So who do you want to win the Biggest Loser?


I was curious who people were routing for on the Biggest Loser? This is my first time watching the series, so I don't even know how the winner 'wins'. Is it just a finally weigh in? That seems like there is to much chance involved..
Out of those left for the finale it's whoever loses the largest percentage of total weight from the beginning of the season.

I was curious who people were routing for on the Biggest Loser? This is my first time watching the series, so I don't even know how the winner 'wins'. Is it just a finally weigh in? That seems like there is to much chance involved..

My favorite to win is Tara - it will be between her & Mike, I'm sure.
I would love it if Tara wins or maybe the young guy.

They should have the biggest loser for teen show. It wouldn't bother me if teens got yelled at. :)
I want Tara to win, but I think that Mike will win.

I think that it will be interesting to see who wins the at home challenge. I have no idea who will win that.
I'm also rooting for Mike. I think it will be between him and Tara. I never clicked with Tara but she also does deserve to win. She was never below the yellow line and won almost all the challenges. She has some real fierce determination.

The last show, I thought Mike has a thing for Tara. Anyone from MI is who I want to win so Tara, although I like her, I am rooting for my home state. I can't wait to see the grey team on the finale.

I like Mike and he has done amazing - but he is all about game play too.

What I love about Tara is she hasn't really gotten involved in the "game play" just wants to lose weight - and her fierce determination is inspiring!
Ditto ditto! I love Tara's motivation but I love Mike's determination. This is the first season that I have tried to watch every episode. To be honest, I usually steer clear of contest/reality shows but this one is very good and it is SO motivating! And I have to admit, I am misty-eyed at the end of every week. I am such a sap! :)
This is the first season I've watched so I am curious to see how the finale plays out.

- Mike
- Tara
- Helen

is my order of preference. But honestly, I think they all have things to recommend them and I'd be ok with any of them.
I hope Tara wins. I'm not a fan of Mike but he's done a tremendous job and will probably win. Ron is aggravating and should have been sent home long ago. I haven't liked Helen since she voted her own daughter off. Tara is the strongest person I've ever seen.

I also hope that Mike would win, but I have no problems with Tara winning.

This is also my firt time watching the show, and I find it extremely interesting and motivating!
I find myself rooting for all of them. I do have to say that Helen is getting SKINNY! Did you see her in that outfit she bought for herself. She looks remarkable. Tara probably deserves it I suppose, but then again, they all deserve it!
About Mike

I've been thinking about Mike & the fact that between this week's & next week's shows, they all have to go home for 30 days - I'm thinking Mike's time at home may be shakey with that food dysfunctional (spelling?) family of his! Let's hope he will have gotten his brother to join in the weight battle, too. I believe Tara will have the most successful time at home, as with all her other challenges. What a warrior she is!
Mike. i think he is a great role model for teens and young adults.

This season's cast is probably my favorite so far...they all worked so hard and truly look amazing. I can't wait to see how they all look at the finale.

I like them much better than last season's crew...

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