Cathe, my heart goes out to you. You must have dreaded posting this announcement SO much, knowing what brats we can be. PLEASE don't worry about us...I have a ton of fabulous Cathe workouts & rotations to use, & when the new ones come it will be even more fun than usual to receive them.
I don't care one whit how long the workouts take, I only care for your health & well-being. Please relax, take several DEEEEP breaths, maybe a little meditation, & follow your doc's advice.
Anyone who doesn't care to wait any longer can easily remedy their situation. You're worrying & stressing over us & we are flattered, but we don't want our reaction to be your focus. We want you to concentrate on yourself & your medical care, realizing that one set of workouts is not anywhere near what you have at stake.
Take care, much love & ((((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))))

I don't care one whit how long the workouts take, I only care for your health & well-being. Please relax, take several DEEEEP breaths, maybe a little meditation, & follow your doc's advice.
Anyone who doesn't care to wait any longer can easily remedy their situation. You're worrying & stressing over us & we are flattered, but we don't want our reaction to be your focus. We want you to concentrate on yourself & your medical care, realizing that one set of workouts is not anywhere near what you have at stake.
Take care, much love & ((((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))))