Cheryl They ended up putting another new cast on my mom, and she has already ripped the thumb part out. We're going to leave it unless things get worse at this point. She has a follow up appointment on Monday so we'll see what they have to say. Great job on MMA Fusion and starting your basement organization. That is how I feel about my attic. I work on it a little bit a time, but it seems like by the net time I get up there it has gotten back to being as bad as ever. Great job on MaD8 and dragon boating and your bonus walk! I am jealous that you are able to walk so many places. Wow, that is super fast for getting your workouts and great that you didn't have to pay duty!
Julie Green job week 4 of PC Squats. Bummer that you didn't get to work on your deck, I know you are anxious to get that done! Oh boy, I hope your heel heals fast! I guess it's worst on Monday because you are on your feet so much over the weekend? You don't think your DH would go for sleeping in the living room so that you can have a heavy bag?!

I can't imagine why not

I think with my mom it's a combination of being very stubborn and the dementia. She is very stubborn about most things and the dementia just makes it worse. I guess the notary only stamps one copy of a document and just signs and dates copies. I thought I had an original copy because it had original signatures. I was a little annoyed though because I took it to the attorney last Friday and she looked at it and said it was what she needed, but I guess she did the same thing I did. Looked at the signatures and saw that they weren't copies. The original arrived today, so hopefully we will get things finalized today.
This morning was supposed to be MMA Kickbox, but I subbed in Kick, Punch and crunch. Then I had a dentist appointment so my teeth are all nice and sparkly clean now. Then I went to see how my mom was doing. She was pretty depressed today, she is so frustrated with that cast, but she just isn't comprehending why she needs too keep it on. I hope those bones heal quickly, but at 86 that isn't very likely.

Have a great day!