I gave my hoover floormate a whirl yesterday.
Pros- Picks up the dirty water. The water was dark muddy brown

Leaves the floor virtually dry. Slightly damp and dried within minutes.
It does not feel heavy. Same as a regular vacuum.
Will be great for quick and less back breaking scrubbing!
Left the floor looking clean and judging by the water, I was leaving a lot dirt behind with a push mop.
The water reservoir is small requiring more frequent refills and empty.
You need to go over heavy dirt spots a few times
Does not scrub as hard as I do on my hands and knees.
The unit itself it not sturdy. I can't see this lasting longer than a year(note-I abuse vacuum cleaners).
I'm happy with my purchase. I wish I could find a commercial grade scrubber. I would invest in one because I have a lot of tile in my house! I think this model doesn't scrub as hard as I like because it's light weight.
I wouldn't mind owning a steam mop too. I would use the hoover first, then go back and sanitize with the steam.