Strength in Numbers

Saturday I did Strength Training 4 Fat Loss and then I cleaned and did chores the rest of the day. Finally settled down around 7. Sunday was Live Muscle Max with Step. This is the second MM Cathe has done live and I like both of them better than the DVD which probably says a lot because that was my favorite for so long.

Pam Great job on MM! It is tough doing a workout when you don’t have much motivation but it does help when you like the workout. This weekend was much better as far as being able to get some things done. Great job on KPC and CLB! I would be so mad having to sit at the airport while they got their act together. Airports are not my idea of a good time.

Cheryl Great job on 4DS Kickbox, RWH Back and Bis with dragon boating, and Yoga Relax! Tango is cute making sure that the guest dog didn’t get into trouble. I like when people call it a celebration of life. It sounds so much better than a funeral and really we should be celebrating the life they lived.

Have a great day!
Pam I bet you felt great skiing so well after not doing it for 3 weeks. Great work on KPC and XTrain Cardio Leg Blast. I heard about the problems that Delta was having with their computers. So frustrating to have to sit and wait at an ai

Julie Good job on Strength Training 4 Fat Loss and all of your cleaning a chores. Way to go on Live Muscle Max with Step and that you like it better than the DVD.

Today was Cross Fire then I did some organizing in the kitchen. In the afternoon I went out for a walk to the park.

Have a great day.

Last night was Bootcamp with Step. It was a fun workout that went by fast. She ended with about 10 minutes of core and it wasn’t too bad. Not saying I am becoming a fan but last night wasn’t that bad.

Cheryl Great job on CrossFire and your walk after organizing the kitchen! It feels so good to get something organized. If I ever start to feel like things are chaotic I know it is because I need to get something organized.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on ST4FL and cleaning and chores. Sounds like a very long day! Great job on MM with step too, sounds like a great workout!

Cheryl It did feel great skiing so well, we were both pretty surprised, especially because the conditions were not great either. Great job on CF, organizing the kitchen and a walk!

Julie Great job on Bootcamp with step. That sounds like another one that I would really like. I think you might be starting to likje core work, I've heard you say it wasn't too bad a few times now....... ;)

This morning was party Rockin Step 2 and I added the core work from Step, Jump, and Pump. DHs flight finally left around 11:30 yesterday. He was so mad after getting up at 4 am! The joys of travel. Have a great day!

Julie Good work on Bootcamp with Step and even enjoying the core work :p.

Pam Good job on PRS #2 and the core work from SJP. What a long day for your DH waiting for his flight to leave.

This morning was Intensity. I felt so proud of myself because I did the whole workout without having to stop or modify. I was a sweaty mess at the end though. It feels like a fall day here today :confused: so I made some cookies for DH and some for me and then made chili for dinner. Tonight is dragon boating and I hope the weather cooperates and it doesn't rain.

Have a great day everyone.

Cheryl Great job on Intensity with no pauses or modifications. That is a sweat producer for sure! I'm always happy when I get to the end of the step section, but then that Hiit section is no walk in the park either! Hey, it's too early for fall like weather, that just needs to stop how!! You made quite the fall dinner too! I hope you had good weather for dragon boating.

This morning for me was Muscle Max. That one always flies by for me. I was thinking I might have to see what those live versions are all about! Have a great day!

Last night was Live Fitness Fusion. It was a good workout. Definitely kept the heart rate up. It is a mish mosh of different types of workouts. First 20 minutes was kickboxing, then 10 minutes each of HiiT, Leg work, and Core work. It went by fast but I am not sure if I like the mix up enough to repeat it. I’m still wishy washy because I was actually running an hour late last night so I felt discombobulated from that.

Pam Great job on PRS2 + SJP core! I thought about you last night when I was doing core. I really wanted to skip it since I was so late but I stuck it out. Oh your poor DH. I guess the bright side is that it still left and didn’t get cancelled completely. Great job on MM! I loved both the live versions of MM but this last one was probably my favorite over all 3. I honestly think that is quite the deal to get Cathe Live. You get a new workout every week for $10 a month. That is $2.50 a workout.

Cheryl Great job on Intensity! You should be proud of yourself. That is a super tough workout. I usually take a breather right before the last step & interval routine. Chili sounds good. I hate winter but that is one thing I love is the soups, stews, and chilis.

Have a great day!
Pam Good job on MM. The live versions would be interesting to do. I can't believe that I made chilli either but it was one of those days.

Julie Way to go on Live Fitness Fusion. Starting an hour later than usually would leave you discombobulated for sure. Maybe try it again when you know you will start on time and see what you think of it.

We did get good weather for dragon boating last night. It was overcast but at least it didn't rain. It was a good workout and our team was working together really well. I guess the real test will be the regatta to see how we do compared to other teams. Our coach also invited me to paddle with their other team tomorrow night. It is the same team that I helped out in the regatta a couple of weeks ago. I will probably go so I can get some more training in. This morning was Lean Legs and Abs then it was grocery shopping. This afternoon I went for a walk to the park and back. In just a bit I am leaving to go to my parents place for dinner because I have some cousins visiting from Alberta. I haven't seen them in a while so it will be good to touch base.

Have a great day everyone.

Julie Great job on Live Fitness Fusion. It sounds like an unusual mix. I'm not sure what it is about those workouts, sometimes I like the variety and other times it feels disjointed. I guess it must be about getting the right mix. The late start definitely could have impacted how you felt about it though. I'm proud of you for sticking out the core work! 2.50 per workout is quite a deal. I think I would want to save some of them to DVD. I don't know what it is about the DVDs, but I like to have them in my hand! :rolleyes:

Cheryl I'm glad to hear that the weather held up for you for dragon boating You must be doing really well if your coach is inviting you to come out with the other team so much. Great job on LLA and your walk. I hope you had a nice time with your family.

This morning was Cardio Kicks so of course I thought of Julie. It is such a fun one, probably my favorite kickbox workout. My poor DH got to the airport last night for his flight to come home and it was cancelled. They still haven't recovered from the power outage, but I'm not sure how canceling flights helps...:confused: He couldn't get another flight last night so ended up spending another night in NY. Luckily his flight this morning made it and he is on the way home from the airport now. What a crummy travel week! Have a great day!

Oh boy! Late post for me today. I have been swamped at work. I did do a Lift Weights Faster workout last night. I actually made some progress on increasing weights and better form. DH had a steroid injection in his right side SI joint on Tuesday. Yesterday he was in so much pain he could not even walk. My dad had to bring him my mom’s cane that she does not use anymore. He is doing a little better today but still using the cane and trying not to get up much. Poor guy!

Cheryl Great job on your dragon boating! The fact that you get asked to help out with other teams must be a statement to how great you are at it. Great job on LLA! Glad you were able to get to see your cousins while they were in town.

Pam Great job on CK! Just seeing you did it makes me smile and reminds me of those guys punching along with little Cathe. Oh bummer about DH’s flight. Not what you want to happen when you are itching to get home. I don’t know if there is a way to save the workouts to DVDs. I am not very tech so maybe others have figured out a way.

Have a great day!
Pam Good job on Cardio Kicks. That is a fun workout. Poor DH having his flight cancelled. That computer glitch sure did cause a lot of trouble.

Julie Sorry that you are so swamped at work. I hope it slows down for you. Good work on your Lift Weights Faster workout. Oh your poor DH I hope his back gets better soon. My DH has had the same back trouble and it is not fun.

This morning was a day off as I am following the August rotation starting this week. So I did Stretch Max segments 1 and 2. Then I did a few errands and then got the housework done. This evening I went out with another dragon boat team for practice but I am not sure if my coaches think that I am that good or if I just need more practice LOL :p.

Have a great day everyone.

Last night I did Live HiiT Fit Circuit! I thought it would be easy but it was harder than I expected. Glad it is Friday. DH still isn’t doing good. He is worried they hit a nerve. He is calling them today because they had told him he would be able to go back to his normal duties the day after the injection but that was 3 days ago and he still can’t walk without a cane.

Cheryl Great job on doing some stretches on your day off! That is a great way to have a rest day. Although errands and housework on your rest day doesn’t sound fun but necessary evil. I don’t know. I think coaches have the ones with most potential practice the most.

Have a great weekend!
Julie I hope things calm down at work for you soon. Great job on your LWF workout and making progress on both weight and form, that is exciting! Oh my goodness, your poor DH!! Is that normal for him to be in so much more pain after the shot? I thought they were supposed to make the pain go away.... :confused: I sure hope he is doing better soon!

Cheryl I didn't think there was an August rotation because of the roadtrip. I looked and didn't see one, I guess I didn't look hard enough! What rotation did you just finish? I am doing the November 2015 rotation right now and I'm wondering if it's the same one you just did, it seems like I'm doing a lot of the workouts that you did not long ago. Great job doing stretch max! Ha, you are a funny girl!

Julie Great job on Live HiiT Fit Circuit! That sounds like it would be a fun one. Oh wow, I'm glad your DH is calling the Doctor today, that doesn't sound good at all. Poor guy! :(

This morning was PCCC and it felt pretty good. I was as red as a beet when I was done of course. I thought about just doing it in the regular order, but I get a couple of extra rests when I have to skip forward and back so that was my deciding factor! I forgot to mention the other day that I pre-ordered the new series. It sounds like it's going to be a good one! Happy Friday ladies!

Julie Great job on Live HiiT Fit Circuit. Sorry that DH isn't doing well. I hope that things got better for him over the weekend.

Pam The August rotation wasn't posted in the rotation forum. That was a bit weird but I found it in her newsletter at the beginning of the month. I just finished the November 2015 rotation which you are doing now. That is why you are doing lot of the same workouts that I did. Good work on PCCC. That is one tough workout and I can see why you would want the extra rests.

Yesterday morning I did S&H Chest and Back. This morning I did AOLIH but I only did the step and disc portion. I was a bit slow this morning so I didn't have much time before I went dragon boating. It was such a nice day today that everyone wanted to be on the water. There were tons of boats, kyacks and Stand up Paddle Boards. It is really hot here now so the chilli that I made is now in the freezer. I will save it for when it gets cold out again.

I hope everyone had a great weekend.

Today was S&H Triceps and Biceps. It was another hot one here today. In the afternoon I went out for a walk and was a puddle of sweat by the time I got home :rolleyes:.

Friday, I ended up having to leave work early to take DH back to the doctor because he was still having issues walking. The doctor thinks he hit his bone when he was trying to inject the steroid and/or dye and it may have caused muscle spasms in his glute and hamstring. Nothing they can do for him but told him that the nurse that told him to rest was incorrect. He needs to get up and try to move and gently stretch the muscle. I think he must have torn the muscle though because he is getting better but still not able to go without a cane. Saturday I did a Strength Training for Fat Loss workout and then went to my mom’s for her birthday for lunch. Sunday was Live To the Mat Icy Legs and Core. Floorwork is not my favorite so probably will not do this one again although it wasn’t bad just not something I would do again.

Pam Great job on PCCC! I almost suggested subscribing to Cathe’s OnDemand so you could make the premix in there but then you wouldn’t get the rest while skipping forward and back! I need to get around to placing my preorder. Keep forgetting until right before bed. I’m excited for it.

Cheryl Great job on S&H C&B and AOLIH step and disc! Sounds like a perfect day to be on the water with it being so hot. Another reason chili is the best, it freezes well! Great job on S&H T&B!

Have a great day!
Cheryl Ah, ok I just assumed she didn't do an August rotation because of the roadtrip. I will have to take a look at it. That is funny that I picked the same rotation you did, I must have had it in the back of my head from you saying it Great job on S&H CB and AOLIH. Great to be out on the water on a hot day. Too funny that it was feeling like fall and now you had to freeze the chili because it is so hot!
Great job on S&H Triceps and Biceps and your hot and sweaty walk!

Julie Oh boy, your poor DH, that must be really frustrating for him. I think I would be mad at both that Doctor and that nurse! I hope he is doing better soon! Great job on Strength Training for Fat Loss and Live To the Mat Icy Legs and Core.

I took Saturday as my rest day. I took my mom and sister furniture shopping for their new place. They are moving to an independent living facility in two weeks. We got everything that they needed so it was a very productive day. Sunday I did Flex Train. I am liking that one more every time I do it. Then we tried to ski, but the boat is having transmission issuess. Doug got one pass in and it started acting up so we were done. This morning was Great Glutes to start another Monday. Have a great day!

Julie Sorry that your DH isn't getting better. So frustrating about the doctor hitting his bone with the injection and the nurse giving him wrong information. Good job on Strength Training for Fat Loss and Live to the Mat Icy Legs and Core.

Pam I am glad that everything went fine with your mom and sister getting furniture for their new place. Nice that your mom is moving into an independent living facility. I remember a while ago you thought it might be difficult to get her into one. Good job on Flex Train. Bummer about the transmission in the boat. It is not a cheap fix.

Today was Kick Max not one of my favorites but I did it anyway. In the afternoon I went out for another sweaty walk.

Have a great day everyone.

Last night was Live Scrambled Cardio & Weights. It was a lot of fun. Definitely one I can see doing again. There was no pattern just lots of cardio blasts and weight moves interspersed. DH is getting better but very slowly. He still can’t walk normal yet and standing up is tough for him still.

Pam That sounds exciting to get new furniture. Is your mom feeling better about moving into the place? Great job on your FT! I remember not liking that one the first time I did it but then the second time it clicked for me. Bummer about the boat transmission. Great job on GG!

Cheryl Great job on Kick Max! I agree not one of my favorites either. I much prefer Cardio Kicks or KPC.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Yes, my mother was really fighting moving for the longest time but one of the main reasons for that was because she had a nursing home in her head. I kept trying to tell her that it wasn't like that, but my sister didn't want to move so she was not helping matters. When my mom fell and broke her wrist in June I told them both they no longer had a choice and I went and visited a whole bunch of places to narrow it down, then had them visit the top 3. As it turns out, they both love the place that they are moving too and my mother is really excited about it. So it will be a big relief to get them moved. Then we will have to deal with her house, but one thing at a time! The kind've good thing with the boat is that there are 10 of us who own it together, so the repair cost won't be nearly as bad when split 10 ways. Great job on Kick Max. That one is not one of my favorites either.

Julie Great job on Live Scrambled Cardio & Weights. That does sounds like a fun one! I feel so bad for your DH, glad he is improving, but what a bummer that it is so slow. Yes, as I was telling Cheryl above, my mom is really excited about the new place. It's a really nice place and they do all kinds of fun activities, all of the meals are provided and the food is really good. The grounds are beautiful too, it's on a pond with a fountain with a little bridge over it and a gazebo. Now she can't wait to move!

This morning was Rockout Knockout for me. I like that one pretty well, it always seems to go by quickly. I hope everyone has a great day!


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