Sound question for Hardcore's


Active Member
Can somone be so kind as to tell me if all the Harcore series has a sound issue or was this fixed half way through printing? I want to make sure I buy the DVD's without the low sound if available. If not, I'll handle the sound issue, just would like to know,
I didn't have any problems with mine. I thought it sounded great. I run my DVDs with a pc MediaCenter and whatever speakers my husband has which I am sure didn't cost much.

I have no problems with my HC DVD's, and I was one of the poor souls who pre-ordered late and had to wait a while to receive mine. In other words, I got some of the later DVD's, so hopefully you shouldn't have a sound issue when you receive yours (you're going to order them, right??? You're getting sleepy - very sleepy -- order Cathe's Hard Core series. Do it right away. When I snap my fingers, you will awake and immediately place your order :7 )
Thanks! I am definitely ordering the HC series because I almost own all her others! I'm glad not all of the DVD's have sound issues. It will make it an even better experience!
Thanks gals!

You should contact Chris Williams in Customer Service first - he told me there would not be any changes made to future replications of the HardCore DVDs.

I have serious issues with the sound quality - completely unable to hear the music in LowMax, KickMax and two others. I tried it on several DVD players/TV setups (brand new DVD player & TV) and tried all of Chris' suggestions to no avail. (He had suggested changing your audio settings to PCM, for example).

It's very frustrating because I like most of the workouts but can't get motivated to do them because I have to crank the volume up to 100 decibels and all I can hear is Cathe shrieking - and the sounds of feet pounding on the step, for instance - before I can hear the music.

Many other folks had the same problems as I did and SNM will not issue any kind of refund or credit. Also the new Target workouts & any upcoming series will all be done using the exact same sound system, production company & distribution/duplication firm...

Hope you get what you need... have you checked on the YaYa's swaps? The HardCores are going for much less than their original pre-order price there...

Dawn P.
Hi bettyboo,

Sounds funny to say that because that is what my husband calls me :7 .

I was one of those people who was very happy with my order. No problems. I am ok with the reply from SNM about future DVD production. I would concede that it would be nice to have louder music volume. After all, haven't we all blown out our hearing with loud music }( . Seriously, loud music does make the workouts more enjoyable for me. I also understand the need for others to be able to hear the instructions from Cathe. If you decide to buy, I would suggest buying from SNM directly, unless you just like buying used or trading. I say this because there seems to be a lot of piracy lately.

I hope you like them if you get them,
I have had no problems at all with this series. The sound has been fine on mine. Actually, my only problem has been trying to force myself to do some other rotations! I love this series!

>Hope you get what you need... have you checked on the YaYa's
>swaps? The HardCores are going for much less than their
>original pre-order price there...
>Dawn P.

Thanks Dawn, I am searching the swap. There is no way I will pay full price for DVD's with sound issues, especially if I can't return them. Clare, on this board has been kind enough to get me started on Cathe (Thanks again Clare!) by selling her used VHS's. I am totally hooked now!

Jordan - Your DH calls you Bettyboo? How cute! I picked this name because our little black whippet/lab (dog) (which recently had to be sadly put down because of illness)was named Betty and we always called her Bettyboo. It's an endearing name

I find the volume of music-to-voice to be lower than in previous series. On some DVD's (like Stretch Max), it's worse than on others. I've gotten used to it.

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