Strength in Numbers

Julie way to go in doing your own leg and back workout. Yep I think summer is really over now. I have put away all of my summer clothes already.

Janie I am glad to hear that you got your GERD under control. I hope everything goes well with your mammogram and your hearing test.

Roxie good work on Low Impact Challenge Express 4.
So yesterday morning I did Slow and Heavy Legs and Shoulders then it was housework and raking up leaves. This morning I did Party Rockin' Step #1 and then I want to Dragon Boating. Whew I really worked up an appetite after all of that working out.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Good Morning,

Really chilly and windy today. I did Yoga Relax this morning and caved and bought KCM 's new workouts. We spent yesterday afternoon with GS he is such a pistol.

Clare-good job with your workouts.
Will be doing art work all day with a friend tomorrow. Then Tues. will go to Shelton for Wed. doctor appts. Will start exercising Next Mon.

Cheryl, How are you doing?

Roxie, Great job on Yoga Relax. Hey good news about purchasing KCM workouts. And spending an afternoon with SD.

Take care everyone,

Roxie good job on Yoga Relax. I am glad that you enjoyed your afternoon with GS.

Janie enjoy spending the day with your friend tomorrow. I am doing fine, I have been working out pretty much every day since I retired.

Today I was going to do a yoga workout but the morning just got away from me. This afternoon I got together with friends and we went for coffee to catch up.

Have a great day everyone.

Saturday I did EBE2 Weighted Legs and then some chores and errands. That night DH went to a friend’s house to watch the Cubs game and I got to stay home and watch whatever I wanted on TV. It was weird not watching sports and I wasn’t sure what to do with myself but I figured it out pretty quickly. Sunday I did EBE2 Upper Body and then Cycle Max Express. I’ve decided I am ready to change things up a little with my rotation so I spent Sunday afternoon coming up with a plan. I really want to focus on building as much muscle over the winter as possible.

Janie Yea! So glad you got your GERD under control. Wow sounds like you have a lot going on right now but it is good to concentrate on getting things looked into and figured out. Good luck with all the appointments.

Roxie Great job on LIC Express 4! I hope your legs thawed out from being sore and that you got through your express upper body trisets without any dread.

Have a great day!
Hi ladies, I am back. It looks like you have been doing great with your workouts. Janie, I'm glad to hear that your GERD is under control again and you will be able to get back into the swing of things. Cheryl, how is ME coming? Roxie, how is your DHs recovery coming? It was a fun week in Ireland, but would have been better if my DH hadn't been working! Dublin is a really walkable city and I walked pretty much everywhere - I averaged over 10 miles a day of walking. I toured the old jail, the Guinness factory, the Jameson whiskey factory, an old cemetery and countless churches and cathedrals. On Thursday I took a train out of town up the coast a little way and did a 7 km cliff walk from one town to the next. It was beautiful. My DH wasn't working on Friday, so we rented a car and drove across the country to the Cliffs of Moher which were just spectacular. We spent the night in a small town there and then visited a couple of small towns on the way back to Dublin. I got home yesterday and DH went on to Germany until Wednesday. I managed to stay up until about 8 last night before falling asleep and I slept like a log until 1:30 am. UGH. I did get some more sleep in but it was pretty off and on. This morning was LIHI back, shoulders and biceps and it felt good to be back at the workouts. I'm getting excited about the new ICE series, hopefully we will have it soon!

Julie good job on EBE2 Weighted legs and Upper Body and Cycle Max Express. It is weird when you can watch what you want but you don't know what to watch. I am glad that you figured it out. I was thinking the same thing that I want to build up more muscle over the winter and to see more definition. I am interested to see what you came up with.

Pam Nice to see you back here. You sure did a lot of walking and I am happy that you enjoyed yourself. Too bad that DH had to work most of the time. ME is going well except for today. Today we could re-introduce eggs again and it didn't go well with me. I had one hard boiled egg at breakfast and a couple of hours later I had flashing lights in my eyes so I took a couple of Tylenols and it went away. Then I had two more with lunch and the same thing happened. So I posted it on our private FB page and they advised me that it was a reaction and that I shouldn't eat eggs anymore :(. But other than that I am incorporating more veggies (something that I didn't eat enough of) and except for today I have been feeling great.

This morning I did LIHI Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. I do need to work on my strength though and the finishers nearly did me in :rolleyes:. The rest of the day I vegged out on the couch because I was feeling really tired after my reaction to the eggs.

Have a great day everyone.

Last night I did EBE2 Weighted Glutes. This is the last time for a while. I really liked the three EBE2 workouts that I did and will probably miss them but it is time to move on. I am going to finish up this week with what I already had planned and either take a recovery week starting Saturday or start my new rotation.

Pam So glad you had a wonderful time in Ireland even if DH had to work. Your trip sounds amazing and the pictures you posted on the Cliffs of Moher were incredible. I have heard Ireland is a beautiful country to visit. Great job on getting back into the groove with LIHI BSB!

Cheryl My rotation is kind of a hodge podge of different programs. I am doing Get Glutes for lower body only; Cathe upper body (starting with Burn Sets) but adding on an additional day of back and triceps of my own since those are my lagging parts and throwing in some HiiT and spinning and possibly a Lift Weights Faster short workout if I have time and am feeling up to it. Great job on LIHI CST! I think that is one of Cathe’s toughest upper bodys especially given it is only 40 minutes.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Oh wow, that is a strange reaction to eggs. And you have been eating them all your life without realizing you had an issue with them? It sounds like that is a really cool thing about ME, you really figure out what foods you have problems with. Eggs are apparently a common one, at least I know when I got a flu shot they asked about reactions to eggs. I think they would be a hard thing to give up though :( Glad the program is going well otherwise! Great job on LIHI CST. I was a little worried when I saw a LIHI workout on my calendar for yesterday thinking it might be that one, so I was relieved when it was BSB! That is a really tough upper body workout!

Julie Great job on EBE2 WG. It sounds like you were getting better results from the GG workouts, is that true? I like that you and Cheryl are both thinking about your winter workout plans, I should probably be doing the same! Yes, the cliffs were amazing. We were so glad that we went directly there instead of waiting until the next morning because it ended up being really overcast the next day.

This morning was Imax 3. It felt great and I was happy to get a tough cardio in. I got a much better sleep last night than Sunday night too. I went to bed around 9 and then didn't wake up at all until 3:30 and was able to go back to sleep again until about 5. Have a great day!

Good Afternoon,

KCM TLC Boxing this morning needed to relieve some stress after yesterdays staff meeting apparently I am not filling enough scripts and not fast enough.

Pam-sounds like a wonderful trip and my DH is fine.

Cheryl-my oldest DD couldn't eat eggs when she was pregnant.

Julie- what is EBE2?
Julie good work on EBE2 Weighted Glutes. I like what you have planned for your rotation. Keep me posted on how it works for you. LIHI CST is a tough one that is for sure. I forgot to say that I also added on core #1 and when I got to the last one where you do the plank jack pattern my arms were shaking a mile a minute.

Pam well I have had issues with eggs in the past. Because I am allergic to soy it gets in the eggs if the chickens eat grains that contain soy. I found that out when I went through ME last year. I thought I had finally found eggs that I didn't react to but I guess not. They told me to keep it out of my diet for 3 to 6 months and then try again and see if I react again. If I do react again I guess I won't be able to eat eggs again :(. I am going to do LIHI BSB tomorrow. I hope it isn't as tough. Good job on Imax 3. Nice that you got a better nights sleep.

Roxie good job on KCM TLC Boxing. Sorry that work is not going well for you right now. Sometimes a good workout is just what you need to relive the stress. I am going to try introducing eggs again in 3 to 6 months to see if I react again. If I do I guess they will be off limits to me.

This morning I did Low Impact High Intensity Hiit.

Have a great day everyone.

Last night I did LIHI Legs. I tried something new last night. Whenever I did lunges, split jumps, power scissor type moves, I was hitting my knees on the floor and getting bumps and bruises. I bought some low profile volleyball knee pads and used them last night. Worked like a charm.

Pam Great job on Imax 3! So glad you got better sleep. That can make or break you some times. I would say I get better lower body results from Get Glutes and EBE2 than Cathe lower body workouts with the exception of maybe Meso 2 legs. No one compares to Cathe upper body though. Get Glutes and EBE2 are skimpy on upper body.

Roxie Great job on KCM TLC! I don’t know what is expected but that time you said you filled well over a 100 scripts sounded like a lot to me. I hope they gave you some ideas on what they expect of you. EBE2 is Edge Booty Extreme 2 from Ingrid Romero. It is a 7 workout program that focuses on muscle building through supersets with very little rest. I really enjoyed the 3 workouts I did but I am ready to change it up now.

Cheryl Great job on LI HiiT! Oh my, I don’t think I could hold a plank after LIHI CST. You are one tough cookie to do that. That is a really crazy reaction to eggs. Sounds like this ME program is good at helping identify possible allergen issues. I don’t eat eggs that often so giving them up probably wouldn’t too much for me but I know if you are used to eating something often, it would be tough. I have always wanted to go vegan but I don’t think I could give up pizza night with all that extra gooey cheese.

Have a great day!
Roxie Glad to hear that your DH is doing well. Great job on KCM TLC boxing. Oh boy, it sounded like you were really filling a lot of scripts, what do they expect? Workouts are a great way to relieve some stress at least!

Cheryl That is interesting about the soy getting in the eggs if the chickens eat grains, I had never really thought about that, but it makes sense. Hopefully you won't have to give up eggs forever! Great job on LI Hiit and also on doing those plank jacks after LIHI CST. Ouch!

Julie Great job on LIHI legs and your innovation with the knee pads! That was a great idea. I guess I am not getting low enough on my lunges, split jumps and scissors, because hitting the floor has never been an issue for me! o_O Hmmm....myabe I will need to look into some of these other lower body workouts.

This morning was PLB for me. My better sleep didn't last long, I was awake at 2 last night :mad:. DH gets home from Germany tonight so I imagine he will be waking up in the middle of the night too. :eek: As I was getting in the shower this morning the phone rang. It's always a little scary when the phone rings before 7 am. It was my sister, she had been at a sleep study overnight and my mom was supposed to pick her up between 5 and 6 am and had not shown up. She called her son at work and he said that she was already gone when he left for work at 4:30! So I went and picked up my sister and then went looking for my mother. Luckily I spotted her car headed for home when I was on my way back to the sleep study place and turned around and followed her home. She got lost and I guess had been driving around for hours! I had told my sister to call the police and put out a silver alert, but thankfully I found her before she did that. Nothing like a little drama to start the day. Have a good one.


P.S. Happy Back to the future day!
Julie good job on LIHI Legs. I don't have that problem with hitting my knees on the floor either. Good for you in being able to get down that far. The ME program is great with identifying any allergies or sensitivities with food. I have thought about becoming a vegetarian but I am not there yet. I do try to eat vegetarian a few days a week though. I think becoming vegan would take a lot of planning.

Pam I never knew that about eggs either until I did a bit of research. Wow you really had a stressful morning, I am glad that you mom was OK. Was your sister at the sleep study to see if she has sleep apnea? I had to go for a sleep study first for my diagnosis. Happy Back to the Future Day to you too. Tomorrow it will all be in the past instead.

Roxie that sounds crazy to have to fill 200 scripts in half a day.

This morning I did LIHI Back, Shoulders and Biceps and I added on core #2. I am really uncoordinated with those bike maneuver thingies. After that I did a bit of housework and went grocery shopping.

Have a great day everyone.

Most of my doctor appointments have been done. My blood tests consisted of 9 vials. Mammography and ultrasound of my breast was benign. I have what you call an oil cyst. No biggie. Life is still good. On the 13th of Nov. my last doctor appt. for this year will be a hearing test. Monday I start STS program again. I can't wait. I think I'll start with week 2.

I see you all are doing pretty good, will catch up with you, I'm not going anywhere for awhile.

Last night I did RWH LIHI CST! I got a few more decline pushups in there but not many and the range of motion was probably pitiful.

Pam Great job on PLB especially after a bad night’s sleep! How scary about your mom. I am guessing she doesn’t have a cell phone that she could have pulled over and called someone. I guess you got your morning jolt of adrenaline. No need for coffee after that.

Roxie That sounds like a lot of prescriptions to fill. I guess I can’t imagine that there would need to be 200 a day every day to be filled.

Cheryl Great job on LIHI BSB + core #2. I don’t always hit my knees but I usually start off hitting them and then get shallower over time. I am sure if I did an elimination diet I would find out I have a low tolerance of dairy. It seems when I eat too much of it I tend to get stuffy. I am afraid to find out for sure because I love Friday night pizza too much right now.

Janie You have been super busy with your doctors but it is good to take care of yourself. Glad to hear the breast issue was nothing to be concerned about but probably still annoying.

Have great day!
Roxie 200 scripts in a half day? Wow, that is almost 1 a minute! That must be a really busy pharmacy if they have that many scripts to fill! Hang in there!

Cheryl I'm not sure why my sister was at the sleep study. She has done them before and has sleep apnea and has a CPAP machine already, so I really don't know. Great job with LIHI BSB and Core #2. Those bike maneuvers are so awkward!

Janie So glad to hear that the mammogram and ultrasound were benign. I'm sure that was a huge relief! 9 vials of blood? I hope you have some left! ;) I hate getting blood drawn!

Julie Great job on RWH LIHI CST and doing more pushups! I have that on the calendar for tomorrow and now I am feeling challenged! My mom does have a phone, but doesn't know how to use it so I don't think she even takes it with her. She has a GPS but doesn't know how to use that either :( I have been trying to get her tested for dementia, but she has been fighting me tooth and nail. Maybe this incident will help.

This morning for me was Intensity and I added on the abs from Cardio and Weights. It was really tough. I am blaming the jet lag and the fact that I have come down with a cold, but of course that one is always tough. I put away my step after the first step section, thinking it was time for Hiit. I somehow forgot about the three step rounds with blasts! So I had to get the step back out. That gave me a little bonus break at least! Have a great day!

Good Afternoon,

I did LIS Lower Body Trisets and Stability Ball Abs from Basic Step. That 200 hundred is the amount being called on npt what people bring on or doctors calling in. Total disaster today doesn't pay to have the afternoon off.

Pam-that ab work is killer.
Janie I am glad that your mammography and ultra sound were benign. 9 vials of blood is a lot and I am happy to hear that most of your tests are done. Nice for you to start up with STS again.

Julie good job on RWH LIHI CST and doing more decline push ups. Even if you have a low tolerance to dairy you could still have your Friday night pizza. I wish I only got stuffed up when I ate something that doesn't agree with me. My symptoms are a bit more than that.

Pam good job on Intensity and the abs from Cardio and Weights. Too funny that you forgot about the blasts, you really wanted that workout over didn't you. I hope you get over your cold soon.

Roxie good job on LIS Lower Body Trisets and stability ball abs from basic step. That is still one heck of a lot of scripts to fill is half a day.

I was really tired and sore today so I decided to do Yoga Relax. One of our cats couldn't decide last night if he wanted to be under the covers or not so he was in and then out and then he wanted in and then he wanted out and so on and so on. Tonight I will shut the bedroom door but I bet he will cry and will probably keep me awake anyway.

Have a great day everyone.


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