Janie Great job on your circuit training! Are you moving back from the beach? Is that what the packing and moving is?
Julie Great job on LBB and the endless elevated lunges. I get to where I am whimpering during those! Oh no, Ozzie needs to relax on the breakfast and let you get your sleep! Yep, once a week is better than none a week and it sounds like they are pretty effective when you do the core workouts! I was feeling quite tough after my pikes yesterday
This morning was supposed to be Step Heat but I don't like that one so I did power max instead. Our roads are mostly clear today but of course schools are still closed and we decided to work at home again anyway. have a great day.
Julie Great job on LBB and the endless elevated lunges. I get to where I am whimpering during those! Oh no, Ozzie needs to relax on the breakfast and let you get your sleep! Yep, once a week is better than none a week and it sounds like they are pretty effective when you do the core workouts! I was feeling quite tough after my pikes yesterday
This morning was supposed to be Step Heat but I don't like that one so I did power max instead. Our roads are mostly clear today but of course schools are still closed and we decided to work at home again anyway. have a great day.