.

This morning was XTrain Legs. We are looking after our neighbours dog right now. I went over there this afternoon to take him out for a long walk. It was pouring rain and we both got soaked but at least we got some fresh air. So far only one incident between him and Tango and he has gotten into the garbage in the bathroom so I had to close the door. Tango is not amused.

Have a great day.

Today was my rest day. I didn’t get to sleep in much. For some reason I woke up at 2:45 and had a hard time getting back to sleep. I think I dozed off once before the dogs woke me 30 minutes before the alarm went off. So happy today is like my Friday. I am so excited for the 4 day weekend.

Cheryl Great job on XT Legs! Did the dog didn’t mind the rain? I know mine are big babies and don’t like to get wet. I hope the incident with Tango wasn’t too bad. We have to keep our bathroom door closed too because Sheba gets in the garbage. She doesn’t do much other than drag all the tissue out and strings it all over the floor.

Pam Have a great Thanksgiving!

I will post again on Monday!
Cheryl Great job on CCC, I haven’t done that one in awhile either, and I haven’t been missing it Good job getting out for a walk, I hope your week isn’t too wet.

Julie Great job on PUQ and GG. I hate those mornings when you are sleeping so soundly when it’s time to get up. Dexter was fine when he got home, so I was happy about that.

Cheryl Great job on XTrain legs. Oh no, that’s terrible that you and your neighbors dog both got soaked. Poor Tango, I bet he is not at all amused .

Julie What a bummer that you didn’t get to sleep well on your rest day. I hope that your virtual Friday goes well.

Yesterday we did our standard 24 mile bike ride and then I started getting some things ready for Thanksgiving. I made a pie and made the gravy and then made some French onion soup for last nights dinner. This morning was imax 2 with the 128 Jeannie hops and the abs from cardio and weights. I will probably spend the rest of the day cooking for tomorrow so that I don’t have much to do tomorrow. Have a great day and I hope you have a great Thanksgiving Julie.

Julie It is so annoying when you wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep. I hope you get a better night's sleep tonight. Leo really didn't want to be out in the rain but he was a trooper and sucked it up. At the end of the walk I took him to a place called 3 Dog Bakery just down the street from us where I bought him a treat. The incident with Tango wasn't bad just a lot of barking and hissing. Leo did the same thing as Sheba with the tissue dragging it everywhere.

This morning was ICE Chiseled Upper Body. Another rainy day so I didn't do much beside getting some groceries. Have a happy Thanksgiving Julie and Pam and enjoy your long weekend.

Pam and Julie I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving long weekend. So Thursday was Athletic Step one I hadn't done in a while and Friday I did Total Body Giant Sets and added on the bonus abs. Wow that ab workout is really hard. Saturday I went dragon boating. This is one of our last practices before we take the boat out of the water for the winter. Today I did Yoga for Strength and then went down to our winter market to pick up some fruits and vegetables. It was a pretty crappy day out lots of wind and rain so we stayed inside and watched hockey and football. \\

Cheyl Great job on Ice CUB, AS, TBGS, and bonus abs! Great job on dragon boating and yoga too. Sounds like it was a perfect day to stay inside and watch some sports!

Thursday I did PLB and it was a pretty relaxing day because all I had to cook that day was the turkey and the potatoes. Friday was PUB, I took Saturday as my rest day, and Sunday was SJP. Another adoption weekend with no adoptions, it’s getting so frustrating! We got our tree and got it up on Saturday, but haven’t started decorating it yet. Today we are going for a bike ride. It’s cold right now, but it’s supposed to warm up. Yesterday it was so nice out I sat outside for lunch. I hope you had a great day.

For a four day weekend, I feel like it flew by. Thursday I did Pullup Queen and Gorgeous Glutes then went to Thanksgiving dinners at my mom’s and DH’s dad’s houses. Friday I did KPC and then went shopping with my mom and sister. Saturday I did AOLIH plus Core 1 and then did some chores and ran errands. Sunday I did PUQ and GG and was lazy the rest of the day. This morning I did Ride. Now I have a feeling this 5 day work week is going to feel so long.

Pam Great job on your 24 mile bike ride. Yum! French Onion soup is one of my favorites. Great job on Imax 2 and all the Jeannie Hops plus C&W abs! Sounds like you got a lot of pre cooking done on Wednesday with only turkey and potatoes to do on Thursday. Great job on PLB, PUB, and SJP! Bummer about no adoptions again. Hopefully that will change soon.

Cheryl Great job on ICE CUB, AS, TBGS with abs and dragon boating! Glad you are still able to get some outdoor practice in which must mean it is not that cold yet. Great job on Yoga for Strength! Can you tell me more about that one? Who is the instructor and is comparable to any of Cathe’s?

Have a great day!
Pam Good job on PLB, PUB and your bike ride. Now that is a nice Thanksgiving when all you have left to do is the turkey and potatoes. Sorry that you still don't have any adoptions yet. Would you think of keeping them yourself if you can't get them adopted?

Julie Great work on Pullup Queen, Gorgeous Glutes, KPC, AOLIH plus core 1, PUQ and GG and Ride. Wow you had a few dinners on Thursday. I found a yoga series from Gaiam which had 4 different yoga workouts. Each of them are instructed by Kent Katich and they each have a professional athlete doing the workout. They are long but they do have something like Cathe's workout blender where you can pick and choose what section(s) you want to do based on how much time you have. I found the queuing good and I really enjoy them. The yoga practises are for flexibility, conditioning, strength and power. Here is the link to Amazon which sells them.

This morning was ICE Bootcamp Circuit. Since it didn't rain today I also got out for a walk before the next storm rolls in.

Have a great day.

This morning I did PUQ and GG! I am two weeks into PUQ and feel like I might be making some progress. My hands are definitely feeling more comfortable holding the bar but I am getting calluses. That is always thing that has stopped me in the past. I hate calluses. I know some people consider them a badge of honor but I don’t. I just need to get past that part and maybe I can succeed this time.

Cheryl Great job on ICE BCC and your walk! Thanks for the link. It is pretty cheap so I might order the flexibility one and try it out. I am still looking for that perfect short yoga that I can get into.

Have a great day!
Julie Sorry that the 4 day weekend flew by, hopefully this week won't drag on forever Great job n PUQ, GG, KPC, AOLIH+Core, PUQ, GG, and Ride!!! Wow! How were the crowds Friday shopping? I have started trying to do most of my shopping online. I love having things just delivered to my door :)

Cheryl I may end up keeping them if they don't get adopted, but I'm hopeful they will. They are both really cute and sweet so I don't understand. Part of the problem is that the adoption events are just so stressful for them so you don't see what they are really like. I took my sisters cat with me on Saturday and the guy who started the rescue wanted him. He has 37 cats though! Everyone is telling me that he will go fast because he is really beautiful. That will help, because he really does not get along with Fritz. Great job on Ice BCC
and getting a walk in.

Julie Great job on PUQ and GG! That's nice to be making progress on the PUQ. I am not a fan of calluses either, but they are a fact of life when we are skiing in the summer. The only good thing about them is that your hands don't hurt as much once you have built them up.

Yesterday was our regular 24 mile bike ride and this morning I did Drill max and the core from lean legs and abs. I finished my rotation so had to scramble to figure out what to do this morning. Have a great day!

Julie Great job on PUQ and GG and making some progress with your pullups. Would wearing fitness gloves help with the calluses? I don't like calluses either. I really liked the flexibility workout and it is nice that you can make it as long or short as you like.

Pam I think adoption events are more stressful for cats than dogs. My fingers are crossed that someone will want to adopt them. Good work on your 24 mile bike ride, Drill Max and the core work from lean legs and abs. I am doing December's rotation now.

This morning was Legs and Glutes then DH had a doctor's appointment. Another crappy day out but they are saying that we should get some sun by Sunday. That just seems so far away right now.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job on legs and glutes! Sorry you are having such crappy weather, I hope you see the sun again soon. I'm thinking I'm going to create a Facebook page for my adoptable kitties with more pictures and videos that show what they are like at home. We'll see if that helps.

Yesterday I got most of the Christmas decorating done, but we still haven't done the tree. My DHs back has been bothering him ever since hoisting it into the house and the stand, so he wants to wait a few more days before doing the lights. This morning I did GS back, shoulders, and biceps. It's supposed to be 70 here today so I'm going to go pick up my mom and take her out to a farm to see some wildlife and have lunch. Have a great day!

Pam The FB page is a great idea for people to get a better idea on how the kittens are really like. I hope it works out. You are very organized in getting your Christmas decorating done. I hope your DHs back gets better soon. Great job on GS back, shoulders and biceps. Lucky you to have the temperature in the 70s. We won't be seeing those kind of temperatures around here until at least April or May. Enjoy your lunch with your mom.

This morning was PUB then it was grocery shopping. In the afternoon I met a friend for coffee at the mall. It was nice that it wasn't too busy there.

Have a great day.

This morning I did Rhythmic Step. I don’t know what happened but when I hit play I must have also hit the chapter forward button. I didn’t realize it until I was almost done with the 1st combo but I skipped the warm up. I was thinking that I didn’t remember the warm up being this hard and fast paced and then Cathe said something about throwing a move in right from the warm up and I realized what I did. I just kept going and did the warm up as a cool down at the end.

Pam Great job on your 24 mile bike ride and DM with LLA core! The crowds were not too bad on Friday. There was only one store with a long line. I don’t mind online shopping but some things I need to see before I buy. Like this year I needed a new purse and wallet. I need to see all the pockets and feel it on my shoulder. Weird I know! I think that is always what gets me is having to wait for the calluses to build up so they don’t bother me anymore. I just need to get tough! Oh no poor DH on his back. I hope it heals soon. Low back pain can be so frustrating. Great job on GS BSB! Hope you had a fabulous day enjoying the warm weather.

Cheryl Great job on L&G! Hope everything went well with DH’s appointment. Maybe the sun will peak out a little early for you. Dreary days are so depressing. I usually wear gloves but I read a few articles and the program I am following all that said wearing gloves for pullups can make them harder. Something about the tactical response your hands receive with direct contact on the bar. I have noticed that when I wear gloves I feel like my hands slip around in the gloves while doing pullups so maybe not wearing them will help. Great job on PUB! Glad you were able to get to the mall when it was a little quieter there.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on Rhythmic Step and missing the warm up. It is easy to hit a button by mistake and not notice it. That does make sense about your hands slipping when you wear gloves.

This morning was Step Moves. Then I got all the housework and laundry done. Another dreary day so I decided to have a nap in the afternoon.

Have a great day.

This morning I did PUQ and GG. I did not get good sleep last night. The dogs seemed very restless and were basically on top of me most of the night. So glad it is Friday. This has been a long week. Today I have almost 7 hours of meetings so I am hoping it goes by fast.

Pam For your calluses, do you just let them go or do anything to manage them like file them or lotion them?

Cheryl Great job on SM and all the housework and laundry. Oh an afternoon nap sounds delightful. I often wish that was allowed at work.

Have a great weekend!
Cheryl I wouldn’t say I’m organized in getting the decorating done, just motivated to get it over with! I hope you get some nicer weather soon. Great job on PUB.

Julie Great job on RS, too funny that you thought the warm up was so intense! Good for you for just keeping on with it, I guess by that point there is no need to go back. Doing it at the end was a great idea. I understand the need to see some things in person before buying them. I think that Black Friday is starting to be less crazy because there is so much more online shopping happening

Cheryl Great job on SM, laundry, and housework. Boo on another dreary day!

Julie Great job on PUQ and GG! Oh boy, 7 hours of meetings after a restless night sounds tough. I hope it goes by quickly!. I usually use lotion on my hands a lot when I am getting and have calluses to try to keep them softer.

Yesterday we did a 30 mile bike ride and then I went and ran a bunch of errands. This morning was GS chest and triceps and the abs from LIC. How do I always seem to forgot about all of those pushups in that workout?! Ouch! It’s always so hard to do the bench presses and flies right after that too. Have a great day!


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