Strength in Numbers

This morning I did STS M2D20 Legs. Still loving those trisets but I think this week has been my least favorite week. Not sure if it was my energy level or the exercise sequencing—there were no deadlifts which are my favorite. Sheba was really trying to get me to skip my workout this morning and play with her instead. She was being so cute with her little stuffed hedgehog. I almost feel for it.

Pam Great job on Athletic Step and yoga abs! I do not even know what the pike crocodile things are but you have me curious. I might have to break out the DVD to see what they are. That is so cute that the kittens “escape” their room. Glad you are not feeling that sore today.

Cheryl Great job on RUUB, yard work, and dragon boating. Glad you had a better day to dragon boat. I wonder if they seek out the carpet because it feels softer like grass or litter than hard floors. Today there is no rain in the forecast but it is pretty much going to be cloudy and overcast all day. I’m starting to forget what the sun feels like.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on RUUB and all of the yard work at your parents. I'm glad that you got much nicer weather and were able to go dragon boating.

Julie Great job on D20. It sounds like I will like that one because I am not a big fan of deadlifts. Oh poor Sheba, I bet it was tempting to just play with her. You do need to check out those crocodile things and tell me what you think of them!

This morning for me was M2D17 legs. I'm a week behind Julie so I got plenty of deadlifts. I thought the kittens would be worn out today because they had a lot of visitors yesterday, but they were all tearing around like little mad men! I put them in Ashley's room while I did my workout so they could keep playing. They really aren't liking being in the playpen at all anymore so I've been doing my workout in another room when I can or moving them to another room when I can't. Have a great day!

Julie Good work on STS M2D20 Legs. It is great that you are a fan of deadlifts. Me not so much, I do them but I have to be careful with my back. So cute about Sheba wanting to play with her. I bet that was tempting to skip your workout and play with her instead. I know what you are going through missing the sun.I hope you get it back soon.

Pam Great job on M2D17 Legs. Kittens have so much energy. I remember when Tango was a kitten, it seemed he could run around for hours.

This morning was Cardio Slam. Then I got the housework and laundry done. In the afternoon we met up with our old neighbours. They are renting the place out beside us so they came out to meet with the renters. This may be my last check in before we go to Hawaii. We leave Saturday morning and I am not sure if I will get a chance to post tomorrow. I will try to check in while I am away but if not I will post when we get back.

Enjoy your weekend.

This morning I did Cycle Sweat. I still keep looking for a countdown timer but I will say that workout seems to go by fast. I’m so ready for the weekend. I am leaving work early today and we have a 3 day weekend. Now for hoping the weather cooperates so I can get my deck done and enjoy the nice long weekend. Right now it is not looking good for today or Sunday. I thought it was supposed to be April Showers not May.

Pam Great job on D17 legs! Yep I love deadlifts so D17 I think is my favorite. Too cute about the kittens being little mad men. I wish I had that kind of energy.

Cheryl Great job on CS plus housework and laundry! Have a wonderful time in Hawaii! I can’t wait to hear about it when you get back!

Have a great weekend!
Cheryl Great job on Cardio slam and housework. Have a fantastic time in Hawaii! I can't wait to hear about it when you get back. a

Julie Great job on cycle sweat. Hopefully the weather will cooperate for you. We are hoping to finally get a ski or two in this weekend. We have rain chances each day, but it's the typical scattered thunderstorms, so we should be able to work it in. I am with you on the May showers, it has definitely been that way for us.

This morning was supposed to be MMA Boxing. Since I don't like that one, I bit the bullet and went back and did the cardio drills only premix of CCC, then did the abs from LIC. That CCC premix wasn't as awful as I had remembered it being. I didn't bother changing the order of the segments either. Have a great day and a great weekend and a great trip!!

Good morning . This morning was M2D18 Back and Biceps. We did get to the lake last night and skied! It was fun and we both did really well, especially for our first time out and it was pretty windy. I hope you both have a great day, thinking of you leaving for your trip today Cheryl!

So for the long weekend, it actually didn’t seem to go by too fast of course I would have always liked it to go slower. I took off work early on Friday and went home and started trying to strip stain from the desk. I got a few hours in before it started lightning and had to quite. Saturday I did STS M2W4 Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, and Biceps. After that DH and I worked on the deck stripping stain for a few hours and then we went to Lowe’s and did some major shopping. We bought a new fridge since ours is 17 years old and I don’t want it quitting on us before we have a replacement. Then DH got some early birthday gifts of two huge toolboxes and a power washer. Sunday I did my own heavy legs plus M2W4 Back, then it was back to the deck for more stripping for a couple of hours. It is taking forever to get the deck stripped of the old stain. I think we have several more weekends ahead of us. I ended up taking Monday as a rest day and it felt so nice sleeping in till I felt like getting up. This morning I did ICE To The Mat and then dropped of Ozzie for his chemo treatment.

Pam Great job on CCC cardio drills only! That is a little hiit like. Also great job on M2D18. So happy you got some skiing in. Hopefully the weather will start cooperating for both of us so you can ski and I can get my deck done before winter.

Have a great day!
Julie That is a nice surprise that the long weekend didn't fly by like they usually do. Wow, it sounds like a lot of hard work stripping your deck! great job M2W4 CSTB, heavy legs, M2W4 Back, and TTM! You guys sure did do some major shopping over the weekend, wow! I hope Ozzie does well with his treatment today.

We ended up skiing again on Saturday afternoon, and boy was I sore after that. It didn't help that skiing really works may back and biceps and that was my Saturday morning workout too. I took Sunday as a rest day. We had a cookout Sunday night to celebrate a friends birthday, and Carl turned 21 on Monday, so we all had a drink with him before he went out with the other kids to celebrate. Because of the late night and the drinks, I didn't feel good Monday morning, so I took it as a rest day also and spent most of the day lounging by the pool before going to a cookout at another friends house. Shorty has started coming into our room and meowing loudly during the night and he kept doing that last night. I was so tired this morning, and I had Hiit 40/20 on the calendar. I had to stop early on the butt kicks and take a longer rest before continuing on, but I made it through and then did NE abs. It sure was hard though, I was struggling the entire time. Have a great day

Ozzie’s chemo appointment went well and because last time it gave him awful diarrhea, I started him on the diarrhea meds right away this time. Hopefully that will cut down on the gifts he leaves me. I did KPC this morning but skipped the Crunch. As you know, I am not a fan of abs but I also just don’t have time for anything over 60 minutes in the morning. Cutting the abs out makes KPC exactly 60 minutes.

Pam That is great you were able to get some more skiing in. I imagine it works your forearms as well. Good for you taking a rest day on Sunday and for Monday as well. Sometimes you just need to relax and not worry about the workouts for a few days. I wonder what Shorty wants? Aren’t cats nocturnal or have a different sleep cycle than us? Good job for getting through 40/20 and NE abs! 40/20 is so hard and those butt kicks are no joke.

Have a great day!
This morning I did STS M2 D23 Legs which is the last of the Meso 2 legs. Kind of sad and will miss them. Other than the calf work at the end, these are my favorite workouts. I’m actually going to do a half active recovery week and then start a paper program I purchased called Power Conditioning next Thursday. Of course, I’ll mix some Cathe in with it because I don’t think I could go long without her.

Have a great day!
Julie I'm glad to hear that Ozzie's chemo appointment went well. Hopefykky it worked giving him his diarrhea meds right away too! Great job on KP no C! I really do love the abs in that one, but sometimes have to skip them due to time also. We're not sure what Shorty wants, but luckily he hasn't done it the last couple of nights. We are thinking that he might be getting a little senile, because he often just seems kind've lost. Great job on M2 D23 legs. I love the ply leg workouts in M3, I think more than the M2 leg workouts.

Yesterday I had to take my sister to a dr appointment in the morning, so I didn't get my workout in until afternoon. I wasn't too excited about doing it that late, but I think I might have been stronger than I am in the morning....I did M2D19 CST yesterday and today was MMA Fusion and the cardio portion only of circuit blast. Of course I was thinking of Julie during the turtle spins. You do know that those are considered ab work, don't you Julie?! ;) Have a great day

This morning I did Pedal Power Scrambled. A favorite of mine. I am so happy it is Friday and even more happy that they took the rain out of the forecast for tomorrow. Now DH and I can spend time trying to strip more stain off the deck. Not that it is fun and something I am looking forward to doing but it will be nice when it is all done.

Pam Great job on M2D19 CST and MMA Fusion with turtle spins! Yep the turtle spins are my favorite ab exercise. Of course, I still don’t do them except in MMA Fusion. I think I am stronger in the afternoons as well but I prefer morning workouts so I understand not liking having to wait till the afternoon. Ozzie did have diarrhea one day while I was at work but amazingly he did it on the tile floor so I was happy. That sounded sad. Oh no, I didn’t know cats could get senile. I guess it makes sense that any animal could. Poor guy!

Have a wonderful weekend!
Julie Great job on PP Scrambled. I don't have that one, maybe I need to get it. I used to absolutely love spinning, but I think I overdid it and now I never want to do it. I'm glad to hear that they took the rain out of your forecast this weekend. You're right that stripping stain doesn't sound like much fun, but I know you will be so happy when it's done. That was nice of Ozzie not to go on the carpet! I didn't know that cats could get dementia either, but the vet mentioned it the last time she saw him and it makes sense. Poor guy, I feel bad for him!

This morning was M2D20 legs. Unlike Julie, I was happy that there were no deadlifts. I see they do sneak into the next workout for back though, so maybe that was why she left them out of this one. My kittens are almost old enough to be put up for adoption now. I know I am going to be both happy and sad when they start getting adopted. It's amazing how long I can just sit and watch them play! Happy Friday!

Good morning! Yesterday morning for me was supposed to be MMA Kickbox, but I subbed in cardio kicks and did the abs from Step, Jump, and pump. I was going to do something productive after that, but I sat on the deck to eat breakfast and saw what a beautiful day it was, so I put on my swimsuit and grabbed my book and hung out at the pool for most of the day. After that I had a friends 60th birthday party. She had it outside at a local vineyard and had over 100 people there. She is from Chicago originally, so it was all Chicago themed. She had her sister bring hotdogs and buns from Chicago and had all of the typical fixings for Chicago style hotdogs and Cubs cups for the drinks. She also rented a big blow up screen that she ran a slideshow of photos on. Of course the hit for me was the bulldog that lives at the winery, Pork chop. He was in timeout though, because he and his sister Applesauce had gotten out that morning and ran into the street and Applesauce got hit :-(. They said she is going to be fine, but was in the hospital because she had a big gash in her side. He was as cute and sweet as he could be though, he rolled over so I could give him belly rubs.
This morning was M2D21 back and biceps. Then I cut the lawn, did some grocery shopping, got dinner started in the crock pot and now am thinking about running some errands. Have a great day!

I actually feel like this weekend did not fly by but it sure did take a lot out of me. Saturday I did ICE Boot Camp Circuit plus the BB. After that I worked on the deck. I spent 5 hours stripping the old stain off. I only have about half the deck done. It is taking forever but what I have done looks good so that is keeping me motivated. Sunday my whole body was so sore from working on the deck I decided to take a rest day and just sleep in. This morning I did ICE MTB.

Pam Great job on M2D20 legs! Oh that will be sad to see the kittens get adopted. Well a happy sad. Great job on Cardio Kicks and SJP abs! Sounds like you had a relaxing afternoon and then a fun evening at the party. I love the names Pork Chop and Applesauce. So cute. I am glad Applesauce will be ok. That would be so scary to have one of my dogs hit by a car. Great job on M2D21 Back and Bis and getting some yard work and errands done.

Have a great day!
Julie Wow, you really did have a big weekend, Great job on ICE BCC and the BB. I'm glad you are able to see how good the deck is looking to keep you motivated. That is really a lot of work, are you sanding it off ? Out sounds like you really needed the rest day on Sunday. Great job on MTB too.

I ended up not doing any errands yesterday because I started cleaning out my pantry and got all involved in that instead. I still have more to do, but I got the worst of it done. This morning was Hiit 30/30 and weights and plates ab. That is one of her harder ab workouts in my opinion and it felt especially tough today. I couldn't get the last 3 reps of the cross under planks, but I did go back and do 4 more after taking a rest. Have a great day!

This morning I did ICE LIS 1 & 2. For being an intermediate workout, I was really struggling with some of the exercises. I have been thinking lately I really need to work on my flexibility. Sometimes I just feel tight. Of course that would require me spending time actually working on my flexibility and well if history is any indicator I am not sure I that will happen any time soon.

Pam Great job on 30/30 and W&P abs! That is such a tough ab workout. Good for you for taking a rest and then adding on the ones you missed plus an extra. We are having to do multiple things to get the stain off the deck. There is a chemical stripper that you spray on and then power wash off which does a decent job getting some of the stain off for the flat surface. There is a different chemical stripper you put on then scrape off that does a better job with the spindles and posts. And then we are sanding off what those two are not getting. If I had known what this was going to entail, I probably would never have started but now that I am started, I have got to finish.

Have a great day!
Today was my rest day so I got to “sleep” in for an hour. DH got up at his normal 3:30 or at least his alarm went off but then he laid in bed for about 20 minutes before he got up. So I kind of just laid there with my eyes closed waiting for him to get up. I maybe drifted off a few times after he left but didn’t get much sleep. Oh well, it was still nice to lay there for a while.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on ICE LIS 1&2. I don't think that one is really an intermediate workout, especially when you combine the two. I am with you on the flexibility issues, but I just can't bring myself to work on it. Wow, that is quite the project you have undertaken with your deck. I know you will have a real sense of accomplishment when it is done though! Sometimes its almost as nice to just lay in bed for awhile as it is to sleep, but usually I'd rather be sleeping!

I didn't get to check in yesterday, but I did M2D22 Chest, shoulders, and triceps. After that I got a call from my brother that my mom had fallen on her walk and hurt her arm. They were going to take her too the ER, but my sister was also having issues and had a call in to her Dr to see if she needed to go see him at Duke, so I went and got my mom and took her to the ER. She broke her wrist in 2 places. They put a splint on it and I told them she has a reputation for taking her splints off, but they said she wouldn' t take this one off. Of course, this morning she did, so my brother took her to get a cast on it. They wanted to wait for a few days to let the selling go down, but with her dementia she just does crazy things. This morning was supposed to be MMA Boxing, but I subbed Rockout Knockout instead. Have a great day!

Last night when I got home I did some major cleaning. It may be hard getting up at 3:30 in the morning to work out but I feel like I have more time at night do things. I wish we could take the dogs for a walk but it has been so hot out. Upper 80s this week and into the 90s next week. This morning I started the Power Conditioning paper workout that I bought. It was a good workout that I enjoyed.

Pam Great job on M2D22 CST! Oh no. I’m so sorry about your mom’s fall and wrist breaking. I think with her dementia, the cast is a better idea. Unless she has access to a hack saw, I don’t think she will be taking that one off. Will she get confused on why it is on there though?

Have a great day!

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